Bn: 37 books

Book cover of Clinical Companion: Medical-Surgical Nursing
by Gayle McKenzie, RN, MEd
Language: English
Release Date: May 15, 2011

Fully-revised for Australian and New Zealand medical-surgical nursing students, the second edition of Clinical Companion Medical-Surgical Nursing is a user-friendly, quick-find guide. Clinical Companion Medical-Surgical Nursing, 2nd Edition has been fully revised and updated to address situations...
Book cover of Fususu'l-Hikem
by İbnü-l Arabi
Language: Turkish
Release Date: January 1, 2001

"Fusûsu’l-Hikem", Muhyiddin-i Arabî’nin hicri 627 yılında Şam’da bulunduğu sıralarda bir gece görmüş olduğu gerçek bir rüyanın ilhamıyla yazılmış, bilinen manada bir tasavvuf kitabı olmaktan öte hakkındaki tartışmaların bugün de devam ettiği bir baş yapıttır. Kitabın...
Book cover of Ahadiyyet Risalesi
by Muhyiddin İbn Arabi
Language: Turkish
Release Date: January 1, 2001

Yüce Tanrıya hamdü senâlar olsun ve Hz. Muhammed (s.a.v) efendimize salât ve selâm ile "Şeyh-i Ekber Muhyiddin İbn Arabî (r.a)'nin önemli risalesi "AHADİYYET RİSALESİ" ile "FÜTÛHAT-I MEKKİYYE"sinden önemli bölümleri derledik. Şeyh-i Ekber hazretleri küçük...
Book cover of Arifler ve Olağanüstü Hadiselerin Sırrı
by İbn Sina
Language: Turkish
Release Date: January 1, 2001

Zamanlar üstü bir açık oturum sanki. Zamanlar üstü çünkü 'sohbet' bir avlu sessizliğinde akıyor, temiz su kadar berrak; hakikatleri konuşuyorlar. Üstelik sohbete katılanlar aynı zamanı ve mekânı da paylaşmıyor! İki büyük isim arasında geçiyor konuşma. İbn Sina tembih ediyor,...
Book cover of Özün Özü
by İbn Arabi
Language: Turkish
Release Date: January 1, 2001

Bilinsin ki, bir güzel sevgilinin güzelliğine bakılsa ve onun etrafına yüz binlerce ayna koyulsa o sevgili yüz binlerce görünür. Görüntüler, o aynaların kendi kabiliyet ve istidatlarına farklı farklı olabilir. Sevgilinin bir aynada görünen yüzünü görüp diğer yüzleri...
Book cover of Fast Facts for the Clinical Nurse Manager, Second Edition

Fast Facts for the Clinical Nurse Manager, Second Edition

Managing a Changing Workplace in a Nutshell

by Barbara Fry, RN, BN
Language: English
Release Date: November 18, 2015

Fully updated and revised, the second edition provides sound advice addressing the changing dynamics in health care that have amplified the challenges of clinical nurse management. It offers strategies for boosting staff morale during times of fear and anxiety, explains how to reclaim professional...
Book cover of Fast Facts for the Clinical Nurse Manager

Fast Facts for the Clinical Nurse Manager

Tips on Managing the Changing Workplace in a Nutshell

by Barbara Fry, RN, BN
Language: English
Release Date: February 19, 2010

Clinical Nurse Managers face a multitude of challenges daily: managing a budget, interpersonal conflicts among staff, policy and structural changes, and many more. Using the concise "Fast Facts" format, this guide provides quick access to insights, strategies, and tools for resolving some of today's...
Book cover of Medical Education: Theory and Practice E-Book
by Tim Dornan, PhD DM FRCP MHPE, Karen V. Mann
Language: English
Release Date: December 2, 2011

Medical Education: Theory and Practice is a new text linking the theory and the practice for graduate students and educators who want to go beyond the basics. The scholarship of medical education is, above all, a ‘practice’, but one that has a strong theoretical foundation. Neither theory nor...
Book cover of Tabbner's Nursing Care - E-Book

Tabbner's Nursing Care - E-Book

Theory and Practice

by Rita Funnell, Gabby Koutoukidis, Karen Lawrence
Language: English
Release Date: November 12, 2011

A vital member of the health care team, the contemporary enrolled nurse faces increasing challenges and an increasing level of responsibility. Written specifically for Australian and New Zealand enrolled nurse students, this long awaited new edition reflects the changes and challenges in contemporary...
Book cover of A Nurse's Survival Guide to Mentoring E-Book
by Karen Elcock, BSc MSc PGDip CertEdFE RN RNT FHEA, Kath Sharples
Language: English
Release Date: February 1, 2011

Are you mentoring students or other staff? This is an indispensable handbook for: both new and experienced mentors seeking practical advice academic staff who deliver mentorship programmes link lecturers who support mentors in practice. Guidance and tips...
Book cover of Tabbner's Nursing Care - E-Book

Tabbner's Nursing Care - E-Book

Theory and Practice

by Gabby Koutoukidis, Kate Stainton, Dip App Sci (Nurs)
Language: English
Release Date: November 15, 2012

A vital member of the health care team, the contemporary enrolled nurse faces increasing challenges and an increasing level of responsibility. Written specifically for Australian and New Zealand enrolled nurse students, this long awaited new edition reflects the changes and challenges in contemporary...
Book cover of Clinical Companion: Medical-Surgical Nursing - eBook
by Gayle McKenzie, RN, MEd
Language: English
Release Date: September 30, 2014

Perfect For: • Undergraduate bachelor of Nursing students • Diploma of Nursing students • Registered and enrolled nurses re-entering acute care practice after a period of absence Clinical Companion: Medical-Surgical Nursing, 3rd Edition has been fully revised to provide accessible information...
Book cover of Perioperative Nursing - EBook-epub
by Lois Hamlin, RN, BN
Language: English
Release Date: March 15, 2016

Perioperative Nursing 2e has been written by local leaders in perioperative nursing and continues to deliver a contemporary, practical text for Australian and New Zealand perioperative nurses. Appropriate for nursing students and graduates entering the perioperative environment, Perioperative...
Book cover of Ahadiyyet Risalesi
by İbn Arabi
Language: Turkish
Release Date: January 1, 2001

Ahadiyyet Risâlesi, “Nefsini bilen Rabbini bilir” hadîsini mutlak varlık ve tecellîleri açısından şerh eden bir eserdir. “Nefsi bilme” hadîsi çerçevesinde eser, vücûd-adem, tecellî-zuhûr, ayniyet-gayriyet, tevhîd-şirk, tenzîh-teşbîh, fenâ-bekâ, ölmeden önce ölme gibi...
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