Bedford: 216 books

Book cover of Tears of the Buffalo
by Paul Bedford
Language: English
Release Date: November 1, 2018

The days of slaughtering buffalo were supposedly over, mainly because there were so pitifully few of them remaining. But with top dollar on offer for their severed heads as trophies, some hunters just can't resist. In Yellowstone Park, where such poaching is illegal, Captain Moses Harris and his company...
Book cover of North of the Line
by Paul Bedford
Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 2019

This direct sequel to The Lawmen sees Deputy United States Marshal Jesse Bronson sent north of the line into Canada, to assist with the capture of two highly dangerous American outlaws. Brin Carson and Vern Hatcher have joined up with a gang of ruthless Metis half-breeds led by Gabriel Dumont. Their...
Book cover of Faustine
by Sabrina Bedford
Language: English
Release Date: November 15, 2016

Raids leave Fort Lion, the once beautiful city in the Mountains, in shambles. A young girl, Faustine, hides alone in her parents' magnificent manor. Forced to fend for herself in the evacuated city, Faustine prepares for the bitter cold as she leaves her house in search of help. She walks through...
Book cover of Peace & Love

Peace & Love

The Time Is Always Now

by Leland Bedford
Language: English
Release Date: February 7, 2014

Peace & Love is a celebration of truth like none before, and like none that will be after, truly one of a kind! The selections within are a reflection of thought that is like a seed to the brain of every man, woman, and child, to be watered by life, and grow into an existence where love is the...
Book cover of Nature, Space and the Sacred

Nature, Space and the Sacred

Transdisciplinary Perspectives

by S. Bergmann, H. Bedford-Strohm
Language: English
Release Date: December 5, 2016

Nature, Space and the Sacred offers the first investigative mapping of a new and highly significant agenda: the spatial interactions between religion, nature and culture. In this ground-breaking work, different concepts of religion, theology, space and place and their internal relations are discussed...
Book cover of Return to Corriebush
by Lynn Bedford Hall
Language: English
Release Date: April 25, 2013

To anyone who has read or owns a copy of Fig Jam and Foxtrot, this sequel will be welcomed with open arms. Once again, the gentle kind-hearted but nosey women of Corriebush get together for a cup of tea, a slice of cake and a gossip, and along the way present the reader with four more stories and...
Book cover of Colonialism and the Bible

Colonialism and the Bible

Contemporary Reflections from the Global South

by Michel Elias Andraos, Nancy Elizabeth Bedford, Carlos F. Cardoza Orlandi
Language: English
Release Date: April 11, 2018

This volume addresses the problematic relationship between colonialism and the Bible. It does so from the perspective of the Global South, calling upon voices from Africa and the Middle East, Asia and the Pacific, and Latin America and the Caribbean. The contributors address the present state of the...
Book cover of I’m Storm Cookin’
by Nancy Bedford
Language: English
Release Date: February 13, 2019

Cooking, whether it be in the thirteenth or nineteen century or in today’s time, should be enjoyed. Teach others as you get more experience to be able to move along with great meals for oneself or with others.
Book cover of 7 erotische Kurzgeschichten aus: "S/M-Fantasie"
by Lisa Cohen, Lena Lee, Petty Sue
Language: German
Release Date: May 1, 2011

Manchmal muss es eben etwas MEHR sein: Die E-Books vom Carl Stephenson Verlag bieten hocherotische Spannung, sind unverschämt lustvoll und zeigen dem Leser auch mal etwas andere Dimensionen der Intimität. Lassen Sie sich von unseren Storys einladen zu einer faszinierenden Reise in die Welt der dunklen...
Book cover of S/M-Fantasie 1

S/M-Fantasie 1

16 schmerzhaft schöne Storys

by Hannah Parker, Juliane Koch, Kristel Kane
Language: German
Release Date: December 1, 2010

Tabulose Spiele mit Dominanz und Demut, Macht und Unterwerfung unsere S/M Fantasien sind genau das Richtige für jene Leser, die neugierig sind auf den süßen Schmerz und die erregende Qual, die dieses Erotik- Special zu bieten hat! Es gibt unzählige Möglichkeiten, mit der S/M-Lust zu spielen,...
Book cover of Erotische Fantasien 2

Erotische Fantasien 2

Sex, der Sie inspirieren wird!

by Annett Bedford, Lisa Cohen, Jenny Prinz
Language: German
Release Date: March 15, 2013

Die megageile nächtliche Nummer auf dem Autobahnparkplatz, harte S/M-Spiele samt Fisting, das erste Mal anal, ein versauter Gang-Bang im Zug oder scharfer Lesbensex deluxe diese erotischen Fantasien gehen bis ans Limit! In einer prickelnden Mischung aus Faszination und Lust zaubern unsere 35 anspruchsvollen Storys ein genussvolles Lächeln in Ihr Gesicht
Book cover of Angst


Die erregende Macht der Furcht

by Lisa Cohen, Ulla Jacobsen, Dave Vandenberg
Language: German
Release Date: December 1, 2010

Angst das ist der Reiz des Ungewissen, das Prickeln der neuartigen Lustgefühle, die grenzenlose Ekstase ermöglichen und eine faszinierende Welt der Sexualität eröffnen! Diese 19 Storys zeigen, wonach sich viele Leser tief in ihrem Innersten sehnen: die Erfahrung neuer sexueller Grenzen! "Immer...
Book cover of Das erste Mal: S/M-Erfahrungen!

Das erste Mal: S/M-Erfahrungen!

27 erotische Kurzgeschichten zwischen Dominanz & Demut

by Lisa Cohen, Kristel Kane, Miriam Eister
Language: German
Release Date: January 1, 2010

Oh Lust, gewonnen aus Unterwerfung und Demütigung oder Dominanz und Züchtigung! Das erste Mal S/M bedeutet, zaghaftes Eindringen in die Welt der dunklen Sehnsucht, der Verheißung und der lustbringenden Qualen, getrieben von unaufhaltsamem Verlangen, oft verzögert durch Angst vor der eigener Courage....
Book cover of Eltham Through Time
by Kristina Bedford
Language: English
Release Date: November 15, 2013

Eltham, long a little-known jewel in Greater London's crown, has welcomed growing numbers of tourists since Greenwich was appointed a Royal Borough at the Diamond Jubilee, 'in recognition of the historically close links forged between Greenwich and our Royal Family, from the Middle Ages to the present...
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