Antonucci: 19 books

Book cover of I Became a Christian and All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt
by Vince Antonucci
Language: English
Release Date: February 1, 2008

Many people find themselves asking, "Is this it?" "We all read about the life Jesus describes and are painfully aware that our lives don't match his words," says Vince Antonucci, a disarmingly funny and edgy pastor. Raised by a Jewish mother and abandoned by his professional poker-playing...
Book cover of God for the Rest of Us

God for the Rest of Us

Experience Unbelievable Love, Unlimited Hope, and Uncommon Grace

by Vince Antonucci
Language: English
Release Date: August 4, 2015

What does it feel like to be loved by a limitless God? God for the Rest of Us will wake you up to the outrageous, extravagant, and sometimes even scandalous love of God for the rest of us—whether you think you are unfit or a misfit, an underdog or overlooked, the least or the lost, the left behind...
Book cover of Restore


Break Out of Your Past and Into God's Future

by Vince Antonucci
Language: English
Release Date: January 9, 2018

What should we do when we feel stuck in life? You know how it feels. There’s a hurt in your past that is hard to get beyond. There’s a bad habit that’s difficult to break. There’s a setback that is just too tough to overcome. We all have our own unique situations in which we feel “stuck.”...
Book cover of Sapere ed essere nella Roma razzista

Sapere ed essere nella Roma razzista

Gli ebrei nelle scuole e nell'università (1938-1943)

by Giuliana Piperno Beer, Silvia Haia Antonucci
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 8, 2015

Questo lavoro analizza la risposta della Comunità Israelitica di Roma alle leggi antiebraiche del 1938 che esclusero gli ebrei dalle scuole di ogni ordine e grado. Pertanto esso spazia dalle scuole elementari – quella ebraica già esistente e altri istituti del Governatorato che avevano organizzato,...
Book cover of Fractured: My Journey Back from Death and the Lessons I've Learned Along the Way
by Elizabeth Antonucci
Language: English
Release Date: July 17, 2017

From the outside looking in, Elizabeth had the perfect life. She had a family who loved her, numerous friends, and a successful career. No one knew the hurt, pain, and angst she hid inside, struggling to keep herself small so those around her would still like her.It all came to a head on October...
Book cover of Student lives in crisis

Student lives in crisis

Deepening inequality in times of austerity

by Antonucci, Lorenza
Language: English
Release Date: September 21, 2016

In the greatest social change of the last twenty years about half of Europe’s young people now attend university. Their lived experiences are however largely undocumented. Antonucci travelled across six cities and three European countries – England, Italy and Sweden – to provide the first ever...
Book cover of Comunicazionepuntodoc numero 2. Professione comunicatore
by Mario Morcellini, Paolo Torchetti, Paolo Mazzanti
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 12, 2013

In questo numero, dedicato ad aggiornare il profilo delle professioni comunicative, dottorandi e ricercatori si confrontano con un set di autorevoli esperti della comunicazione “professata” nei settori del marketing, della pubblica amministrazione, del settore energetico e delle telecomunicazioni,...
Book cover of Democrazia dal basso

Democrazia dal basso

Cittadini organizzati a Roma e nel Lazio

by Alessandro Fiorenza, Maria Cristina Antonucci
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 6, 2016

Nel tempo della crisi della democrazia rappresentativa, un nuovo fenomeno si manifesta con sempre maggiore forza nei rapporti tra cittadini ed istituzioni: la disintermediazione. Da un lato i tradizionali corpi intermedi, come partiti e sindacati, non riescono più a dare voce ai bisogni, ai desideri...
Book cover of The 1960 Winter Olympics
by David C. Antonucci
Language: English
Release Date: November 11, 2013

The 1960 Olympic Winter Games were a long-shot effort that succeeded beyond the wildest expectations. Working in a sparsely populated valley in the Sierra Nevada with only rudimentary facilities, organizers created a world-class Olympic site in four short years. For the only time in Olympic history,...
Book cover of The Interdisciplinary Science of Consumption
by Peter C. Whybrow, Sarah F. Brosnan, Darby Proctor
Language: English
Release Date: August 8, 2014

Scholars from psychology, neuroscience, economics, animal behavior, and evolution describe the latest research on the causes and consequences of overconsumption. Our drive to consume—our desire for food, clothing, smart phones, and megahomes—evolved from our ancestors' drive to survive....
Book cover of Risk Maturity Models

Risk Maturity Models

How to Assess Risk Management Effectiveness

by Domenic Antonucci
Language: English
Release Date: July 3, 2016

This book offers a practical solution for every organization that needs to monitor the effectiveness of their risk management. Written by a practising Chief Risk Officer, ***Risk Maturity Models***enables you to build confidence in your organization's risk management process through a tailored risk...
Book cover of The Cyber Risk Handbook

The Cyber Risk Handbook

Creating and Measuring Effective Cybersecurity Capabilities

by Domenic Antonucci
Language: English
Release Date: April 3, 2017

Actionable guidance and expert perspective for real-world cybersecurity The Cyber Risk Handbook is the practitioner's guide to implementing, measuring and improving the counter-cyber capabilities of the modern enterprise. The first resource of its kind, this book provides authoritative guidance...
Book cover of God's Love for the Rest of Us
by Vince Antonucci
Language: English
Release Date: June 18, 2015

The world is filled with the walking dead. They’re not fully dead. They’re kind of alive—walking, talking, and drinking coffee. But their hearts have become deadened. Their souls are dry, yearning to be sparked alive by God’s love. Many of us are like this: sleepwalking through life, inadvertently...
Book cover of Dove vanno i miei silenzi
by Franceschina Antonucci
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 13, 2014

...Versi paradigmatici che svelano come la poesia serva, appunto, a raccontare l’ondivago esistere in bilico tra cadute e salite, sprofondamenti e riemersioni, dolori acuti e felicità improvvise che, all’interno della sinossi poetica, rappresentano il quid del versificare creando una sorta di...
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