Alexander B : 97 books

Book cover of Perry Rhodan Neo Paket 8: Protektorat Erde

Perry Rhodan Neo Paket 8: Protektorat Erde

Perry Rhodan Neo Romane 73 bis 84

by Oliver Plaschka, Rüdiger Schäfer, Frank Borsch
Language: German
Release Date: December 4, 2014

November 2037: Perry Rhodan kehrt nach zahlreichen Abenteuern ins Sonnensystem zurück. Entsetzt muss der Raumfahrer feststellen, dass die Position der Erde nicht mehr geheim ist - mittlerweile sind die Arkoniden gelandet. Die Soldaten des Großen Imperiums haben die Erde besetzt und überall ihre...
Book cover of Once Upon a WolfPack
by CW Hawes, Angie-Marie Delsante, Lori Katherine
Language: English
Release Date: May 19, 2019

We are a pack, #WolfPackAuthors. We expand exposure for our books, help one another through the process, pick each other up when the lonely life of writing gets us down. As with wolves, words can be dangerous or healing. The reintroduction of the wolf, hunted near extinction, carries far-reaching...
Book cover of Heredity Explored

Heredity Explored

Between Public Domain and Experimental Science, 1850–1930

by Ulrike Vedder, Diane B. Paul, Hamish G. Spencer
Language: English
Release Date: July 29, 2016

Investigations of how the understanding of heredity developed in scientific, medical, agro-industrial, and political contexts of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. This book examines the wide range of scientific and social arenas in which the concept of inheritance gained relevance...
Book cover of Saving Beauty

Saving Beauty

A Theological Aesthetics of Nature

by Kathryn B. Alexander
Language: English
Release Date: August 1, 2014

Kathryn B. Alexander argues that natural beauty is a source of religious insight into the need and way of salvation, and this project develops a theological aesthetics of nature and beauty with an aim toward cultivating a theological and ethical framework for redeemed life as participation in ecological...
Book cover of The Book of Numbers - In the Wilderness
by Kenneth B. Alexander JD
Language: English
Release Date: July 20, 2013

Introduction to NumbersThe fourth book of the Hebrew Torah (The Law) called the "Pentateuch" in Greek, is the Book we know as "Numbers". In the Hebrew Bible it is called "be-midbar" meaning "in the wilderness." In the Greek Septuagint version of the Bible (LXX)...
Book cover of The Fate of the Forest

The Fate of the Forest

Developers, Destroyers, and Defenders of the Amazon, Updated Edition

by Susanna B. Hecht, Alexander Cockburn
Language: English
Release Date: January 15, 2011

The Amazon rain forest covers more than five million square kilometers, amid the territories of nine different nations. It represents over half of the planet’s remaining rain forest. Is it truly in peril? What steps are necessary to save it? To understand the future of Amazonia, one must know how...
Book cover of Nanodiamond
by Amanda Barnard, Alexander Ya. Vul, Anke Krueger
Language: English
Release Date: March 18, 2014

The exceptional mechanical, optical, surface and biocompatibility properties of nanodiamond have gained it much interest. Exhibiting the outstanding bulk properties of diamond at the nanoscale in the form of a film or small particle makes it an inexpensive alternative for many applications. Nanodiamond...
Book cover of War Photographs Taken on the Battlefields of the Civil War
by Mathew B. Brady, Alexander Gardner
Language: English
Release Date: June 1, 2013

Fought over the course of four years, the Civil War pitted countrymen against countrymen, North versus South, friend against friend, and brother against brother. The photographs within these pages document the war that united America as one. These rare shots were taken in the middle of the...
Book cover of Applied Ethics in Mental Health Care

Applied Ethics in Mental Health Care

An Interdisciplinary Reader

by Charles E Rosenberg, Ralph B Little, Edward A Strecker
Language: English
Release Date: September 27, 2013

Discussions of key ethical dilemmas in mental health care, including consent, trauma and violence, addiction, confidentiality, and therapeutic boundaries. This book discusses some of the most critical ethical issues in mental health care today, including the moral dimensions of addiction, patient...
Book cover of ... und den Mond als Licht für die Nacht

... und den Mond als Licht für die Nacht

Andachten zur Nacht im Kirchenjahr

by Michael Weinrich, Magdalene L. Frettlöh, Barbara Müller
Language: German
Release Date: June 19, 2013

74 Texte zur Nacht, 74 profilierte Autorinnen und Autoren: Der Band bietet eine einzigartige Sammlung verschiedener Zugänge, Stile, Einfälle und Gedanken. Bibelstellen zur Nacht sind den Sonntagen und Festtagen des Kirchenjahrs zugeordnet, so dass keiner leer ausgeht. Der Band eignet sich für Abendandachten...
Book cover of Jewish Men Pray

Jewish Men Pray

Words of Yearning, Praise, Petition, Gratitude and Wonder from Traditional and Contemporary Sources

by Daniel S. Alexander, Alexandri, Bezalel Aloni
Language: English
Release Date: April 30, 2013

A celebration of Jewish men's voices in prayer—to strengthen, to heal, to comfort, to inspire from the ancient world up to our own day. "An extraordinary gathering of men—diverse in their ages, their lives, their convictions—have convened in this collection to offer contemporary,...
Book cover of Achieving sustainable production of milk Volume 3

Achieving sustainable production of milk Volume 3

Dairy herd management and welfare

by Prof. Jeffrey Rushen, Dr Jan Hultgren, Dr Jennie E. Pryce
Language: English
Release Date: August 7, 2017

Reviews advances in understanding and improving the welfare of dairy cattle;  Summarises current research on rumen biology, digestion and ways of optimising nutrition of dairy cattle from grazing to feed and feed supplements;  Discusses latest developments in maintaining the health of dairy cattle, including the genetics of disease resistance and dairy herd health management
Book cover of Vertigo and Dizziness
by Alexander A. Tarnutzer, Béla Büki
Language: English
Release Date: December 19, 2013

Vertigo and dizziness rate among the most frequently occurring presenting complaints in neurology and in general medical practice. Since most patients do not have acute complaints at the time of examination, the clinician requires keen judgment in making a diagnosis, as patients often report confusing,...
Book cover of How the Kingdom of God Is Manifested On the Earth
by Kenneth B. Alexander
Language: English
Release Date: May 4, 2013

Jesus said: "Pray this Way... [the Father's Kingdom] come, His will be done, On earth as it is in heaven" (Matthew 6:10). Long have Christians struggled to do "good" so they could die and go to Heaven, thinking Heaven was some faraway place in the sky. Actually the Heaven they...
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