Becky: 619 books

Book cover of Confident Parenting

Confident Parenting

It’S Not Rocket Science

by Becky Crowe
Language: English
Release Date: May 29, 2018

Parenting is an adventure! It truly involves the entire communityyou, your parents, good neighbors, teachers, etc. Parenting means checking your ego at the door and preparing to wear your heart on your sleeve. It is a roller-coaster ride filled with sleepless nights, tears of pain, and tears of joy....
Book cover of Pourquoi pas nous ?
by Becky Albertalli, Adam Silvera
Language: French
Release Date: October 31, 2018

  «  *Want to give me a second chance here, universe? * »   Arthur est à New York pour l’été, en attendant de savoir s’il va être reçu à Yale. Lorsqu’il croise le chemin de Ben dans un bureau de poste, c’est le coup de foudre. Il y voit un signe du destin.   De son...
Book cover of Mes hauts, mes bas et mes coups de coeur en série
by Becky Albertalli
Language: French
Release Date: September 6, 2017

J’ai une chose à vous avouer  : je suis une serial crusheuse. Un vrai cœur d’artichaut.   Jusqu’à maintenant, j’ai eu très exactement VINGT-SIX coups de cœur. Mais comme ils ont débouché sur très exactement ZÉRO baisers, ça ne compte pas. En même temps,  c'est une bonne façon...
Book cover of Building Dominoes: A Story of Friendship, Forbidden Love, Deceit, Mystery & Family
by Becky Coelho
Language: English
Release Date: March 13, 2013

Follow the lives of Sarah Miller, naive country girl and Anton Reynolds, street smart kid from East St. Louis. Watch as their forbidden friendship turns to love. See the obstacles they were up against and the choices they made to stay together through the years. Meet their children. Laugh when boys...
Book cover of The Longfellah's Son

The Longfellah's Son

An Almost True Irish Story

by Michael Cassidy, Andy Parker, Becky Parker Geist
Language: English
Release Date: April 4, 2017

This is an almost true story. Murphy was a child of the newly emerging 1950’s Irish middle class. He was raised in the environment of a conflicted marriage that never should have happened. While his privileged upbringing seemed idyllic to the outside world, his reality was starkly different. Life...
Book cover of Adventures of a Teenage Muse

Adventures of a Teenage Muse

The Dragon's Misfit

by Becky Bartlett
Language: English
Release Date: April 20, 2014

Just as her social life was improving, high school sophomore Ella Sizemore discovers two kilos of cocaine in her kitchen. With the long list of enemies she’s attracted since becoming a muse, finding the culprit who planted it will be difficult. Ignatius, Ella’s dragon familiar, isn’t much help....
Book cover of Bis du tot bist
by Becky Masterman
Language: German
Release Date: November 14, 2014

Lange kann sich Brigid Quinn, FBI-Agentin a.D., nicht von der Jagd nach dem berüchtigten Route-66-Killer erholen. Unter der gnadenlosen Sonne Arizonas erhitzt der rätselhafte Tod eines fünfzehnjährigen Jungen die Gemüter. War es tatsächlich ein Unfall? Die Mutter des Jungen glaubt nicht an diese...
Book cover of Nur drei Worte (Nur drei Worte – Love, Simon )
by Becky Albertalli
Language: German
Release Date: February 26, 2016

Gewinner des Deutschen Jugendliteraturpreises 2017! (Jugendjury) "Dieses Buch hat mir ein breites Grinsen aufs Gesicht gezaubert. Mein Herz ist zehnmal größer geworden. Ich bin wahrscheinlich ein besserer, gesünderer und glücklicherer Mensch, seitdem ich es gelesen habe." (Leserstimme auf Goodreads)...
Book cover of Daniel Learns to Ride a Bike
by Becky Friedman
Language: English
Release Date: December 11, 2018

A new generation of children love Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood, inspired by the classic series Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood! Daniel learns how to ride a bike in this sweet 8x8 storybook based on a special episode of Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood. Daniel has a new bicycle. He wants...
Book cover of Far Apart, Close in Heart

Far Apart, Close in Heart

Being a Family when a Loved One is Incarcerated

by Becky Birtha, Maja Kastelic
Language: English
Release Date: November 26, 2018

Children can experience many emotions when a parent is in jail or prison. They may be angry, sad, lonely, or scared. Sometimes friends act differently toward them. Sometimes the children begin acting differently too. In this important book, young readers will learn that even when it feels like nothing...
Book cover of Far Apart, Close in Heart
by Becky Birtha
Language: English
Release Date: December 31, 2018

Children can experience many emotions when a parent is in jail or prison. They may be angry, sad, lonely, or scared. Sometimes friends act differently toward them. Sometimes the children begin acting differently too. In this important book, young readers will learn that even when it feels like nothing...
Book cover of Stati Uniti on the road
by Kate Armstrong, Carolyn Bain, Amy Balfour
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 14, 2018

Fate il pieno di benzina e allacciate le cinture: quello che attraversa gli Stati Uniti è un viaggio pazzesco, che non dimenticherete facilmente. Del resto, non c’è modo migliore per conoscere questo immenso paese, dinamico e coinvolgente, che percorrerlo ‘on the road’. Per i vostri itinerari:...
Book cover of Svezia
by Craig MacLachlan, Becky Ohlsen, Benedict Walker
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 29, 2018

"Lande ghiacciate, intimi cottage, foreste vergini, isole rocciose, allevatori di renne e tradizioni vichinghe: la Svezia offre tutto questo, oltre a uno stile impeccabile e a un'ottima cucina". Dritti al cuore del paese: Esperienze straordinarie: foto suggestive; i consigli degli autori...
Book cover of Ebony Peacock
by Becky Park
Language: English
Release Date: July 31, 2017

Ebony Peacock tries to give insight to a past world with compassion, humor, friendship and inner strength. It showcases night clubs called panzy clubs that were the forerunner to drag queen night clubs. This book, while historical fiction, shows a world of African-American history that won’t be found in history books.
First 38 39 40 41 42 43 4445
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