Anna B : 49 books

Book cover of Auf düsteren Wegen

Auf düsteren Wegen

Horrorgeschichten aus dem Mittelalter

by Anton Vogel, Tanja B, Anna Eichenbach
Language: German
Release Date: December 14, 2017

Das Mittelalter ... Kaum eine andere Epoche bringt so schauerliche Geschichten hervor! Eine Zeit, in der Aberglaube und Furcht vor Magie die Vorstellungskraft befeuerten, die Grenze zwischen Erklärbarem und Übernatürlichem im Nebel lag und grauenhafte Geschehnisse schweigsamere Zeugen fanden als...
Book cover of Crimes à la bibliothèque
by François Barcelo, David Bélanger, Roxanne Bouchard
Language: French
Release Date: October 2, 2015

Après le succès remporté par le recueil de nouvelles « Crimes à la librairie », le directeur de la publication, Richard Migneault, comme un criminel non repenti, récidive. Il a invité dix-sept autres auteurs à investir un lieu de culture, de lecture et de recherche différent, pour y mettre...
Book cover of Propulsioni d'improbabilità
by Giorgio Majer Gatti, Italo Bonera, Anna Feruglio Dal Dan
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 31, 2017

Poi alzò gli occhi e li vide. Fu esattamente con queste parole, alzai gli occhi e li vidi, che poco meno di un anno dopo avrebbe raccontato quel momento che avrebbe cambiato alla radice ogni paradigma, modificato tutti i suoi punti di vista, annullato la sua vita come l’aveva conosciuta fino a...
Book cover of Old Law, New Tricks: Using the Clean Air Act to Curb Climate Change
by Scott Schang, Leila B. Azari, Nicholas Bianco
Language: English
Release Date: August 19, 2013

Few if any people think the Clean Air Act is the optimal legislative solution to climate change; but it is a powerful tool that is being used sometimes despite the prevailing political will. To address this reality, this volume calls on the best writing from the most often-cited environmental law journal...
Book cover of Santa's Christmas Library: 400+ Christmas Novels, Stories, Poems, Carols & Legends (Illustrated Edition)

Santa's Christmas Library: 400+ Christmas Novels, Stories, Poems, Carols & Legends (Illustrated Edition)

The Gift of the Magi, A Christmas Carol, Silent Night, The Three Kings, Little Lord Fauntleroy, Life and Adventures of Santa Claus, The Heavenly Christmas Tree, Little Women, The Tale of Peter Rabbit…

by O. Henry, Mark Twain, Beatrix Potter
Language: English
Release Date: November 28, 2018

This holiday, we are offering to you our own Christmas box - filled up to the top with the best Christmas novels, classics to read during holidays, magical Christmas tales, legends, most famous carols and the unique poetry of the giants of literature dedicated to this one and only holiday: The Gift...
Book cover of THE GOLDEN BOOK OF WORLD'S GREATEST MYSTERIES – 60+ Detective Stories, Whodunit Tales, Suspense, Occult & Supernatural Stories in One Premium Volume (Mystery & Crime Anthology)

THE GOLDEN BOOK OF WORLD'S GREATEST MYSTERIES – 60+ Detective Stories, Whodunit Tales, Suspense, Occult & Supernatural Stories in One Premium Volume (Mystery & Crime Anthology)

The World's Finest Mysteries by the World's Greatest Authors: The Purloined Letter, A Scandal in Bohemia, The Safety Match, The Black Hand, The Rope of Fear, Number 13, The Birth-Mark…

by Edgar Allan Poe, A. Conan Doyle, Nathaniel Hawthorne
Language: English
Release Date: June 27, 2016

This carefully crafted ebook: “THE GOLDEN BOOK OF WORLD'S GREATEST MYSTERIES – 60+ Detective Stories, Whodunit Tales, Suspense, Occult & Supernatural Stories in One Premium Volume (Mystery & Crime Anthology)” is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents....
Book cover of Desarrollo prosocial en las aulas propuestas para la intervención
by Ana Mª Tur Porcar, Concetta Pastorelli, B. Paula Luengo Kanacri
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 1, 2014

