Berta: 66 books

Book cover of Una vida prestada
by Berta Vias Mahou
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 1, 2018

¿Quién fue de verdad Vivian Maier, la gran fotógrafa? ¿Por qué nunca quiso mostrar sus fotos a nadie? ¿Cómo explicar tanto misterio? Hacía falta Una vida prestada y el talento de Berta Vias para que esta mujer oscura volviera por fin a la luz y nos contara su historia. «Cada...
Book cover of La mirada de los Mahuad
by Berta Vias Mahou
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 22, 2016

Elba, la protagonista de este libro, es en sí misma un misterio; la evocación de su vida, de su infancia, de su familia y del que fue su amor platónico, nos lo irá velando y desvelando poco a poco. «Y es que hay hombres que son como paisajes que no se cansa uno de admirar. Hay en ellos...
Book cover of Complete Detective Romance History
by Oliver Onions, Berta Ruck (Mrs. Oliver Onions)
Language: English
Release Date: June 3, 2014

Gahan Wilson ranked Oliver Onions as "one of the best, if not the best, ghost story writers working in the English language," declaring that "Mr. Onions did as much as anyone to move phantoms and other haunts from dark, Gothic dungeons to the very room in which you presently sit."...
Book cover of The Rise of Marine Mammals

The Rise of Marine Mammals

50 Million Years of Evolution

by Annalisa Berta
Language: English
Release Date: October 2, 2017

Marine mammals have long captured the attention of humans. Ancient peoples etched seals and dolphins on the walls of Paleolithic caves; today, engineers develop microprocessors to track these denizens of the deep. This groundbreaking book from highly respected marine mammal paleontologist Annalisa...
Book cover of The Grohmann Journey To Freedom
by Berta Grohmann - Babinec
Language: English
Release Date: October 4, 2013

Berta Grohmann - Babinec was 25 years old when she arrived in Canada. She had immigrated here with her family and settled down in the small town of Pictou, Nova Scotia. She describes her childhood, what she and her family went through during the war, the nightmares after the war and her journey to...
Book cover of ¡Qué niños tan teatreros! (Vol.1)

¡Qué niños tan teatreros! (Vol.1)

Teatro del Mundo para las Nuevas Generaciones

by María Inés Falconi, Brenda Murray, Otto Minera
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 5, 2017

Berta Hiriart, mujer de teatro y de letras, reúne aquí cuatro obras teatrales contemporáneas a las que niños y niñas a partir de los cuatro años pueden acercarse, ya sea como actores, lectores o espectadores: "Que las hay… las hay" de la argentina María Inés Falconi (una divertida...
Book cover of The Little Knights
by Berta Jereb
Language: English
Release Date: March 14, 2013

Foreword G. J. D'Angio The journals of explorers like Scott of the Antarctic or Burton of Africa make very interesting reading. It is fascinating to follow the course of these determined, intrepid individuals as they traversed unknown terrain, making their way forward despite extraordinary difficulties. This...
Book cover of Friday Night Chicas

Friday Night Chicas

Sexy Stories from La Noche

by Mary Castillo, Berta Platas, Sofia Quintero
Language: English
Release Date: December 9, 2014

Whether they're flirting en espanol, gossiping over mojitos, or dancing with their latest papi chulos, the characters in Friday Night Chicas prove that there is nothing quite like a night out with your chicas. Set in New York City, Miami's South Beach, downtown Chicago, and L.A., these four flirty...
Book cover of Names I Call My Sister
by Mary Castillo, Berta Platas, Sofia Quintero
Language: English
Release Date: October 13, 2009

Four stories of sisterhood—the bonds, the wars, the frustrations, the love—seasoned with hot Latin spice! Those "Wild Orihuela Girls," Dori and her sister Sela, intend to live up to their reputation—and more!—in order to give their snooty sister-in-law-to-be exactly what she...
Book cover of Just Trade

Just Trade

A New Covenant Linking Trade and Human Rights

by Berta Esperanza Hernández-Truyol, Stephen Joseph Powell
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2009

Documents Annex: While modern trade law and human rights law constitute two of the most active spheres in international law, follow similar intellectual trajectories, and often feature the same key actors and arenas, neither field has actively engaged...
Book cover of A Diva's Daily Devotional

A Diva's Daily Devotional

Get Ready, Get Set, Grow...

by Berta Jean
Language: English
Release Date: October 27, 2010

As Divas, we pamper ourselves, and prepare our appearance to a perfection daily. From hair to shoes, we have it all together. It is my sincere goal to get all the Divas to pamper their Spirits! To become more beautiful and valuable on the inside daily. So whether you pick...
Book cover of Return to the Sea

Return to the Sea

The Life and Evolutionary Times of Marine Mammals

by Annalisa Berta
Language: English
Release Date: April 25, 2012

Return to the Sea portrays the life and evolutionary times of marine mammals—from giant whales and sea cows that originated 55 million years ago to the deep diving elephant seals and clam-eating walruses of modern times. This fascinating account of the origin of various marine mammal lineages, some...
Book cover of Los que sobreviven nunca son los mismos
by Berta Delgado Melgosa
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 26, 2016

Primer libro de relatos de Berta Delgado, Los que sobreviven nunca son los mismos porque después de un suceso, de un trauma, de una rutina fastidiosa, de una vida, nadie puede volver por completo a un estado de inocencia. Algunos se ponen en manos del destino, de Dios, de la vergüenza, del tiempo...
Book cover of El hombre del cartapacio

El hombre del cartapacio

Y otros relatos con humor

by Elvira Lindo, Nuria Barrios, Harkaitz Cano
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 1, 2011

En este segundo volumen de la serie "La Risa de Bilbao" se dan cita diez autores de muy diversas distancias y usos literarios, pero unidos por una característica común: todos ellos son narradores de primera línea en nuestro actual panorama literario. Pero hay otra rasgo que estos diez...
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