Barry: 2877 books

Book cover of The House Book Six: Sir Leo
by Madison Barry
Language: English
Release Date: May 6, 2017

Leo has an idea to start a club for BDSM masters to train willing women to be their slaves. It takes years, and there are bumps in the road, but over time, the House becomes Leo's life, recruiting women and masters, enforcing rules, navigating conflicts. House rules forbid outside romantic relationships...
Book cover of The Invisible Front
by Barry Flanagan
Language: English
Release Date: April 20, 2015

Its 1944 and Germany are losing the war. The Soviet advance is unparalleled, forcing the Wehrmacht to retreat with great rapidity. After three years of occupation in Lithuania the Germans regroup at the East Prussian town of Goldap leaving behind a legacy of exterminated Jews and a trail of destruction....
Book cover of The Last Free Man in America
by Barry Bowdidge
Language: English
Release Date: March 31, 2012

On the road science fiction preparation for turning fiction into fact! This story gives a background and motivation for starting a new Country called Libertas that the author is actually doing in real life. This will lead the reader to be part of this epic adventure. The reader will be treated to...
Book cover of La guerra di Troia

La guerra di Troia

guerra di Troia

by Barry Strauss
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 1, 2011

Nel 1200 a.C. una città d’oro si ergeva all’ingresso dello stretto dei Dardanelli, tra l’ambra dei campi di grano, in bella vista su una pericolosa linea di sangue che divideva due imperi rivali. Troia ‘la ventosa’ sorgeva proprio lì, sull’unico punto di passaggio tra il mar Egeo e il...
Book cover of L'arte del comando

L'arte del comando

Alessandro, Annibale, Cesare

by Barry Strauss
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 4, 2015

Barry Strauss mette a confronto i capi militari più importanti e più grandi dell'antichità. Il migliore fu Annibale, il generale cartaginese, un condottiero formidabile, superiore persino ad Alessandro e a Cesare. Di lui si può dire che fu l'eroe delle cause perdute e delle battaglie perfette....
Book cover of Rights to Culture

Rights to Culture

Heritage, Language and Community in Thailand

by Coeli Barry (Editor)
Language: English
Release Date: July 1, 2013

This collection brings together original, small-scale, ethnographic research on minorities and communities contesting heritage, livelihood, language, and citizenship in Thailand. The case studies included here look at the rights of communities to manage their own cultural and natural resources across...
Book cover of Cómo enseñar la Biblia con creatividad
by Barry Shafer
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 1, 2012

Este libro está diseñado para ayudarte a desarrollar un enfocado estudio de la Biblia que atrape a tus jóvenes llevándolos a un nuevo nivel. En sus páginas descubrirás: cómo ir más allá de la típica discusión bíblica - cómo abordar confiadamente una búsqueda más profunda de la palabra...
Book cover of Will the Rain Hurt the Rhubarb?
by Barry Rachin
Language: English
Release Date: July 6, 2016

Misfeasance, malfeasance, nonfeasance – Jason Flanagan needs to make restitution for a crime committed fifteen years earlier. Problem is, the moral indiscretion isn’t punishable in any court of law.
Book cover of O, Sinners
by Barry Blumenfeld
Language: English
Release Date: June 26, 2012

"O, Sinners" is a literary novel for adults, about 140,000 words long. It is a coming-of age story, a love story, a ghost story, and a detective story, set in a mythical fifty-first state, the "Commonwealth of Amazon" on the southeastern seaboard. The novel is a fictional...
Book cover of Water's Edge
by Barry Silverstein
Language: English
Release Date: July 27, 2011

Review posted Nov. 15, 2011 at Reviewer Ekta Garg says "this immensely enjoyable novel will have readers staying awake at night to find out what happened next. This reviewer highly recommends it for anyone liking a story that contains good, old-fashioned suspense with a modern...
Book cover of London Calling

London Calling

La controcultura a Londra dal '45 a oggi

by Barry Miles
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 29, 2012

“Eravamo anti-sistema in tutto e per tutto, nella musica e nell’arte. Volevamo distruggere qualsiasi cosa avesse regole prestabilite, tutto quel che c’era di asfissiante, tutte le certezze. Eravamo decisi a infrangere tutte le regole in tutti i modi possibili”. La Londra di Barry Miles è...
Book cover of Mistake?
by Barry Larkins
Language: English
Release Date: August 3, 2013

The aftermath of the breakup of a relationship is almost complete. All Issabella has to do is remove all traces of the releationship from her emails. While conducting this exercise she discovers something which could change her life forever. Horse racing and diving will be the keys to unlocking the adventure but it is frought with doubt. Could it be a colossal mistake?
Book cover of Personal Kanban

Personal Kanban

Visualisierung und Planung von Aufgaben, Projekten und Terminen mit dem Kanban-Board

by Jim Benson, Tonianne DeMaria Barry
Language: German
Release Date: December 10, 2012

'Personal Kanban' ist eine einfache und elegante Methode, um Aufgaben, Projekte und Termine im Berufs- und Privatleben effektiver zu erledigen. Indem wir unsere Vorhaben visualisieren, können wir mithilfe von Personal Kanban besser organisieren und gleichzeitig unsere Arbeit, Ziele und Einsichten mit...
Book cover of Seres humanos únicos
by Barry M. Prizant, Tom Fields-Meyer
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 18, 2018

Ganador del premio Temple Grandin, concedido por la prestigiosa Autism Society de Estados Unidos, el doctor Barry M. Prizant lleva a cabo en "Seres humanos únicos" un acercamiento riguroso, personal y muy humano a todas las vertientes del autismo. Prizant presenta con suma sensibilidad...
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