EI libro pretende acercar el conocimiento de la prosocialidad y la empatía, es decir, la tendencia a ayudar cuando los demás lo necesitan y la capacidad para ponerse en el lugar de la otra persona que tiene un problema o una necesidad, y también de la agresividad y la impulsividad a familias y...
Book cover of Die Zukunft beginnt mit Passfotos

Die Zukunft beginnt mit Passfotos

Junge Autoren in Rheinland-Pfalz

by Gregor Babelotzky, Shida Bazyar, Lisa Bendiek
Language: German
Release Date: May 2, 2011

Sie haben einiges gemeinsam: Sie sind jung und sie schreiben. Sie sind zwischen 16 und 24 Jahre alt, haben ihre ersten erfolgreichen Schritte in die Öffentlichkeit bereits getan oder wagen es zum ersten Mal – 21 junge Autorinnen und Autoren aus Rheinland-Pfalz. Die vorliegende Auswahl gibt in Gedichten,...
Book cover of Tíz igaz történet 3.
by Dunajcsik Mátyás, András Forgách, Schein Gábor
Language: Hungarian
Release Date: June 8, 2017

Ez a kötet tíz jogsértés áldozatának történetét mutatja be. Az áldozatokat az Amnesty International lelkiismereti foglyoknak tekinti, rajtuk keresztül próbálja felhívni a figyelmet rendszerszintű jogsértésekre, és hétköznapi embereket mozgósítva javulást elérni az ügyükben....
Book cover of Strange Portals: Ink Slingers' Fantasy/Horror Anthology
by Joleene Naylor, Anna Stein, B.G. Hope
Language: English
Release Date: December 7, 2014

Just in time for a much needed holiday break, twenty-two stories about fairies, vampires, werewolves, zombies, and everything in between. Visit a witch's body swap victims (Samantha's Day), find what happens when a girl is buried alive (Buried Alive), learn the origin story of Harper (from...
Book cover of The Technology of Property Rights
by Bruce Yandle, Clay J. Landry, Robert B. Naeser
Language: English
Release Date: October 6, 2001

The Technology of Property Rights combines the understanding of institutions and institutional change with a discussion of the latest technologies and their influence on the measurement and monitoring of property rights. The contributors analyze specific applications for fisheries, whales, water quality,...
Book cover of GialloSvezia


Racconti inediti dei maestri del giallo svedese

by Åsa Larsson, Stieg Larsson, Henning Mankell
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 13, 2014

Stieg Larsson, Henning Mankell, Åsa Larsson e altri: un Natale in giallo con i migliori autori di crime svedesi. Una scelta di straordinarie storie da brivido, tutte inedite, che la critica non ha esitato a definire «una pietra miliare» nel panorama della letteratura di genere. Una raccolta che...
Book cover of Yggdrasil der Weltenbaum

Yggdrasil der Weltenbaum

Fenrir und Loki

by Axel Hildebrand, Jenny Wood, Lyakon
Language: German
Release Date: April 15, 2017

Weltenbaum, Lebensbaum, Weltesche – Yggdrasil hat im Laufe der Jahrhunderte viele Namen erhalten und ist Zeugin unzähliger Ereignisse geworden. In ihrem Schatten wandeln gar die Götter und spinnen so manche Intrige. Allen voran Loki, der Meister von Lug und Trug, sowie Vater Hels und Fenrirs....
Book cover of Nichts als Lügen!

Nichts als Lügen!


by Kerstin Surra, Christa Huber, Ulrike Zimmermann
Language: German
Release Date: March 30, 2014

Wissenschaftliche Studien belegen: Wir lügen jeden Tag, bewusst oder unbewusst, in Gedanken oder laut. Wir verschonen die Lieben mit der Wahrheit und lügen stattdessen, damit es erträglicher bleibt. Oder wir lügen, weil wir ein schlechtes Gewissen haben und eine Ausrede brauchen. Es gibt viele...
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