Aharon: 59 books

Book cover of Finding the Fountain of Youth: The Science and Controversy behind Extending Life and Cheating Death
by Aharon W. Zorea Ph.D.
Language: English
Release Date: April 26, 2017

While the story of 16th-century explorer Juan Ponce de León futilely searching for the Fountain of Youth is likely a myth, it is true that for many centuries, mankind has sought "a cure for aging." Today, the anti-aging and longevity industry is a multibillion-dollar industry, and medical...
Book cover of The Internet as Second Action Space
by Aharon Kellerman
Language: English
Release Date: July 11, 2014

One of the most significant and important advancements in information and communication technology over the past 20 years is the introduction and expansion of the Internet. Now almost universally available, the Internet brings us email, global voice and video communications, research repositories,...
Book cover of Civil–Military Relations in Israel

Civil–Military Relations in Israel

Essays in Honor of Stuart A. Cohen

by Oren Barak, Eyal Ben-Ari, Amichai Cohen
Language: English
Release Date: August 14, 2014

This book, a collection of essays in honor of Stuart Cohen, examines a variety of issues in civil-military relations (CMR) in Israel and abroad. Beyond honoring Cohen’s work, this collection makes a substantial contribution to the field for a number of reasons. First, it brings together prominent...
Book cover of Human Dignity

Human Dignity

The Constitutional Value and the Constitutional Right

by Aharon Barak
Language: English
Release Date: January 26, 2015

Human dignity is now a central feature of many modern constitutions and international documents. As a constitutional value, human dignity involves a person's free will, autonomy, and ability to write a life story within the framework of society. As a constitutional right, it gives full expression...
Book cover of The Gulf Crisis and its Global Aftermath
by Gad Barzilai, Aharon Klieman, Gil Shidlo
Language: English
Release Date: February 5, 2016

The crisis in the Gulf of 1990-1 affected more than just the regional powers in the area. Rippling outward, its military, economic and political effects were felt throughout the international political system, testing US steadfastness in the face of Saddam Hussein’s political survival, European...
Book cover of Steroids
by Aharon W. Zorea Ph.D.
Language: English
Release Date: April 25, 2014

A thorough, balanced examination of the controversies on the therapeutic and non-therapeutic use of steroids that covers both legal medical therapy and illegal performance enhancement. • Examines the historical trends leading to steroid use as part of social attitudes and problems related...
Book cover of Theory and Applications of Ocean Surface Waves
by Chiang C Mei, Michael Aharon Stiassnie, Dick K-P Yue;;
Language: English
Release Date: March 15, 2018

This book set is a revised version of the 2005 edition of Theory and Applications of Ocean Surface Waves. It presents theoretical topics on ocean wave dynamics, including basic principles and applications in coastal and offshore engineering as well as coastal oceanography. Advanced analytical and...
Book cover of Animal Husbandry in Ancient Israel

Animal Husbandry in Ancient Israel

A Zooarchaeological Perspective on Livestock Exploitation, Herd Management and Economic Strategies

by Aharon Sasson
Language: English
Release Date: April 8, 2016

Animals have been used to human advantage for thousands of years. 'Animal Husbandry in Ancient Israel' presents an analysis of caprines and cattle husbandry in the Southern Levantine Bronze and Iron Age. The book employs key methodological approaches - comparative analysis, taphonomy, Geographic Information...
Book cover of Personal Mobilities
by Aharon Kellerman
Language: English
Release Date: November 22, 2006

Personal Mobilities provides a systematic study of personal movement focusing on the dimensions of space, individuals, societies and technologies. Kellerman examines a variety of personal mobilities, including air transportation, through several perspectives, examining the human need for movement,...
Book cover of Il partigiano Edmond
by Aharon Appelfeld
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 19, 2017

UNO DEGLI ULTIMI GRANDI TESTIMONI DELLA SHOAH SCRIVE IL ROMANZO DELLA RESISTENZA EBRAICA Ucraina, ultimo anno di guerra. Sfuggito per un soffio alla deportazione, Edmond a diciassette anni è entrato in una banda di partigiani ebrei capeggiata dal carismatico Kamil. Gli addestramenti quotidiani,...
Book cover of Child Abuse
by O. Ayalon, E. Deutsch, B.M. Dickens
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

The Medicolegal Library is the first and only series of its kind. Its importance is self-evident. During the last decade, science, especial­ ly medical practice, has become an increasingly complex undertak­ ing. Recent dramatic developments in medicine have given rise to both theoretical controversies...
Book cover of Mereologies, Ontologies, and Facets

Mereologies, Ontologies, and Facets

The Categorial Structure of Reality

by Paul M. W. Hackett, Alison L. Greggor, Gal Yehezkel
Language: English
Release Date: July 15, 2018

The assignment events, objects, state of beings, etc., to an experiential category is a fundamental activity carried out by human (and by other animals). So rudimentary are the processes involved in categorizing that it is indeed impossible to imagine conscious awareness to exist without the presence...
Book cover of De onsterfelijke Bartfuss
by Aharon Appelfeld
Language: Dutch
Release Date: September 26, 2013

Appelfeld vertelt het verhaal van Bartfuss, `de onsterfelijke genoemd vanwege zijn kamp ervaringen. Gevangen in een tragisch huwelijk worstelt Bartfuss met gevoelens en herinneringen die hem angst aanjagen en tegenstaan, en probeert hij tegelijkertijd waardigheid en compassie levend te houden essentiële...
Book cover of From My Vast Repertoire ...

From My Vast Repertoire ...

Guido Altarelli's Legacy

by Stefano Forte, Aharon Levy, Giovanni Ridolfi
Language: English
Release Date: October 23, 2018

Guido Altarelli was a leading figure in 20th century particle physics. His scientific contributions and leadership played a key role in the development of the Standard Model of fundamental interactions, as well as the current search for new physics beyond it, both at and beyond CERN. This book is...
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