Anna Cohen: 25 books

Book cover of Parenting Made Easy – the Middle Years

Parenting Made Easy – the Middle Years

A Bag of Tricks Approach to Parenting the 6-12 Year Old

by Anna Cohen
Language: English
Release Date: February 21, 2013

No longer a toddler not yet a teen-ager, the middle years can be a challenging time for parents. Yet it is a vital time to establish the kinds of family values that you want before the turbulent teen years begin. If you have ever felt challenged by your childs behaviour, have felt that you...
Book cover of Parenting Made Easy: The early years
by Dr. Anna Cohen
Language: English
Release Date: February 3, 2016

A bag of tricks approach to parenting the 1 to 5 year old The early years of parenting are often a tricky and challenging time — a time when you will watch your baby fade and a child emerge, a time of amazing growth, development and change. Your ‘bag of tricks’ to deal with these changes must...
Book cover of Rinsing the Grapes
by Ali & Anna Cohen
Language: English
Release Date: December 16, 2011

Why did we come down from the trees? For an answer to this age-old question and many more - like what is our ancestry? - read this.
Book cover of Taming Teens

Taming Teens

The Adolescent Years

by Anna Cohen
Language: English
Release Date: March 1, 2019

will benefit it is attentive and brilliant readers, of whom John Leonard is without doubt one of its finest. - Martin Harrison Australian poetry from a 21st century perspective, with a selection from a wide range of living poets as well as familiar voices from the past. There is an emphasis on social...
Book cover of One-Click Buy: April Harlequin Presents
by Helen Bianchin, Julia James, Jane Porter
Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 2008

One convenient download. One bargain price. Get all April Harlequin Presents with one click! Love and pride, jealously and betrayal, misunderstandings and redemption...these are the elements which give Harlequin Presents the kind of sexual tension that crackles with electricity, and make it...
Book cover of More than Meets the Eye

More than Meets the Eye

Studies on Upper Palaeolithic Diversity in the Near East

by A. Nigel Goring-Morris, Anna Belfer-Cohen
Language: English
Release Date: August 31, 2017

These twenty-three papers focus on recent research into the Upper Palaeolithic of the Levant, a murky period of human history (ca 45,000 to 20,000 years ago) during which modern patterns of human behaviour and communication became the norm. The vast majority of archaeological data from this period...
Book cover of 99 erotische S/M-Fantasien

99 erotische S/M-Fantasien

Von Zart bis Hart

by A.D. Smith, Achim F. Sorge, Allegra Deville
Language: German
Release Date: January 22, 2016

In diesen 99 Storys dreht sich alles um das bizarre Phänomen Lustschmerz, den bittersüßen Genuss der erotischen Qual, die ihre Anhänger auf so einzigartige Weise befriedigen kann und unendliche Lustmöglichkeiten bietet. Denn wenn's um fantasievolle, tabulose, "verbotene" Praktiken geht,...
Book cover of The Clinical Problem of Masochism
by Marvin Margolis, MD, PhD
Language: English
Release Date: September 28, 2012

The problem of how to understand and to treat masochism has plagued the vast majority of clinicians. The Clinical Problem of Masochism, edited by Deanna Holtzman, PhD, and Nancy Kulish, PhD, focuses on the common and difficult clinical problems posed by masochistic patients who are spread throughout...
Book cover of Prospective Memory

Prospective Memory

Remembering to Remember, Remembering to Forget

by Anna-Lisa Cohen, Jason L. Hicks
Language: English
Release Date: November 17, 2017

This Brief offers a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of the current developments in the field of prospective memory, or memory for delayed intentions. It explores several key areas in prospective memory research, including computational modeling, neuroscience and prospective memory, output monitoring,...
Book cover of Lust Hoch 3

Lust Hoch 3

Zu dritt ist´s einfach dreifach geil!

by Jenny Prinz, Lisa Cohen, Miriam Eister
Language: German
Release Date: January 1, 2011

Eine der schärfsten erotischen Fantasien ist der Traum vom Sex zu dritt! Ob es zwei Frauen sind, die einen potenten Mann verwöhnen, oder zwei gut ausgestattete Kerle, die die unbändige Lust einer Lady stillen Dreier-Spiele sind unglaublich gut! " … Daniel tauchte tief in sie hinein, umkreiste...
Book cover of Fremdgefickt


50 hemmungslose Seitensprünge … und sie würden es wieder tun!

by Anna Bell, Carlotta T., Rayburn
Language: German
Release Date: January 15, 2016

Fremde Haut spüren und "verbotenen" Sex genießen - vielen gibt so ein Seitensprung genau den Kick, den sie brauchen! Hier gibt es keine Tabus, es zählt nur die pure Geilheit. Egal ob es die spon- tane Hinterhof-Nummer mit einer Unbekannten, das heimliche Ausleben eines Fetischs oder ein...
Book cover of 7 erotische Kurzgeschichten aus: "Lesbische Leidenschaften"
by Anna Bell, Ulla Jacobsen, Lisa Cohen
Language: German
Release Date: May 1, 2011

Manchmal muss es eben etwas MEHR sein: Die E-Books vom Carl Stephenson Verlag bieten hocherotische Spannung, sind unverschämt lustvoll und zeigen dem Leser auch mal etwas andere Dimensionen der Intimität. Lassen Sie sich von unseren Storys einladen zu einer faszinierenden Reise in die Welt der lesbischen...
Book cover of Lesbische Leidenschaften

Lesbische Leidenschaften

26 scharfe Lesbenabenteuer

by Jenny Prinz, Lisa Cohen, Ulla Jacobsen
Language: German
Release Date: December 1, 2010

Zärtliche Annährungen an fremde Frauen, überraschende Lust auf langjährige Freundinnen oder aufkeimende Begierde bei einem Treffen mit Bekannten diese und noch viele weitere aufregend-sinnliche Erlebnisse sorgen in diesen 26 Abenteuern für ein atemberaubendes, erotisches Lesevergnügen. Eine...
Book cover of 7 erotische Kurzgeschichten aus: "S/M-Fantasie"
by Lisa Cohen, Lena Lee, Petty Sue
Language: German
Release Date: May 1, 2011

Manchmal muss es eben etwas MEHR sein: Die E-Books vom Carl Stephenson Verlag bieten hocherotische Spannung, sind unverschämt lustvoll und zeigen dem Leser auch mal etwas andere Dimensionen der Intimität. Lassen Sie sich von unseren Storys einladen zu einer faszinierenden Reise in die Welt der dunklen...
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