B A B Y : 30 books

Book cover of Conoscerti per non pensarti più
by B.a.b.y.
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 28, 2016

“Dovresti incontrarlo, forse così la smetteresti di idealizzarlo. Devi ritornare con i piedi per terra!” Sono le parole della sua migliore amica a scuotere Layla … Layla: tranquilla ed equilibrata nel privato, determinata e infallibile sul lavoro (dove tutti l’apprezzano per le sue grandi...
Book cover of Felsefe El Kitabı
by B. I. Suslakov, Y. A. Yakovleva
Language: Turkish
Release Date: January 1, 2001

Diyalektik ve tarihsel materyalizm, bilimsel sosyalizmin temel bileşenlerinden biridir ve Marksizmin genel teorik ve yöntembilimsel temelini oluşturur. Marksist felsefeyi incelemek, bilimsel bir dünya görüşü oluşturmanın başlıca yollarından biridir. Bu nedenle felsefe bilmeden ne bir...
Book cover of Supporting Students with Special Health Care Needs

Supporting Students with Special Health Care Needs

Guidelines and Procedures for Schools, Third Edition

by Carole C. Atkinson, M.S., PNP-BC
Language: English
Release Date: June 1, 2015

Essential for every school health office, this fully illustrated reference is the ultimate guide to caring for and supporting children with special health care needs in educational settings. A comprehensive update of the classic guide school nurses trust, this authoritative book compiles the latest...
Book cover of Latina/o Discourse in Vernacular Spaces
by Claudia Anguiano, Roberto Avant-Mier, Lisa B. Y. Calvente
Language: English
Release Date: February 22, 2011

Taking up the charge to study discourses of marginalized groups, while simultaneously extending scholarship about Latina/os in the field of Communication, Latina/o Discourse in Vernacular Spaces: Somos de Una Voz? provides the most current work examining the vernacular voices of Latina/os. The editors...
Book cover of Manual de protección social complementaria
by Marta Fernández Prieto, Pablo Búa Burgos, Jaime Cabeza Pereiro
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 7, 2017

Los sistemas de previsión social giran en nuestro ordenamiento en torno a dos ejes o pilares. Un eje hasta ahora central, la Seguridad Social, que constituye un sistema de previsión social obligatorio básico y de carácter público, necesario para garantizar el Estado de bienestar ante determinadas...
Book cover of Achieving sustainable cultivation of grain legumes Volume 2

Achieving sustainable cultivation of grain legumes Volume 2

Improving cultivation of particular grain legumes

by Prof. James D. Kelly, Dr John O. Ojiem, Prof. William Erskine
Language: English
Release Date: January 18, 2018

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Book cover of Judaism and Health

Judaism and Health

A Handbook of Practical, Professional and Scholarly Resources

by Rabbi Mychal B. Springer, Rabbi Stephanie Dickstein, LMSW
Language: English
Release Date: November 7, 2013

The first state-of-the-art, comprehensive resource to encompass the wide breadth of the rapidly growing field of Judaism and health. "For Jews, religion and medicine (and science) are not inherently in conflict, even within the Torah-observant community, but rather can be friendly partners...
Book cover of Arkham


Relatos de horror cósmico

by Iris Martiyana, Beatriz T. Sánchez, Santiago Sánchez Pérez
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 29, 2013

Envuelta en un ambiente onírico mezclado con humedad fluvial, entre grumos de un oscuro pasado de brujería y veneración a abominables entes ultraterrenos, Arkham muestra sus centenarias entrañas en un viaje temporal donde se van sucediendo destinos inexorables e inevitables encuentros, libros...
Book cover of 1000 Poemas Clásicos Que Debes Leer: Vol.1 (Golden Deer Classics)
by Adelardo López de Ayala, Golden Deer Classics, Alfonso Álvarez de Villasandino
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 9, 2018

ÍNDICE Adelardo López de Ayala Alfonso Álvarez de Villasandino Alfonso Onceno Alfredo Espino Álvaro de Luna Ana María Chouhy Aguirre Anastasio de Ochoa VIII.Andrés Bello IX.Ángel Saavedra, Duque de Rivas X.Antón de Montoro XI.Antonio de Villegas XII.Abu Ahmad ben Hayyun XIII.Adela Zamudio...
Book cover of CAD and Robotics in Architecture and Construction

CAD and Robotics in Architecture and Construction

Proceedings of the Joint International Conference at Marseilles, 25–27 June 1986

by L. M. Swerdloff, C. F. Earl, O. Akin
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

After two decades, data processing has finally, and probably forever, found its niche among civil engineering and construction (CEC) professionnals, through word processors, digitizing tables, management software, and increasingly via drawing software and computer-aided design (CAD), recently, robots...
Book cover of Cien años de sueño

Cien años de sueño

Antologíade cuentos mexicanos del siglo XIX

by Pedro Castera, Vicente Riva Palacio, José López Portillo y Rojas
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 9, 2019

Aquí se reúnen diecinueve cuentos mexicanos del siglo XIX. La recopilación presenta un panorama de la literatura que empezó a escribirse en México mientras el país se conformaba como república. Los escritores incluidos en este libro reflejan un ánimo literario enfocado en relatar hechos sobrenaturales...
Book cover of Practical Approaches to Cancer Invasion and Metastases

Practical Approaches to Cancer Invasion and Metastases

A Compendium of Radiation Oncologists’ Responses to 40 Histories

by B.S. Aron, R.J. Steckel, S.O. Asbell
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

In the United States in 1993 the American Cancer Society estimated that there were about 1,300,000 new cases of invasive cancer diagnosed. At the time of presentation about 70% of those patients represented limited local regional disease without evidences of distant dissemination. About 30% of the...
Book cover of Jewish Men Pray

Jewish Men Pray

Words of Yearning, Praise, Petition, Gratitude and Wonder from Traditional and Contemporary Sources

by Daniel S. Alexander, Alexandri, Bezalel Aloni
Language: English
Release Date: April 30, 2013

A celebration of Jewish men's voices in prayer—to strengthen, to heal, to comfort, to inspire from the ancient world up to our own day. "An extraordinary gathering of men—diverse in their ages, their lives, their convictions—have convened in this collection to offer contemporary,...
Book cover of Single Mama Dating Drama
by Cherritta Smith, Denise Anquenette, Patricia A Bridewell
Language: English
Release Date: October 18, 2016

Single Mama dating! It doesn't get anymore complicated than that. How can you find love when you have a career and kids? Where can you find that love connection? Is he on-line, in church, standing in front of the grapefruit in the grocery store? In these hilarious and heart-warming stories, you'll...
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