Barbara Wolf: 29 books

Book cover of Winter Wishes

Winter Wishes

A Regency Holiday Romance Anthology

by Cheryl Bolen, Bronwen Evans, Lana Williams
Language: English
Release Date: October 15, 2019

New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author Cheryl Bolen and USA Today Bestselling authors Bronwen Evans, Lana Williams, Bree Wolf and Collette Cameron are joined by Heather Boyd, Sasha Cottman, Samantha Grace, Donna Cummings, Barbara Monajem, Suzanna Medeiros, Wendy Vella, and Alina K. Field...
Book cover of Literature and Cartography

Literature and Cartography

Theories, Histories, Genres

by Jean-Marc Besse, Bruno Bosteels, Patrick M. Bray
Language: English
Release Date: November 17, 2017

The relationship of texts and maps, and the mappability of literature, examined from Homer to Houellebecq. Literary authors have frequently called on elements of cartography to ground fictional space, to visualize sites, and to help readers get their bearings in the imaginative world of the...
Book cover of Human Subjects Research Regulation

Human Subjects Research Regulation

Perspectives on the Future

by Amy L. Davis, Elisa A. Hurley, Rosamond Rhodes
Language: English
Release Date: July 25, 2014

Experts from different disciplines offer novel ideas for improving research oversight and protection of human subjects. The current framework for the regulation of human subjects research emerged largely in reaction to the horrors of Nazi human experimentation, revealed at the Nuremburg trials,...
Book cover of A Community of Scholars

A Community of Scholars

Impressions of the Institute for Advanced Study

by Chantal David, Freeman Dyson, Jane Fulcher
Language: English
Release Date: November 7, 2011

This beautifully illustrated anthology celebrates eighty years of history and intellectual inquiry at the Institute for Advanced Study, one of the world's leading centers for theoretical research. Featuring essays by current and former faculty and members along with photographs by Serge J-F. Levy,...
Book cover of Frieden stiften

Frieden stiften

Vermittlung und Konfliktlösung vom Mittelalter bis heute

by Gerd Althoff, Hans-Georg Soeffner, Barbara Stollberg-Rilinger
Language: German
Release Date: June 1, 2015

Wenn US-Präsident Obama Richard Holbrook als seinen neuen Vermittler für Afghanistan und Pakistan vorstellt, ist dies eine Nachricht, die weltweite Aufmerksamkeit findet. Sondergesandte sind in allen Krisenregionen der Welt im Einsatz. Wie aber geht das: Frieden stiften? Und wann entwickelte sich...
Book cover of Impress Magazin Sommer 2017 (Mai-Juli): Tauch ein in romantische Geschichten
by Jennifer Wolf, Jennifer Alice Jager, Isabell Schmitt-Egner
Language: German
Release Date: April 14, 2017

**Sommer, Sonne, Romantik mit Impress!** Laue Sommerabende, Freibadfeeling und endlich wieder Flip-Flops. Der Sommer steht vor der Tür und ob Ihr Euch nun in den nächsten Park setzen oder in den Urlaub fliegen wollt, die perfekte Lektüre darf nicht fehlen! Wir packen also unsere E-Reader und nehmen...
Book cover of Das Land Hessen

Das Land Hessen

Geschichte - Gesellschaft - Politik

by Eckhart G. Franz, Barbara Dölemeyer, Ralf Banken
Language: German
Release Date: November 27, 2014

Im Jahr 2014 jährt sich zum 60. Male die Gründung der Hessischen Landeszentrale für politische Bildung. Was liegt da näher, als dieses Jubiläum zum Anlass einer aktuellen Standortbestimmung unseres Bundeslandes zu nehmen? Der vorliegende Sammelband zu Historie, Gesellschaft und Politik des Landes...
Book cover of The Women, Gender and Development Reader
by Valentine Moghadam, Chandra Talpade Mohanty, Sarah White
Language: English
Release Date: November 25, 2011

The Women, Gender and Development Reader II is the definitive volume of literature dedicated to women in the development process. Now in a fully revised second edition, the editors expertly present the impacts of social, political and economic change by reviewing such topical issues as migration,...
Book cover of Balancing Change and Tradition in Global Education Reform
by Gérard Bonnet, Mary Canning, Kai-ming Cheng
Language: English
Release Date: April 16, 2010

In Balancing Change and Tradition in Global Education Reform, Rotberg brings together examples of current education reforms in sixteen countries, written by 'insiders'. This book goes beyond myths and stereotypes and describes the difficult trade-offs countries make as they attempt to implement reforms...
Book cover of Llewellyn's 2015 Witches' Companion

Llewellyn's 2015 Witches' Companion

An Almanac for Contemporary Living

by Linda Raedisch, Llewellyn, Monica Crosson
Language: English
Release Date: July 8, 2014

Modern Topics and Ways to Live Your Craft Discover the latest witchy trends, insightful practices, and thought-provoking discussions in the Wiccan and Pagan communities with Llewellyn's Witches' Companion. This accessible guide will show you the path to living the old ways in today's modern...
Book cover of Llewellyn's 2016 Witches' Companion

Llewellyn's 2016 Witches' Companion

An Almanac for Contemporary Living

by Llewellyn, Tess Whitehurst, James Kambos
Language: English
Release Date: September 8, 2015

Modern Witches on the Path of Wisdom Discover everyday insights and timely essays on witchy lifestyles, Craft essentials, issues in the Pagan community, and magical transformation. Llewellyn’s 2016 Witches’ Companion features some of the most innovative Wiccan/Pagan thinkers working today: Tess...
Book cover of Llewellyn's 2018 Magical Almanac

Llewellyn's 2018 Magical Almanac

Practical Magic for Everyday Living

by Sandra Kynes, Monica Crosson, Ember Grant
Language: English
Release Date: July 8, 2017

Discover unique perspectives on the magic of life’s journey with Llewellyn’s 2018 Magical Almanac. Inspiring all levels of magical practitioners for more than twenty-five years, this almanac features nearly three dozen compelling articles, exploring a variety of topics, such as creating a well-stocked...
Book cover of How to Land a Top-Paying Chicken handlers Job: Your Complete Guide to Opportunities, Resumes and Cover Letters, Interviews, Salaries, Promotions, What to Expect From Recruiters and More
by Wolf Barbara
Language: English
Release Date: October 24, 2012

For the first time, a book exists that compiles all the information candidates need to apply for their first Chicken handlers job, or to apply for a better job. What you'll find especially helpful are the worksheets. It is so much easier to write about a work experience using these outlines. It ensures...
Book cover of Paternoster - Vom Auf und Ab des Lebens
by Gerd Haehnel, Monika Holstein, Dieter Jandt
Language: German
Release Date: November 22, 2015

Wie erleben zeitgenössische Schriftsteller die Auf und Ab des Lebens? Diese Anthologie beinhaltet autobiografische Geschichten ebenso wie Erwartungen, auch Fantasien werden verwirklicht. Zu Wort kommen Schriftsteller, die aus einem reichen Erinnerungsreservoir schöpfen können: Mal nachdenklich,...
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