Ana Maria Ana Maria: 114 books

Book cover of Managing soil health for sustainable agriculture Volume 1
by Prof. Rainer Horn, Prof. Samira Daroub, Prof. Henry Lin
Language: English
Release Date: August 6, 2018

There has been growing concern that both intensive agriculture in the developed world and rapid expansion of crop cultivation in developing countries is damaging the health of soils which are the foundation of farming. At the same time we are discovering much more about how complex soils are as living...
Book cover of Demanding Justice and Security

Demanding Justice and Security

Indigenous Women and Legal Pluralities in Latin America

by Rachel Sieder, Adriana Terven Salinas, Emma Cervone
Language: English
Release Date: June 16, 2017

Across Latin America, indigenous women are organizing to challenge racial, gender, and class discrimination through the courts. Collectively, by engaging with various forms of law, they are forging new definitions of what justice and security mean within their own contexts and struggles. They have...
Book cover of Seelenfeuer


Geschichten und Gedichte über das ganz große Gefühl

by Alf Glocker, Ana Otera, Anja Kubica
Language: German
Release Date: May 20, 2012

. über die Liebe! Geschichten und Gedichte, geschrieben von Frauen und Männern, die die Geschehnisse ihres Herzens, ihrer Phantasie, ihrer Erlebnisse und ihre Gefühle zu Papier gebracht haben. Ein unvergleichliches Kaleidoskop an Emotionen, arrangiert zu einem wunderbaren Strauß von Sinnlichkeit...
Book cover of Gulf of Mexico Origin, Waters, and Biota

Gulf of Mexico Origin, Waters, and Biota

Volume 4, Ecosystem-Based Management

by Hector Alafita Vásquez, Mr. William W. Arzapalo, Donald M. Baltz
Language: English
Release Date: May 31, 2013

The fourth volume in the Harte Research Institute’s landmark scientific series on the Gulf of Mexico provides a comprehensive study of ecosystem-based management, analyzing key coastal ecosystems in eleven Gulf Coast states from Florida to Quintana Roo and presenting case studies in which this integrated...
Book cover of Educating Latino Students

Educating Latino Students

A Guide to Successful Practice

by Josefina Villamil Tinajero, Alma Flora Ada, Rebecca Benjamin
Language: English
Release Date: March 13, 2002

Latino/a students are in a unique position in today's society; teachers and administrators are in an influential position in educating them. Community, parents, and educators alike are poised to enable these students to gain the education they need for success. Chapters by recognized authors and successful...
Book cover of Questões que incomodam o Historiador
by Susani Silveira Lemos França, Maria Beatriz Nizza da Silva, Marcelo Jasmin
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: June 18, 2014

Variâncias e constâncias, realidade extralinguística e linguagem: a partir desses dois pares de opostos, este livro traz à tona discussões sobre as especificidades do fazer histórico. A cada ensaio o autor encontrará desdobradas questões que volta e meia são postas como problema para o historiador,...
Book cover of Engineering Computation of Structures: The Finite Element Method
by Maria Augusta Neto, Ana Amaro, Luis Roseiro
Language: English
Release Date: September 29, 2015

This book presents theories and the main useful techniques of the Finite Element Method (FEM), with an introduction to FEM and many case studies of its use in engineering practice. It supports engineers and students to solve primarily linear problems in mechanical engineering, with a main focus on...
Book cover of Participatory Modelling for Resilient Futures

Participatory Modelling for Resilient Futures

Action for Managing Our Environment from the Bottom-Up

by Maria A. Encinas-Escribano, Richard J. Hewitt, Veronica Hernandez-Jimenez
Language: English
Release Date: November 13, 2017

Participatory Modelling for Resilient Futures: Action for Managing Our Environment from the Bottom-Up, Volume One provides an important contribution to environmental management by introducing an integrative framework for participatory research for better land use and natural resource planning, organized...
Book cover of Mejora de las capacidades físicas y primeros auxilios para personas dependientes en el domicilio
by Ana Rosa Muñoz Sánchez, Maria del Rocío Guardeño Ligero
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 26, 2016

Efectuar las técnicas de traslado, movilización y deambulación y posicionamiento de un usuario en función de su grado de dependencia. Realizar técnicas de asistencia sanitaria de urgencia determinando la más adecuada en función de la situación y grado de aplicabilidad. Ebook ajustado al certificado...
Book cover of Reflexiones sobre cuerpos momificados
by Josefina Mansilla Lory, Ilán S. Leboreiro Reyna, María Teresa Menéndez Taboada
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 17, 2018

Reúnen las primeras tesis sobre la existencia de momias en el ámbito educativo y profesional
Book cover of Sintassi marcata dellitaliano delluso medio in prospettiva contrastiva con il francese, lo spagnolo, il tedesco e linglese
by Anna-Maria De Cesare, Davide Garassino, Rocío Agar Marco
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 1, 2016

Questo volume persegue un triplice obiettivo. In primo luogo, si descrivono le proprietà distribuzionali, formali e funzionali dei costrutti di sintassi marcata dell’italiano dell’uso medio alla luce del loro impiego nella scrittura dei quotidiani online, un tipo di testo ancora poco noto. In...
Book cover of Streifzüge durch die Romania

Streifzüge durch die Romania

Festschrift für Gabriele Beck-Busse zum 60. Geburtstag

by Ulrike Mühlschelgel, Gerda Haßler, Barbara Schäfer-Prieß
Language: German
Release Date: June 15, 2017

Dieser Band nimmt die Leser mit auf eine sprach- und kulturwissenschaftliche Reise durch die Romania − von Portugal, Spanien und Italien über Frankreich und Rumänien − und über ihre Grenzen hinaus bis nach Irland und Kanada. Den Schwerpunkt bilden dabei Untersuchungen aus den Gebieten der Grammatik-,...
Book cover of Regime Jurídico de Acesso e Exercício de Atividades de Comércio, Serviços e Restauração - Comentário ao Decreto-Lei n.º 10/2015, de 16 de janeiro (RJACSR)
by Fernanda Paula Oliveira; Maria Manuel Leitão Marques; Ana Cláudia Guedes; Mariana Maia Rafeiro
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: May 5, 2016

O presente Comentario visa ajudar a proxima fase do que pode designar-se por "ciclo de vida" de um regime juridico: a fase da aplicac?o do Regime Juridico de Acesso e Exercicio de Atividades de Comercio, Servicos e Restaurac?o (RJACSR), publicado em anexo ao Decreto-Lei n? 10/2015, de 16...
Book cover of Huérfanos de Sofía

Huérfanos de Sofía

Elogio y defensa de la enseñanza de la filosofía

by Josep Maria Bech, Damián Cerezuela Frías, Ana de Lacalle
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 21, 2016

Huérfanos de Sofía denuncia el desamparo institucional a que se encuentra sometido ese "amor al saber" en que consiste la filosofía. Es un ensayo colectivo en el que profesionales del ámbito de la filosofía toman su quehacer cotidiano como atalaya desde la que esbozar la naturaleza...
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