Bella: 844 books

Book cover of Rien que lui
by Bella Frances
Language: French
Release Date: February 1, 2017

Son premier amour, c’est lui : Rocco Hermida. Mais il est avant tout l’homme qui lui a brisé le cœur, après l’avoir trahie et humiliée… Adolescente, Frankie a aveuglément aimé Rocco Hermida, le célèbre joueur de polo argentin. Mais celui-ci l’a cruellement rejetée, avant...
Book cover of Heißes Spiel für Drei - Caprice
by Bella Apex
Language: German
Release Date: November 30, 2012

Maren spürte Janas Zunge an ihren Lippen, die sich wie eine Schlange wand und Einlass begehrte, erst zart, dann drängend. Zögerlich öffnete sie ihren Mund und ließ Jana eindringen. Warmer Champagner umspülte ihre Zungen, die wie Kämpfende miteinander rangen, sich forderten und immer tiefer...
Book cover of Jackpot der Lust - Caprice
by Bella Apex
Language: German
Release Date: July 26, 2013

Sie bückte sich wie in Zeitlupe mit durchgestreckten Beinen nach der Tasche zu ihren Füßen, wohl wissend, dass ihr Spitzen-Top ein Stück über ihren nackten Allerwertesten nach oben rutschte. Sie beugte sich noch ein wenig tiefer herab und reckte den Po kess in die Luft. Jetzt würde er einen...
Book cover of Exzess im Orientexpress - Caprice
by Bella Apex
Language: German
Release Date: March 27, 2015

Als er schließlich in seiner ganzen Pracht vor ihr stand, war Maren endgültig von ihm angetan. Dieser Mann war wirklich hübsch anzusehen. Und so artistisch hatte sich noch nie jemand für sie ausgezogen. Das musste belohnt werden. Sie schob die Decke beiseite und winkelte die Beine an. Erst noch...
Book cover of Sexy Collection No. 2 - Caprice

Sexy Collection No. 2 - Caprice

Fünf Romane in einem E-Book

by Angelina Kay, Bella Apex, Sandra Sardy
Language: German
Release Date: May 6, 2015

Erleben Sie fünf aufregende Geschichten um die beiden attraktiven Reporterinnen Maren und Sophie. Die Sexy Collection No. 2 enthält die Caprice-Folgen: Heißes Spiel für 3, Süße Früchtchen auf Hawaii, Manhattan Sex Story, Interview mit einem Verführer, Fingerspiele. Maren und Sophie sind beste...
Book cover of XXLarge - Caprice
by Natalie Frank, Isadorra Ewans, Angelina Kay
Language: German
Release Date: June 13, 2017

Sex und Glamour - Caprice, die Erotikserie - jetzt 10 Folgen in einem Sammelband! Maren und Sophie sind beste Freundinnen und Journalistinnen bei Deutschlands größtem Boulevardmagazin BLITZ. Sie berichten von Events überall auf der Welt, die der internationale Adel, die High Society und Prominente...
Book cover of Look into Me
by Brenda K. O'Bella
Language: English
Release Date: May 19, 2015

Brenda K. OBella never allowed herself to cry as a child, despite her continual struggles dealing with her emotionally distant and verbally abusive father. Lacking in confidence, Brenda had no idea how to find her place in the world. In her story of love lost and found again, Brenda shares...
Book cover of Baile de deseo
by Bella Frances
Language: Spanish
Release Date: August 15, 2019

Estaba embarazada del multimillonario… ¿Se convertiría también en su esposa? Lo único que le importaba al magnate italiano Matteo Rossini era restablecer el legado de su familia. Hasta que la encantadora bailarina Ruby Martin lo tentó a dejarlo todo por una noche de pasión. No obstante, cuando...
Book cover of El reto de su vida
by Bella Frances
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 23, 2017

¿Podía arriesgarse a desvelarle sus oscuros secretos? En una ocasión, el legendario jugador de polo Rocco Hermida entró en la vida de Francesca Ryan como un huracán, dejando a su paso devastación emocional y deseo insatisfecho. Cuando sus caminos volvieron a cruzarse, Frankie descubrió...
Book cover of Photopolymerisation Initiating Systems
by Nergis Arsu, Janina Kabatc, Joanna Ortyl
Language: English
Release Date: August 10, 2018

Photoinitiating systems play a key role in the starting point of a polymerization reaction under exposure to a UV or a visible light. The number of publications discussing photoinitiating systems for polymerization has seen a significant growth in recent years and this book provides an update on their...
Book cover of Obsessed Exposed Phillip

Obsessed Exposed Phillip

Obsessed Exposed Series, #3

by Bella Kate
Language: English
Release Date: January 18, 2016

Phillip Montgomery is dominating, controlling and sometimes downright mean. Born with everything anyone could ever want, the Hottest Man in Dallas faces a battle that he never expected to have. He learns that the woman he loves wants to leave him for the man he hates and that her little sister, a...
Book cover of Vegas Nights
by Bella Kate
Language: English
Release Date: January 18, 2016

Katrina Vincent had a plan. If she achieved her goal of winning the amateur card tournament, she was going to change life for herself and her best friend Stacie once and for all. She did not, however, expect that one of the other players would join her plan and shake her world up. Dallas was...
Book cover of Obsessed Exposed Saving Serenity

Obsessed Exposed Saving Serenity

Obsessed Exposed Series, #1

by Bella Kate
Language: English
Release Date: January 18, 2016

Serenity Montgomery is the envy of women everywhere. Married to the Hottest Man in Dallas and living in the lap of luxury. But this former outsider wants more than to be the ideal trophy wife. Realizing the business she worked hard to build is about to fail, Serenity is faced with a tough decision....
Book cover of Obsessed Exposed Hillary & Donovan

Obsessed Exposed Hillary & Donovan

Obsessed Exposed Series, #4

by Bella Kate
Language: English
Release Date: January 18, 2016

Hillary David wanted to be heroine, but only for the woman of her dreams. She’d loved her best friend Serenity since they were in middle school on the wrong side of the tracks. That spawned her resorting to some devious methods to try and protect the friend that didn’t return her feelings. Serenity...
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