Alexander Patrick: 24 books

Book cover of Shadowrun: World of Shadows
by John Helfers, Michael A. Stackpole, Mel Odom
Language: English
Release Date: February 6, 2016

DARKNESS EVERYWHERE... The Sixth World is a dangerous place, with deadly hazards lurking around every corner. Everywhere shadowrunners go, from the top of the world to the deepest, darkest sprawl neighborhood, someone’s always looking to make their rep by taking you down. World of...
Book cover of Between Two Worlds

Between Two Worlds

Jean Price-Mars, Haiti, and Africa

by Patrick Delices, Moussa Traoré, Esther I. Rodríguez-Miranda
Language: English
Release Date: February 7, 2018

Between Two Worlds: Jean Price-Mars, Haiti, and Africa is a special volume on Jean Price-Mars that reassesses the importance of his thought and legacy, and the implications of his ideas in the twenty-first century’s culture of political correctness, the continuing challenge of race and racism, and...
Book cover of Trinity
by Patrick Alexander
Language: English
Release Date: September 29, 2014

An ancient evil stirs in a temple long forgotten. For fifty years it has been trapped, as the world above prospered; its people in balance with one another. But the Dark King's malice and spite are unending and after fifty years of bombardment, cracks have begun to appear. Some of the people of Embre...
Book cover of Resurrection
by Patrick Alexander
Language: English
Release Date: March 25, 2016

A warrior priest lies wounded beyond measure, but refuses to succumb to death's siren call. While his ancient enemy gathers her strength and readies a plan to thrown the land of Embre into all out war. Can the warrior priest and his allies rally in time to avoid annihilation, or will all of their struggles be in vain? Find out in the third and final book of the Trinity collection.
Book cover of Sacrifice
by Patrick Alexander
Language: English
Release Date: September 19, 2015

An ancient evil defeated, the heroes return home, but something still feels off. Unable to fully process just what that something is, they are plunged into a fight for their very lives as a bestial war descends upon them. Can they repel this latest threat to their way of life while hunting for the answers they seek or are they already doomed?
Book cover of Southern Comfort
by Christopher Morgan, D. Travers Scott, John Patrick
Language: English
Release Date: November 1, 2016

A scorching tour through the less-traveled territories of gay desire! The American South is sweltering-and not just the climate. Indulge yourself in 16 tales of homosexual lust! Take in the distinctive language, the rich food, the tumultuous history-and of course the many contributions the Deep South...
Book cover of So werde ich ein Star

So werde ich ein Star

Clevere Tricks um nach oben zu kommen

by Patrick Alexander
Language: German
Release Date: March 11, 2019

Das eBook "So werde ich ein Star - Clevere Tipps um nach oben zu kommen" enthält zahlreiche Tipps und Tricks. Gleichzeitig warnt es die Leser vor überhöhten Erwartungen. Verblüffend sind die vielen Möglichkeiten, die es gibt, ein Star zu werden - egal aus welchen Bereichen die Star-Aspiranten...
Book cover of The Young and The Hung
by Adam McCabe, Barry Alexander, Christopher Morgan
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2016

Thirteen classic gay sex stories that will turn you on! These tales of lust are not for the faint-hearted: Be it an orgy with kinky twins, a blind date with a hot Puerto Rican, or a racy rendezvous with the most powerful men in the world - the hunks in these stories get to it without much ado. THE...
Book cover of Geile Typen teilen aus
by Matthew Rettenmund, David Evans, Tom Caffrey
Language: German
Release Date: December 6, 2016

Elf schwule Sex-Geschichten, in denen es richtig zur Sache geht! Das ist nichts für schwache Nerven, und schon gar nichts für müde Lenden: Ob wilde Gruppenorgie mit sexy Zwillingen, Blind Date mit einem heißen Puertoricaner oder ein Ausflug in die schwule Welt des US-Kongresses - hier geht es...
Book cover of Vorsicht Volk!

Vorsicht Volk!

Oder: Bewegungen im Wahn?

by Kerstin Köditz, Heiko Werning, Ivo Bozic
Language: German
Release Date: September 24, 2015

25 Jahre nach Unterzeichnung des Einheitsvertrages erobern überall in Deutschland wahnhafte Bewegungen die Straßen. Sie nennen sich Pegida, HoGeSa, Montagsmahnwachen, Reichsbürger oder Friedenswinter. Einige dieser Zusammenschlüsse sind offen antisemitisch, andere islamophobund wieder andere beides....
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