Altman: 156 books

Book cover of Connected: 24 Hours in the Global Economy
by Daniel Altman
Language: English
Release Date: September 2, 2008

What if you could look behind the headlines of the global economy to see how it really worked? Instead of listening to pundits, politicians, and protestors, you could see firsthand how everyone from migrant workers to central bank governors lived their lives. Then you could decide for yourself where...
Book cover of Look Me Up

Look Me Up

LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter & Social Networking Yourself to Job Search Success

by Jeff Altman
Language: English
Release Date: September 16, 2012

How would you like to have companies contacting you about opportunities, instead of always having to desperately chase them? How would you like to build your professional brand so that you are being pursued, so that opportunities land in your lap? In the new second edition of "Look...
Book cover of 正念情緒療法:放下你的情緒執念,重新啟動你的人生,實現你的內在價值
by 唐納德‧艾特曼(Donald Altman)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: February 6, 2018

正念是經過科學檢證,用來處理情緒最有效的方法   國際正念專家唐納德‧艾特曼,整合正念和最先進的神經科學, 告訴大家只要每天花幾分鐘,就能修正自己根深柢固的習性和模式。     正念可以幫助你放下過度思維、分析與批判的心,幫助你觀照造成困擾的情緒、接納自己,理解人生本質,找到自身價值,讓你從被困住的慣性思維中轉移開來。 用正念重新啟動你的生活,清理舊的情緒垃圾,幫助你尋得領悟、寧靜和滿足。   【為什麼正念的方法對處理情緒最有用?】 正念可以: **․幫助我們專注當下:**一份哈佛的研究發現,人在參與當下時最快樂,正念可以讓我們把注意力從過去的創傷或未來的焦慮中轉移,活在當下。 **․放下執念,培養接納的狀態:**生命不可預測,又不停改變,接納能讓我們安然度過生命中的風暴,並打從心底坦然接受周遭發生的事和內心的感受。 **․確立我們人生的目標:**留意做合乎目標的選擇,可以讓我們更用心生活,更重視利他和慈悲,讓每天產生的情緒垃圾減到最低,不會有情緒爛攤子要收拾。 **․幫助我們向內觀照自己的想法和情緒:**省思可以不讓自己的想法和情緒亂竄,也能看清自己的欲望和貪求,不讓自己陷入衝動反應。讓人生往全新的方向前進。 **․理解苦的本質:**可以讓我們理解情緒從何而來,拔除讓我們不快樂的原因,也能對他人更慈悲。 **․培養讓最深層價值成為重心的夥伴關係:**生命的目的,是讓最深層的價值成為重心,把這個價值帶入與他人共建的夥伴關係中,成長將超乎你的想像。   【正念的力量已席捲全世界】 正念源自佛教,但它對人內在平靜的功用近年來已為科學驗證,並發展出各種技巧,廣泛為世界各大企業、醫學界、教育界、運動領域……所使用。   最新科學研究顯示,情緒會影響我們的細胞,開啟和關閉負責免疫系統和老化的基因,它的影響,甚至可能跨越世代。   古老的佛教智慧+現代的腦神經科學技巧,能幫助你排解負面情緒,迅速減壓,帶你超越人生困境,實現更充實、更有意義的生活。   GOOGLE、高盛、麻州大學醫學院、哈佛大學醫學院……都在使用正念幫助員工及病患提高專注力、改善情緒管理能力、人際溝通能力、解除焦慮、憂鬱、睡眠障礙,增強免疫系統,並提高大腦效能。   ※本書適合所有對情緒問題有困擾的人,對佛教正念智慧感興趣卻不得其門而入的人、修行已有相當根基,想更進一步提升的人。   【本書特色】 ․每章末附簡單易行的實用正念練習工具,每天只要幾分鐘,就能幫助你清理情緒,從慣性思維中解放。 ․提供大量的科學舉證,讓你對正念可以有更現代化、更簡單易懂的體會。 ․結合豐富的個人案例及體會,讓你對如何以正念的方式生活,有更深入、貼近的體悟。   【誠心推薦】 唐納德‧艾特曼的去情緒雜物生活工具可能改寫你的腦部迴路,使你的心靈更澄澈,克服對極限的恐懼,改善你的人際關係,甚至消除當下的情緒雜物。——傑佛瑞‧舒瓦茲,醫師,《你不是你的腦》作者   正念專家唐納德‧艾特曼的嶄新力作,對於正念和情緒健康之間的關係帶來新的洞見,如果想透過正念使心靈成長與療癒,那麼本書提供的工具正是你所需要的。——艾瑞克‧梅賽爾,《生活目標重新啟動營》作者   本書提供簡單有效的工具以提升你的能力並放下情緒的包袱。——約翰‧包爾多尼,《以身作則展現勇氣和領導力》作者     作者/譯者簡介 作者簡介: 唐納德.艾特曼(Donald...
Book cover of The Kidfixer Baby Book

