Anais: 52 books

Book cover of Gypsy Curse
by Anais Blair
Language: English
Release Date: September 7, 2012

As a young man, Alden angers the wrong gypsy, and she curses him to fall in love with a woman who will not love him. Alden's only escape from the curse is to find the 'raven' that will forgive him. He believes he has found both the woman he is doomed to love and the raven in Anelka, a gypsy. Even if Anelka is his savior, there are those conspiring to keep them apart.
Book cover of Abitare la Terra n.46-47/2018 – Dwelling on Earth
by Angela Alessandra Badami, Manuela Barbolla, Giovanni Bello
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2019

Book cover of Classic Star II Pferdeschicksal

Classic Star II Pferdeschicksal

Wenn Träume wahr werden

by Anais C. Miller
Language: German
Release Date: June 1, 2017

Classic Star, das ehemalige Springpferd, das seine wohlverdiente Rente bekommen sollte und in der Hölle landete. Nachdem das Pferd gerettet wurde, entsteht zwischen dem Tier und seiner Retterin eine wunderbare Freundschaft, deren Geschichte zu Tränen rüht. "Dieses Pferd hat mir mein Selbstvertrauen...
Book cover of Pferdeschicksale


Nur wer seinen Träumen folgt, wird Wunder erleben

by Anais C. Miller
Language: German
Release Date: March 13, 2017

Folge mir, habe Vertrauen. Ich werde dich führen durch alle Dunkelheit deiner Zweifel. Und wenn du dich führen lässt, wirst du glänzen im hellen Schein. Dunkel wie die Nacht. Traurig wie der Regen. Treu wie der Regenbogen und hoffnungsvoll wie die Sonne, werde ich dich begleiten. In guten und schlechten...
Book cover of Separated @ Birth

Separated @ Birth

A True Love Story of Twin Sisters Reunited

by Anais Bordier, Samantha Futerman
Language: English
Release Date: October 30, 2014

Imagine one day opening Facebook and reading a message from a stranger that says, “I think we might be twins…don’t freak out…” It all began when design student Anaïs Bordier viewed a YouTube video and saw her own face staring back. After some research, Anaïs found that the Los Angeles...
Book cover of Children of the Albatross
by Anais Nin
Language: English
Release Date: February 26, 2012

Children of the Albatross is considered by critics to be one of Anaïs Nin’s most beautifully written books; it is also a groundbreaker in that it eloquently addresses androgyny and homosexuality, which few literary works dared to do in 1940s America. We are introduced to three of Nin’s most significant...
Book cover of Seduction of the Minotaur
by Anais Nin
Language: English
Release Date: February 26, 2012

Seduction of the Minotaur is an example of Anaïs Nin’s most mature and cohesive fiction. The central character, Lillian, arrives in exotically primitive Mexico from New York, in part to forget her crumbling marriage and to find flow in her life after years of stasis. She befriends Dr. Hernandez,...
Book cover of Diccionario de Marcadores Discursivos para estudiantes de español como segunda lengua
by Anais Holgado Lage
Language: English
Release Date: February 2, 2018

El Diccionario de Marcadores Discursivos para estudiantes de español como segunda lengua registra alrededor de 700 expresiones de diversos tipos: organizadores del discurso, conjunciones, fórmulas rutinarias, etc. Estos marcadores están definidos, ejemplificados, explicados de forma simple y clasificados...
Book cover of Conversations in Food Studies
by Colin R. Anderson, Mary A. Beckie, Eva A. Bogdan
Language: English
Release Date: September 30, 2016

Few things are as important as the food we eat. "Conversations in Food Studies" demonstrates the value of interdisciplinary research through the cross-pollination of disciplinary, epistemological, and methodological perspectives. Widely diverse essays, ranging from the meaning of milk, to...
Book cover of Collages
by Anais Nin
Language: English
Release Date: February 26, 2012

Collages is Anaïs Nin’s last work of fiction, and is, as the title suggests, a collection of interwoven stories, opening and closing with the passage: “Vienna was the city of statues. They were as numerous as the people who walked the streets. They stood on the top of the highest towers, lay...
Book cover of The Novel of the Future
by Anais Nin
Language: English
Release Date: June 27, 2014

LONG BEFORE SHE BECAME FAMOUS for her Diary, Anaïs Nin fought a lonely battle to give America emotional, poetic fiction. During the 1940s and 1950s, her most productive period, she was either ignored by the American literary establishment or subjected to outright hostility. But she had a reputation...
Book cover of La Femme qui fuit
by Anais Barbeau-Lavalette
Language: French
Release Date: March 1, 2017

Elle s'appelait Suzanne Meloche. Était aux côtés de Borduas, Gauvreau et Riopelle quand ils signent le Refus global en 1948. Fonda une famille avec le peintre Marcel Barbeau. Abandonna très tôt ses deux enfants. Afin de remonter le cours de la vie de sa grand-mère, qu’elle n’a pas connue,...
Book cover of Ladders to Fire
by Anais Nin
Language: English
Release Date: December 5, 2011

Ladders to Fire, Anaïs Nin’s first full-length novel, was revolutionary in that it addressed woman’s role in a male-dominated world in the mid-1940s. Through her iconic characters Lillian, Djuna, and Sabina, and their relationship with Jay, Nin was able to examine “the destruction in woman…woman’s...
Book cover of White Stains
by Nin,Anais
Language: English
Release Date: September 1, 2010

Collection of short stories written by Ms. Nin and some her friends written for Roy Johnson back in the '40s. (Johnson paid 1 a page for private smut... Henry Miller also wrote for him.) Contains six stories and a brief guide to lovemaking, for no apparent reason. One of the tales is definitely by Nin.
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