Baruch: 119 books

Book cover of Ganar la confianza de los accionistas

Ganar la confianza de los accionistas

Guía para fortalecer el valor de la empresa a través de integridad, transparencia y buenas prácticas de gestión

by Baruch Lev
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 29, 2016

Una guía de HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL PRESS sobre buenas prácticas realizada por Baruch Lev. Hasta hace poco era fácil tener a los accionistas satisfechos. Bastaba con tener beneficios estables y dividendos modestos. Ahora todo ha cambiado y hay que saber anticiparse a lo que quieren los inversores...
Book cover of Winning Investors Over

Winning Investors Over

Surprising Truths About Honesty, Earnings Guidance, and Other Ways to Boost Your Stock Price

by Baruch Lev
Language: English
Release Date: October 25, 2011

Pleasing Wall Street used to be easy for executives. Not anymore. The stock market is an uncertain place, and every day executives have to figure out what investors really want. There are right ways and wrong ways to do this. Get it wrong, and you risk alienating investors as well as employees, consumers,...
Book cover of Risk: A Very Short Introduction
by Baruch Fischhoff, John Kadvany
Language: English
Release Date: May 26, 2011

We find risks everywhere--from genetically modified crops, medical malpractice, and stem-cell therapy to intimacy, online predators, identity theft, inflation, and robbery. They arise from our own acts and they are imposed on us. In this Very Short Introduction, Baruch Fischhoff and John Kadvany draw...
Book cover of Great Philosophers Volume One

Great Philosophers Volume One

The Road to Inner Freedom, The Art of Philosophizing, and Pilgrimage to Humanity

by Bertrand Russell, Albert Schweitzer, Baruch Spinoza
Language: English
Release Date: July 17, 2018

Essential teachings, brilliant musings, and provocative theories from three of history’s greatest thinkers. The Road to Inner Freedom: The seventeenth-century Dutch philosopher Baruch Spinoza views the ability to experience rational love of God as the key to mastering the contradictory and...
Book cover of How to Improve Your Mind
by Baruch Spinoza, Dagobert D. Runes
Language: English
Release Date: September 8, 2015

How to Improve Your Mind is an engaging philosophical text by master Enlightenment thinker Baruch Spinoza. Dr. Dagobert D. Runes, the founder of Philosophical Library, and Albert Einstein were close friends and colleagues who regarded Spinoza as the greatest of modern philosophers.   This edition includes exclusive commentary and biographical notes written by Dagobert D. Runes.
Book cover of Classics of Judaism, 11 great books of Jewish wisdom in a single file
by Moses Maimonides, Ginzberg, Louis
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

This file includes 11 books: Medieval Hebrew (featuring The Midrash and medieval collections of Jewish biblical lore and legend), Hebraic Literature (translations from the Talmud, Midrashim, and KabbalaTales and Maxims from the Midrash by Samuel Rapaport, The Sayings of the Jewish Fathers (Pirke Abot),...
Book cover of Clash of Identities

Clash of Identities

Explorations in Israeli and Palestinian Societies

by Baruch Kimmerling
Language: English
Release Date: April 4, 2008

By revisiting the past hundred years of shared Palestinian and Jewish-Israeli history, Baruch Kimmerling reveals surprising relations of influence between a stateless indigenous society and the settler-immigrants who would later form the state of Israel. Shattering our assumptions about these two...
Book cover of Spinoza : Oeuvres complètes

Spinoza : Oeuvres complètes

Nouvelle édition enrichie | Arvensa Editions

by Baruch Spinoza
Language: French
Release Date: May 1, 2014

Découvrez les oeuvres complètes de Spinoza dans une nouvelle édition enrichie de plus de 350 notes explicatives, de gravures originales et de nombreuses annexes. Vous y trouverez 14 titres spécifiquement mis en forme pour votre liseuse : - Court traité sur Dieu l'homme et la béatitude -...
Book cover of Etica e Trattato teologico-politico
by Baruch Spinoza
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 15, 2013

Vissuto in un'età intollerante e fanatica, dilaniata da conflitti che lasciarono tracce dolorose anche sulla sua storia personale e familiare, bandito nel 1656 dalla comunità ebraica di Amsterdam con una scomunica densa di esecrazioni durissime, Baruch Spinoza, indefesso paladino della libertà...
Book cover of Traité de la réforme de l'entendement
by Baruch Spinoza
Language: French
Release Date: June 6, 2018

Texte intégral révisé suivi d'une biographie de Baruch Spinoza. Vers 1665, Spinoza écrit le "Traité de la réforme de l'entendement", sous-titré "De la meilleure voie qui mène à la vraie connaissance des choses". Demeuré inachevé, le livre, l'un des plus importants de son oeuvre et non une...
Book cover of Oeuvres complètes
by Baruch SPINOZA
Language: French
Release Date: February 14, 2019

" Prince des philosophes ", selon Deleuze, " moment crucial de la pensée moderne ", selon Hegel, Baruch Spinoza (1632- 1677) est considéré comme le philosophe le plus dérangeant du XVIIe siècle. Héritier dissident de Descartes, il décida de suivre la raison jusqu'au bout...
Book cover of Marginal At the Center

Marginal At the Center

The Life Story of a Public Sociologist

by Baruch Kimmerling
Language: English
Release Date: June 1, 2012

A self-proclaimed guerrilla fighter for ideas, Baruch Kimmerling was an outspoken critic, a prolific writer, and a “public” sociologist. While he lived at the center of the Israeli society in which he was involved as both a scientist and a concerned citizen, he nevertheless felt marginal because...
Book cover of Group Work With the Emotionally Disabled
by Baruch Levine
Language: English
Release Date: April 4, 2014

Here is an exciting and informative volume on the use of social group work in psychiatric settings. As it affirms the significance of social group work’s clinical potential, Group Work With the Emotionally Disabled fosters further development in this highly specialized area of human service. Baruch...
Book cover of Origini - XXXVI

Origini - XXXVI

Preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche - Prehistory and protohistory of ancient civilizations

by Lorna Anguilano, Francesca Balossi Restelli, Baruch Brandl
Language: English
Release Date: March 3, 2017

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