The Kidfixer Baby Book

An Easy-to-Use Guide to Your Baby's First Year

by Dr. Stuart Altman
Language: English
Release Date: December 18, 2007

IF BABIES CAME WITH A USER’S MANUAL–THIS WOULD BE IT! Here is a lifeline of reliable, reassuring information for those busy days and often sleepless nights from pregnancy through the first year. This trouble shooting, sanity-saving book covers more than five hundred topics–everything...
Book cover of One-Minute Mindfulness

One-Minute Mindfulness

50 Simple Ways to Find Peace, Clarity, and New Possibilities in a Stressed-Out World

by Donald Altman
Language: English
Release Date: August 20, 2011

Being fully in the moment is harder than it sounds, as anyone who has tried not to think about the past or future while meditating can attest. Yet the rewards of present-moment awareness, or mindfulness, are so great that in Buddhist psychology, it is considered a path to enlightenment. But...
Book cover of Harlequin Superromance December 2016 Box Set
by Janice Kay Johnson, Julianna Morris, Kathy Altman
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 2016

Harlequin® Superromance brings you a collection of four new novels, available now! Experience powerful relationships that deliver a strong emotional punch and a guaranteed happily ever after. This Superromance box set includes: A MOTHER’S CLAIM By Janice Kay Johnson It’s...
Book cover of Harlequin Superromance December 2017 Box Set
by Jennifer Lohmann, Kristina Knight, Kathy Altman
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 2017

Harlequin® Superromance brings you a collection of four new novels, available now! Experience powerful relationships that deliver a strong emotional punch and a guaranteed happily ever after. This Superromance box set includes: DATING BY NUMBERS by Jennifer Lohmann Economist...
Book cover of Edge of Passion
by Jim Williams, Jim Williams, Jeremy Hinchliff
Language: English
Release Date: January 23, 2015

An anthology of twenty-one crime, mystery, suspense and romance stories from nineteen authors, including Emmy-nominated John Goldsmith and Booker-nominated Jim Williams. This global collection of short stories from 400 to 7000 words covers everything from crime fiction to romantic suspense...
Book cover of Le dernier roman
by Catherine LANG, Antony ALTMAN
Language: French
Release Date: September 28, 2018

Les Intelligences artificielles écriront-elles les livres de demain ? « Roman à clés, satire réjouissante et réflexion sérieuse sur les pratiques actuelles de l'édition numérique »***« Bienvenue dans On achève bien les chevaux version littéraire. » Antony Rivoire, auteur...
Book cover of Gem and Stone

Gem and Stone

Jewels of Earth, Sea, and Sky

by Jenifer Altman
Language: English
Release Date: August 24, 2012

Gem and Stone celebrates 50 different gems ranging from timeless classics like diamond and emerald to exotic beauties such as lapis lazuli, peridot, and even petrified wood. Altman's photographs capture the splendor of each gem alongside brief text highlighting the stones' chemical makeups, metaphysical...
Book cover of Skyrocket Your Self-Esteem: 16 Easy and Fun Ways To Change Your Thoughts, Emotional Habits and Feel Better About Yourself Fast
by Alex Altman
Language: English
Release Date: May 3, 2015

Caution: Don't Let This Book Make You Too Confident!  "To The Men & Women Who Want To...Improve Their Confidence & Self-Esteem Right Now!"Do you seriously want to improve your self-esteem? My name is Alex Altman. You may not know me, however, that doesn't really matter... because......
Book cover of Sex Talk

Sex Talk

How to Tell Your Lover Exactly What You Want, Exactly When You Want It

by Carole Altman, Ph.D.
Language: English
Release Date: November 1, 2004

All the communication tools couples need to take their sex life to a new level. There you are, in the throes of passion, when suddenly, your partner shifts, just a tiny bit. Instead of plateauing, you begin to plummet. Communication is so important, but it's so difficult to tell your lover...
Book cover of The New Oxygen Prescription

The New Oxygen Prescription

The Miracle of Oxidative Therapies

by Nathaniel Altman
Language: English
Release Date: May 25, 2017

A guide to the latest research in oxygen therapies and their use on the path to optimum health • Presents new clinical advancements and scientific findings from Cuba, Italy, Spain, Russia, China, and the United States • Explores the effectiveness of oxidative therapies for treating...
Book cover of Soundtrack Available

Soundtrack Available

Essays on Film and Popular Music

by Rick Altman, Priscilla Barlow
Language: English
Release Date: December 3, 2001

From the silent era to the present day, popular music has been a key component of the film experience. Yet there has been little serious writing on film soundtracks that feature popular music. Soundtrack Available fills this gap, as its contributors provide detailed analyses of individual films as...
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