Alain: 2045 books

Book cover of Vertebral metastases
by Vincent Pointillart, Alain Ravaud, Jean Palussiere
Language: English
Release Date: March 14, 2013

Tumors cells no longer confined to an affected organ can be released through lymph and the blood stream, disseminate and form metastases. Metastases to the spine are frequent, may be painful and may occur in an isolated or multiple level manner, they may lead to structural failure of the spinal column...
Book cover of Neinstein’s Adolescent and Young Adult Health Care
by Lawrence S. Neinstein, Debra K. Katzman, Todd Callahan
Language: English
Release Date: February 22, 2016

Highly regarded as the go-to-resource of adolescent medicine for more than 30 years, Neinstein’s Adolescent and Young Adult Health Care remains the #1 choice for those involved in the care of adolescents and young adults. The 6th Edition continues to deliver practical, authoritative guidance on...
Book cover of What is Hell Like? Biblical Record Confirmed by Personal Narratives
by Alain Jacon
Language: English
Release Date: March 11, 2014

Not your typical book about Hell, this book is a compilation of accounts of people who claim to have visited Hell through a near death or out-of-body experience. The people are diverse, young or adult, from various countries and Christian or non-Christian. In most cases, the people weren’t aware...
Book cover of Living in Victory

Living in Victory

The Journey from Where I Am to Where He Wants Me to Be

by Alain Walljee
Language: English
Release Date: November 29, 2016

Many Christians are frustrated because their respective realities do not seem to be consistent with the promises of the Word of God. In Living in Victory, we go to where Christians currently stand, and show them the way to victorious living.One consistent truth about God reflected throughout the Bible...
Book cover of Annales ABC du BAC 2015 Histoire - Géographie Term ES.L
by Pascal JEZEQUEL, Alain Rajot, Christian Noel
Language: French
Release Date: May 7, 2015

Des sujets sur tout le programme pour réussir le Bac ! - 43 sujets conformes au nouveau Bac - Les sujets complets du Bac 2014 - Un minutage pour se mettre dans les conditions de l'épreuve - Tous les corrigés clairs et détaillés avec des encadrés d'aide rédigés par des enseignants - Des conseils et des astuces des correcteurs : pièges à éviter, pensez-y, l'astuce du prof...
Book cover of Researching Across Languages and Cultures

Researching Across Languages and Cultures

A guide to doing research interculturally

by Anna Robinson-Pant, Alain Wolf
Language: English
Release Date: October 4, 2016

We are working within an increasingly globalised knowledge economy, where researchers collaborate in cross-cultural teams, collect data in a variety of languages and share findings for international audiences who may be unfamiliar with the cultural context. Researching across Languages and Cultures...
Book cover of Nonlinear Vibrations and the Wave Equation
by Alain Haraux
Language: English
Release Date: May 2, 2018

This book gathers the revised lecture notes from a seminar course offered at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro in 1986, then in Tokyo in 1987. An additional chapter has been added to reflect more recent advances in the field.
Book cover of On va où aujourd’hui? Île de Montréal
by Alain Demers
Language: French
Release Date: February 5, 2016

Grâce au chapitre On va où aujourd’hui? Chapitre île de Montréal, vous êtes en vacances dès que vous avez un peu de temps libre, et ce, dans la métropole. Ce chapitre présente de nombreuses excursions à petits prix à Montréal. On y trouve des idées de sorties pour toutes les saisons,...
Book cover of Basic French in Twelve Weeks - New
by Alain Bertocchi
Language: English
Release Date: July 8, 2015

The purpose of this book is to help you create your own personal phrase book. Instead of giving you a couple of thousand readymade sentences, I help you understand the mechanism of the French language. Once the mechanism of a language is understood all you have to do is get the parts...
Book cover of 我談的那場戀愛


