Baxter: 757 books

Book cover of History and Evolution of the Automobile
by William Jr Baxter
Language: English
Release Date: July 3, 2017

This book presents the history of the automobile and its evolution. The 19th century is marked by unparalleled advances in science and its applications to the industrial arts. The automobile is looked upon as an ultra progressive idea. The records, however, show that the subject engrossed the attention...
Book cover of Our Deceased Loved Ones Communicating with Us

Our Deceased Loved Ones Communicating with Us

They Just Want to Be Remembered

by Ted Baxter
Language: English
Release Date: May 19, 2015

This book summarizes seventy of my honoring-the-dead books that I was directed to write by the dead. The dead would direct me in my dreams, usually within a week after they die, to write a book for their loved ones. They would tell me what to write, what photographs to use, and to whom to send the...
Book cover of Jaded
by Colleen Baxter Sullivan
Language: English
Release Date: June 15, 2017

Lil is in the mental facility of Joliette prison in Montreal. She is being accused of murdering Jenny, her partner. Lil, as a young child, suffered greatly both at the hands of her abusive parents and later within the foster system. And as a result of this, Lil suffers Dissociative Identity Disorder...
Book cover of Gritty
by Colleen Baxter Sullivan
Language: English
Release Date: October 15, 2017

Garwood would soon be captivated by this homeless man living on the streets of Montreal. What power did he have and why did Adam take him on with no retainer or promise of future payment?Much against the advice of his partner and friends, he delves into and uncovers the corruption, cover ups and payoffs...
Book cover of Una revelación divina de la sanidad
by Mary K. Baxter, George Bloomer
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 25, 2010

¡Reciba el poder sanador de Dios! Dios desea sanar a su pueblo. ¡Usted puede estar entre los que reciben sanidad hoy! Lea testimonios dramáticos de la vida real de personas que recibieron sanidad milagrosa de enfermedades mortales, padecimientos, y estilos de vida y hábitos destructivos. Descubra...
Book cover of Babbling With Ecstasy
by Shane V. Baxter
Language: English
Release Date: September 13, 2013

To a pretty young Irish prostitute and thief, life and sex are a game--until she finds herself within the bleak confines of a convent "school."
Book cover of Un père pour son bébé (Harlequin Horizon)
by Claire Baxter
Language: French
Release Date: August 15, 2010

Abandonnée par son petit ami, dont elle porte l’enfant, Lyssa part quelques jours en Italie pour faire le point. Un séjour qui prend bientôt des allures inattendues de parenthèse enchantée. Car son guide, le ténébreux Ricardo Rossetti, est loin de la laisser insensible. Tandis qu’il lui...
Book cover of Frei für eine neue Liebe?
by Claire Baxter
Language: German
Release Date: July 25, 2009

Die einzigen Männer in ihrem Leben sind ihre Söhne! Das hat die schöne Regan sich nach der Trennung von ihrem Ex geschworen. Doch da kannte sie Chase Mattner noch nicht: vermögender Anwalt und alleinerziehender Vater einer süßen Tochter. In seiner Nähe spürt Regan nicht nur eine Vertrautheit,...
Book cover of Dem großen Glück so nah
Language: German
Release Date: July 22, 2007

Die Zeit der Heimlichkeit ist vorbei: Warren macht Molly endlich einen Heiratsantrag, und ihre Antwort lautet Ja! Sie zählt die Tage bis zur Hochzeit. Doch dann geschieht etwas, das sie zwingt, Warren und die Stadt überstürzt zu verlassen. Erst sechs Jahre später kehrt sie zurück. Sie weiß:...
Book cover of Süsse Umarmung in Nizza
by Claire Baxter
Language: German
Release Date: July 31, 2010

In Nizza, der traumhaften Stadt am Mittelmeer, will Australierin Leonie ein neues Leben beginnen. Sie genießt die Romantik der verwinkelten Gassen, den überwältigenden Anblick des azurblauen Mittelmeers - und die zärtlichen Umarmungen von Jacques Broussard. Der charmante Franzose bietet sich ihr...
Book cover of Klopf nicht so lauf, mein Herz
Language: German
Release Date: June 2, 2008

Luke ist nach Adelaide zurückgekehrt! Mit Schmetterlingen im Bauch und weichen Knien trifft Della ihren Jugendfreund wieder. Auf den ersten Blick ist alles wie damals: Sie verstehen sich blendend, lachen über dieselben Sachen und wissen genau, was der andere denkt. Dass Della ihn schon lange heimlich...
Book cover of Procura-se pai
by Claire Baxter
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: June 1, 2015

Estava a ser seduzida por um playboy italiano… Embora a escritora australiana Lyssa Belperio estivesse sozinha e grávida, desejava ser mãe, e uma oferta de trabalho na costa de Amalfi, em Itália, deu-lhe a oportunidade de recomeçar. Ric Rossetti, um famoso jogador de futebol, depressa...
Book cover of De amiga a esposa
by Claire Baxter
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: October 1, 2016

O que deve fazer uma mulher quando se apaixona pelo seu melhor amigo? Della sempre fora apaixonada pelo seu amigo de infância, Luke, pelos seus maravilhosos olhos cinzentos e pelo seu sorriso encantador. O problema era que Luke nunca desejara que fossem mais do que amigos, por isso, quando...
Book cover of Um futuro venturoso
by Claire Baxter
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: December 1, 2014

Aquela proposta conseguiria fazer com que ambos voltassem a sentir que tinham uma vida plena? Chase Mattner chegara a Leo Bay com a intenção de criar a sua filha num local sossegado. Pretendia levar uma vida simples na sua casa junto do mar. Regan Jantz também não procurava nenhum tipo...
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