B Schulz: 11 books

Book cover of Maryland in Black and White

Maryland in Black and White

Documentary Photography from the Great Depression and World War II

by Constance B. Schulz
Language: English
Release Date: October 15, 2013

Between 1935 and 1943, the United States government commissioned forty-four photographers to capture American faces, along with living and working conditions, across the country. Nearly 180,000 photographs were taken—4,000 in Maryland—and they are now preserved in the Prints and Photographs Division...
Book cover of Maryland


A History

by Suzanne Ellery Chapelle, Jean B. Russo, Jean H. Baker
Language: English
Release Date: September 14, 2018

In 1634, two ships carrying a small group of settlers sailed into the Chesapeake Bay looking for a suitable place to dwell in the new colony of Maryland. The landscape confronting the pioneers bore no resemblance to their native country. They found no houses, no stores or markets, churches, schools,...
Book cover of Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Tomography of Intracranial Tumors
by C. Claussen, R. Fahlbusch, R. Felix
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

This book represents the second, fully revised edition of the original volume published in 1982. Experience in neuroradiology has confirmed the outstanding value of computed tomography (CT) for the diagnosis of space-occupying lesions within the skull and orbit. It might be assumed, then, that the...
Book cover of Beta-Blockers in the Elderly
by B. Ablad, C.-J. Estler, J.W. Franz
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

In conjunction with the Twelfth International Congress of Gerontology, the Carl-Korth Institute for Cardiovascular Research organized an international symposium on "Beta­ Blockers in the Elderly." It was the intention of the Scientific Committee that during this symposium we would discuss...
Book cover of Schreiborte


wo Literatur entsteht

by Winfried Anslinger, Ute Bales, Monika Böss
Language: German
Release Date: October 9, 2013

Wo entsteht Literatur? Diese Frage stellten wir Autorinnen und Autoren, die in besonderer Weise mit Rheinland-Pfalz verbunden sind. Die Antworten sind vielfältig und aufschlussreich: Ob der Schreibtisch in der idyllischen Mühle oder im quirligen Berlin steht – überall entsteht Literatur. Oft...
Book cover of Alles Anders

Alles Anders


by Ulrike Zimmermann, Maria Hertting, Beate Schmidt
Language: German
Release Date: April 15, 2015

Ein Kaleidoskop schillernder Farben, unglaublicher Begebenheiten, die alle eines gemeinsam haben: Nichts - gar nichts - ist, wie es scheint. Besuchen Sie ein faszinierendes, farbiges, überraschendes Potpourri aus Krimis, Lebenschroniken, Fantasy, Science Fiction und manchem mehr, dessen Fäden sich...
Book cover of Porridge, Pies and Pistols

Porridge, Pies and Pistols

Eine kulinarische Krimi-Anthologie

by Raoul Biltgen, Ina Coelen, Astrid della Giustina
Language: German
Release Date: December 19, 2013

"Den Charakter eines Menschen erkennt man daran, welchen Tee er zum High Tea wählt. Hatte ihr Vater selig immer gesagt. Ihr Gegenüber wählte Kräutertee. Kräutertee!" Seit Sherlock Holmes, Miss Marple und Jack the Ripper haben wir eine genaue Vorstellung, wie Verbrechen in Großbritannien...
Book cover of Psychotic Continuum
by N.C. Andreasen, J. Angst, F.M. Benes
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

One of the most important questions of our previous common volumes about affective, schizoaffective, and schizophrenic disorders was the question of what connects and what separates psychotic disorders (Marneros and Tsuang, Schizo­ affective Psychoses, Springer-Verlag, 1986; Marneros and Tsuang Affective...
Book cover of Coaching


Kurzgeschichten und Lebensweisheiten

by Karin Schweitzer, Karin Schweitzer, Andreas Schumacher
Language: German
Release Date: July 27, 2011

Coaching, Kurzgeschichten zum Schmunzeln Entspannt und prima informiert - so zeigen sich die Geschichten und Abhandlungen in dieser lesenswerten Anthologie mit 24 Autoren. Coaching ist in – Zeitgenossen lassen sich damit in ihrem Beruf helfen, zu besseren Menschen machen und ihre Kindern in Mathe...
Book cover of Dreifach Geil

Dreifach Geil

Sex im Dreierpack! 33 scharfe Storys

by Lisa Cohen, Andreas Müller, Mark Pond
Language: German
Release Date: January 15, 2009

"Dreifach Geil" praesentiert Ihnen 33 prickelnde Storys, die nicht nur mit saemtlichen Tabus und Hemmungen brechen, sondern auch besonders lustvoll, suendig und vor allem sehr erregend sind. Exzessive Lusterlebnisse unter zwei Freundinnen, die einen wolluestigen Mann verfuehren oder berauschende...
Book cover of Biological Characterization of Bone Tumors
by F. Sim, G.C. Steiner, W. Mellin
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

During the past few years, a considerable number of monographs on bone tumors have been published. They are mainly restricted to bone tumors as clinical-pathological entities, since their diagnosis, more than that of other tumors, requires the interdisciplinary cooperation between orthopedic specialist,...
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