B B : 19330 books

Book cover of Dantons Tod
by Georg Büchner
Language: German
Release Date: March 29, 2016

Dantons Tod ist ein Drama in vier Akten von Georg Büchner. Es wurde von Mitte Januar bis Mitte Februar 1835 geschrieben. Mehr Bücher von Büchner & Co unter: www.buch-klassiker.de
Book cover of Pleasing Professor

Pleasing Professor

A Neurotica Short Story

by D. B. Shuster
Language: English
Release Date: November 4, 2014

Neurotica SeriesAcademia has never been so naughty.The university men in Professor Melanie Stevenson’s life pressure her to take her proper place—under them. While the proper professor indulges in daring daydreams of … submitting to their will, her “evil” twin cracks the whip, so to speak,...
Book cover of Werke von Georg Büchner
by Georg Büchner
Language: German
Release Date: April 19, 2013

2 Werke von Georg Büchner Hessischer Schriftsteller, Mediziner, Naturwissenschaftler und Revolutionär (1813-1837) Dieser Band enthält eine Sammlung von 2 Werken von Georg Büchner. Ein dynamisches Inhaltsverzeichnis ermöglicht den direkten Zugriff auf die verschiedenen Abschnitte. Inhaltsverzeichnis: - Dantons Tod - Woyzeck
Book cover of Georg Büchner: Dantons Tod. Unterrichtsmodell und Unterrichtsvorbereitungen. Unterrichtsmaterial und komplette Stundenmodelle für den Deutschunterricht.
by Friedel Schardt, Georg Büchner
Language: German
Release Date: February 12, 2013

Dieses Buch bietet ein komplettes Unterrichtsmodell zu Büchners „Dantons Tod“. Der Autor, der im Fach Deutsch als Fachleiter über 35 Jahre Referendare ausbildete, beschränkt sich nicht darauf, einzelne Unterrichtsschritte in Form von Hinweisen und Impulsen in Gang zu setzen. Er gibt...
Book cover of Singles 39
by Sklar(Org.), Noga; Caminada, Alfredo; Menezes
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: June 3, 2014

Singles K é uma série de ebooks semanais que traz para o leitor cotidiano as melhores crônicas de colunistas e escritores da KBR publicadas no blog da editora. Nesta edição, quase uma edição especial pré-Copa, com 15 crônicas, a auspiciosa estreia de Vânia Gomes como colunista, a emocionante...
Book cover of Siyaset İskelesi
by Deniz Bölükbaşı
Language: Turkish
Release Date: January 1, 2001

Dışişleri İskelesi'nin yazarı Deniz Bölükbaşı, yakın dönem siyasi tarihimize bu kez "içeriden" bakıyor. Devlet Bahçeli'nin Başbakanlık'ta özel danışmanı, MHP Ankara Milletvekilli ve Genel Başkan Yardımcısı olarak görev yapan Emekli Büyükelçi Deniz Bölükbaşı...
Book cover of The Secret Lab
by A.B. Carolan
Language: English
Release Date: March 7, 2018

In the future when humans are exploring the home solar system, four kids discover a mutant cat on the International Space Station. In solving the mystery of the cat’s origin, they uncover an old conspiracy. Young readers will identify with the kids’ problems; they and older readers who are young-at-heart...
Book cover of The Book of Numbers - In the Wilderness
by Kenneth B. Alexander JD
Language: English
Release Date: July 20, 2013

Introduction to NumbersThe fourth book of the Hebrew Torah (The Law) called the "Pentateuch" in Greek, is the Book we know as "Numbers". In the Hebrew Bible it is called "be-midbar" meaning "in the wilderness." In the Greek Septuagint version of the Bible (LXX)...
Book cover of The Dream Affair for Alexis Devine
by J. S. B. Sr.
Language: English
Release Date: September 23, 2017

The Dream Affair for Alexis Devine by J.S.B. Sr.   Alexis Devine dreams about what every woman wants: a steamy love affair with a steamy man. Her dreams are so real, so magical, that it’s difficult for her to believe they are only dreams. Her friends are also so star struck that they demand...
Book cover of Un politique : Georges Pompidou

Un politique : Georges Pompidou

Association Georges Pompidou, colloque

by Gilles le Béguec, Jean-Paul Cointet, Bernard Lachaise
Language: French
Release Date: May 1, 2001

Comment s'est-il introduit dans les milieux gaulistes, comment s'est-il constitué un réseau influent, quels sont sa pratique et son style politique ? Comment s'est-il imposé ? Les études de ses relations avec les forces sociales, de son action dans la capitale et dans son fief cantalien permettent...
Book cover of Dr. R. B. Holmes . . . a Visionary Leader

Dr. R. B. Holmes . . . a Visionary Leader

Memoirs, Ministries, and Messages

by Reverend Dr. R. B. Holmes Jr., Dr. A. Lemelle Evans
Language: English
Release Date: November 23, 2016

The time for you to think B.I.G. (Believe in God) is here. Inside this book is the story of a man, R. B. Holmes, Jr. who has successfully served as an extraordinary and innovative Christian pastor for over forty years. Readers will be captivated by this exciting story of a transformative leader who...
Book cover of Révèle-moi ! vol. 7
by Kate B. Jacobson
Language: French
Release Date: December 15, 2009

C’est la douche froide pour Matilda. Son futur mari, Percival, a été placé en garde à vue ; on le soupçonne d’avoir assassiné son épouse, morte trois ans plus tôt dans un accident d’avion. Les révélations de Douglas, ex-meilleur ami de Percival, laissent à penser qu’il est bel et bien...
Book cover of Bíblia Sagrada Tradução Brasileira
by Sociedade Bíblica do Brasil
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: December 1, 2010

A Tradução Brasileira data de 1917, tendo sido a primeira Bíblia completa a ser traduzida dos originais em solo brasileiro. Ganhou renome pela sua fidelidade aos originais, mas saiu de circulação em meados do século 20. Para este relançamento, houve atualização ortográfica, bem como adaptação da grafia dos nomes próprios às formas utilizadas na tradução de Almeida.
Book cover of O segredo da vitória

O segredo da vitória

Porção bíblica das Escrituras

by Sociedade Bíblica do Brasil
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: June 5, 2014

Na Bíblia Sagrada, a experiência da fé em Deus e todas as suas implicações são, muitas vezes, descritas em linguagem própria dos esportes. Reunimos neste livrete uma coleção de textos bíblicos que utilizam a linguagem dos meios esportivos. São textos que demonstram como o ser humano, em...
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