Essays in Love

by 艾倫.狄波頓, Alain de Botton
Language: Chinese
Release Date: May 25, 2001

◎全球暢銷200萬本,狄波頓23歲一鳴驚人之作。 ◎一本赤裸裸的戀愛全紀錄,見證戀人的天真與算計,以及愛情的幻滅與重生。 不可避免的是遇見愛情,而不是你遇見的這個人。 從巴黎往倫敦的飛機上,一場機率只有5840.82分之1的戀愛發生了。他80分之1的人生,將由一位名叫珂蘿葉的女孩所掠奪。從第一個吻、第一場爭執、心碎醒悟到下一場戀愛,他也終將發現一個永恆不朽的真理:戀愛使人癱瘓。 都說戀人是面鏡子,但要做對方的鏡子並不容易,理智問:你看上他哪一點?情感問:你想在他身上看到什麼?狄波頓融合理性與感性,細膩生動地呈現戀人的內心小劇場。說穿了,把愛情的虛幻看得再透徹並沒有多大幫助,畢竟了解自己可能是傻子,也不能變成智者。因為我們每次信誓旦旦地說再也不要愛了,卻總是自打嘴巴地陷入一場又一場的戀愛。 關於戀愛,狄波頓這麼說~ 「我再打給你。」電話在沒有回電的愛人魔掌中,變成折磨人的刑具。 當愛人給的信號曖昧不明時,害羞是最好的解釋:愛人對我有意思,但不好意思說? 被愛者尊、愛人者卑,愛情宣告我無法做自己。我不會問:「我是誰?」而是問:「我是她的誰?」 說謊有兩種:為了開脫而說謊、為了被愛而說謊。 她對鞋子的特殊品味,讓我忍不住自問:她怎能同時喜歡這雙鞋和我呢? ◆各界推薦 《我談的那場戀愛》是人人必讀的當代愛情經典。──美國作家 雪莉兒‧海蒂 字字珠璣、笑中帶淚,精準的觀察與犀利的見解,難怪大家讀了又讀、傳了又傳。──英國作家 法蘭辛‧普斯 狄波頓是國家寶藏。──英國作家 蘇珊‧希爾 我真懷疑狄波頓這輩子有沒有寫過一句乏味的句子。──英國作家 珍‧莫里斯 你若能想像出一個受過古典教育薰陶的伍迪‧艾倫,就知道本書敘述者的風格。這是狄波頓初試啼聲的作品,他好像是為了寫作而來到這個世界的。──《波士頓週日環球報》 本書又睿智又好笑,正如一杯濃烈的咖啡,令看膩庸俗愛情故事的讀者猛然驚醒,神清氣朗。──《新聞與觀察家》 狄波頓以既嘲諷又嚴肅的哲學問題,探討激情。這是一本詭異的小說,戲而不謔,驚奇連連。本書成功之處是它精簡深刻的文字、純然的幽默,以及對於讀者領悟力的尊重與信任。──《新共和》 好像法國哲學家笛卡兒為美國《大都會雜誌》寫的文章...
Book cover of The Penalty Area
by Alain Gillot
Language: English
Release Date: September 6, 2016

The Penalty Area is a heartwarming novel about overcoming adversity, making human connections, and playing the glorious game of soccer.  Vincent once had a shot at becoming a professional soccer player, but a career-ending injury put an end to his dreams. A tough kid from a poor family, he...
Book cover of Nutty Circus
by Virginia Schilli, Camille Adler, L. Williams
Language: French
Release Date: August 25, 2018

Monstres de foire, mentalistes inquiétants, numéros angoissants... Le cirque fascine, dérange ou émerveille. Qu’il soit itinérant ou en dur, nous vous ouvrons les portes de ces spectacles décalés. Nutty Circus : un show unique en son genre qui vous fera frissonner, de peur, de dégoût, d’excitation...
Book cover of Principes d’économie politique avec leurs applications en philosophie sociale
by Alain Laurent, John Stuart Mill
Language: French
Release Date: April 15, 2016

Premier opus de maturité de l’immense penseur et économiste anglais que fut John Stuart Mill (1806-1873), les Principles of Political Economy with some of their Applications to Social Philosophy ont été maintes fois réédités après leur parution initiale en 1848 : ils furent en effet « le...
Book cover of Fabuleux Pérou: La Selva
by Alain Legault
Language: French
Release Date: November 17, 2015

Partez à la découverte de la région péruvienne de La Selva avec ce chapitre tout en couleurs, extrait du guide Ulysse Fabuleux Pérou et Équateur. Formidable source de vie et régénératrice d’eau et d’énergie, la Selva s’étend sur un peu plus de 60% du pays, mais les Péruviens évoquent...
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