Anton Wessels: 5 books

Book cover of 't Is een vreemdeling zeker

't Is een vreemdeling zeker

gastvriendschap tussen joden, christenen en moslims

by Anton Wessels
Language: Dutch
Release Date: December 1, 2015

In ’t Is een vreemdeling zeker gaat oud-hoogleraar Godsdienstwetenschap Anton Wessels op zoek naar overeenkomsten in Jodendom, Christendom en Islam. Vaak wordt door aanhangers van de drie religies vreemd en soms zelfs vijandig naar elkaar gekeken. Maar als men elkaars taal werkelijk leert verstaan,...
Book cover of The Torah, the Gospel, and the Qur'an

The Torah, the Gospel, and the Qur'an

Three Books, Two Cities, One Tale

by Anton Wessels
Language: English
Release Date: September 30, 2013

Discussing the Bible and the Qur'an in one breath will surprise some Jews, Christians, and Muslims. But Anton Wessels argues that all three traditions must read the Scriptures together and not against each other. As his book title suggests, the three books, in the end, are actually one tale. Wessels...
Book cover of A Stranger is Calling

A Stranger is Calling

Jews, Christians, and Muslims as Fellow Travelers

by Anton Wessels
Language: English
Release Date: February 9, 2017

Abraham, the father of all believers, plays host to three strangers, one of whom is God, and thus sets an example for others to follow. Jews, Christians, and Muslims often treat each other as strangers. Their Holy Books are not the cause of their conflicts and enmity but rather show the way to solve...
Book cover of Van Gogh and the Art of Living

Van Gogh and the Art of Living

The Gospel According to Vincent van Gogh

by Anton Wessels
Language: English
Release Date: August 9, 2013

Vincent van Gogh believed that one had to learn to read, just as one had to learn to see and learn to live. Van Gogh conveyed a message in his work about the path that he himself followed that was more true to life, the path that human beings walk in their turbulent existence, the pilgrimage along...
Book cover of Thora evangelie en koran

Thora evangelie en koran

3 boeken 2 steden 1 verhaal

by Anton Wessels
Language: Dutch
Release Date: September 28, 2012

Beschrijving - De geschiedenis van joden, christenen en moslims als één verhaal - Actueel, verzoenend en gefundeerd betoog - Aparte aandacht voor geweld en vrouwenrechten in Bijbel en Koran Dickens analyseerde de Franse revolutie als A Tale of Two Cities. Ook de geschiedenissen in Bijbel en Koran...
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