Ap: 31 books

Book cover of The Music of Michael Nyman

The Music of Michael Nyman

Texts, Contexts and Intertexts

by Pwyll ap Siôn
Language: English
Release Date: July 5, 2017

Nyman's rise to international prominence during the last three decades has made him one of the world's most successful living composers. His music has nevertheless been criticized for its parasitic borrowing of other composers' ideas and for its relentless self-borrowing. In this first book-length...
Book cover of Spring of this Content
by AP Hunt
Language: English
Release Date: November 4, 2017

An unseasonal storm during the Spring time batters the city, breaking communications and power within the metropolis. Nicole Nguyen, the city's Minister for Emergency Services, awakes the following day next to her sparring partner and lover, only to find the streets and businesses abandoned. Together...
Book cover of Ein diabolischer Plan
by Doris E. M. Bulenda, Azrael ap Cwanderay
Language: German
Release Date: January 31, 2019

Azrael ap Cwanderay (Titelbild) "Krachen, Scheppern und dann gewaltiger Lärm, als ein schwerer Gegenstand an die Wand geworfen wurde. Oh verdammt, die Verrückte spielte drüben in der Küche schon wieder ihr absolutes Lieblingsspiel – Geister vertreiben. Gleich würde sie hierher...
Book cover of Ação Popular em Mauá

Ação Popular em Mauá

Resistência e Solidariedade em Tempos de Ditadura

by Sandra Ap. Portuense de Carvalho
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: November 6, 2017

A análise das experiências de solidariedade e política tornou-se fio condutor para a compreensão do cotidiano de um período de grande efervescência do ABC Paulista. O nascimento dos bairros, a sobrevivência diária, a resistência contra o autoritarismo, o sonho da revolução comunista. Através...
Book cover of Preludio de profesión
by César Augusto Rivera Apéstegui
Language: Spanish
Release Date: August 31, 2018

La novela trata sobre el desarrollo, y los obstáculos que encuentra un contador público, en su escala a una puesto directríz en una institución.
Book cover of Michael Nyman: Collected Writings
by Pwyll ap Siôn
Language: English
Release Date: April 22, 2016

For over three decades Michael Nyman's music has succeeded in reaching beyond the small community of contemporary music aficionados to a much wider range of listeners. An important element in unlocking the key to Nyman's success lies in his writings about music, which preoccupied him for over a decade...
Book cover of Health Promotion Throughout the Life Span - E-Book
by Carole Lium Edelman, APRN, MS
Language: English
Release Date: September 11, 2013

With the advent of health care reform and an emphasis on reducing health care costs, health promotion and disease prevention is a priority in nursing care. Be prepared with Health Promotion Throughout the Life Span, 8th Edition, your comprehensive guide to major health promotion concepts. Featuring...
Book cover of Health Promotion Throughout the Life Span - E-Book
by Carole Lium Edelman, APRN, MS
Language: English
Release Date: July 25, 2017

Promote health and wellness for all ages and population groups! Health Promotion Throughout the Life Span, 9th Edition provides a comprehensive guide to leading health promotion concepts, from assessment to interventions to application**.** Its lifespan approach addresses patients’ unique needs...
Book cover of Tourism in China
by Kaye Sung Chon, Zhang Guangrui, John Ap
Language: English
Release Date: May 13, 2013

Examine China's impact on the world tourism market! Tourism in China is a comprehensive study of tourism and the travel industry in China--past, present, and future. Since joining many of its Asia-Pacific neighbors in identifying tourism as a vehicle for socioeconomic growth and poverty alleviation,...
Book cover of The Gospel of the Fallen Angel

The Gospel of the Fallen Angel

Jesus' Story from Satan's Perspective

by Master Geraint Ap Iorwerth
Language: English
Release Date: September 30, 2011

'From humble beginnings as a private investigator in the Heavenly Court, Satan worked his way up the career ladder to become God's Chief Prosecutor. It wasn't long before he branched off and started his own global enterprise as Prince of The World. 'The Gospel of The Fallen Angel' is Satan's exclusive,...
Book cover of Dana and the Secret of the Magic Crystal
by Azrael ap Cwandera, Friederun Baudach - Jäger, Thomas L. Hunter
Language: English
Release Date: April 29, 2017

A long time ago, a magical experiment went wrong. An ancient population, who started it, had to bear the consequences. The magical explosion ripped everyone from their time. Dana has been found and taken in by the dwarfs when she was just a baby. On her tenth birthday there, she learns about her heritage...
Book cover of História da educação brasileira
by Patricia Ap. Bioto-Cavalcanti, Rosiley A. Teixeira
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: August 4, 2014

Este livro traz um rico panorama da educação brasileira, abordando a escolarização da juventude no Brasil e seus grandes desafios, a educação escolar básica e seu reflexo na formação de profissionais da educação, além de apresentar caminhos para a reversão do atual quadro de insatisfação...
Book cover of Dana und das Geheimnis des magischen Kristalls
by Thomas L. Hunter, Azrael ap Cwanderay, Friederun Baudach - Jäger
Language: German
Release Date: March 10, 2016

Inhaltsangabe: Vor langer Zeit ist ein magisches Experiment schiefgegangen. Ein uraltes Volk, das es durchgeführt hatte, musste die Konsequenzen tragen. Die magische Explosion hat alle aus ihrer Zeit gerissen. Dana wurde als Baby dann von Zwergen gefunden und aufgezogen. Dort erfährt sie an ihrem...
Book cover of Dana und das Tagebuch einer fantastischen Reise
by Thomas L. Hunter, Azrael ap Cwanderay (Cover)
Language: German
Release Date: October 1, 2018

Während Ses in der Dämonenwelt nach Hinweisen zu den Geschehnissen in der Zukunft sucht, erhält Dana eine Nachricht von einem alten Bekannten aus der Menschenwelt. Dieser überreicht ihr ein Tagebuch. Es berichtet von einer Reise in ein fremdes Reich und dem plötzlichen Erscheinen eines Magier-Paares...
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