Boris: 660 books

Book cover of Five Operas and a Symphony

Five Operas and a Symphony

Word and Music in Russian Culture

by Boris Gasparov
Language: English
Release Date: October 1, 2008

In this eagerly anticipated book, Boris Gasparov gazes through the lens of music to find an unusual perspective on Russian cultural and literary history. He discusses six major works of Russian music from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, showing the interplay of musical texts with their literary...
Book cover of L'Automne à Pékin
by Boris Vian
Language: French
Release Date: September 27, 2012

« Il y aura beaucoup de gens, en Exopotamie, parce que c’est le désert. Les gens aiment à se rassembler dans le désert, car il y a de la place. Ils essayent d’y refaire les choses qu’ils faisaient partout ailleurs, et qui, là, leur paraissent neuves ; car le désert constitue un décor...
Book cover of A Margin of Lust
by Greta Boris
Language: English
Release Date: June 13, 2017

The wages of sin rock the glamorous world of high-end real estate — gripping and fast-paced!– Anne Cleeland, author of The Doyle & Acton Scotland Yard Series There is something for everyone to relate to in this story. I was especially taken with how deftly the author took an all-too-common...
Book cover of Eschatopolis
by Boris D. Schleinkofer
Language: English
Release Date: August 9, 2017

"Why is the world so screwed up?" you asked, but were too busy talking to listen. Now you are no longer able to ask the question. yOU HAVE B33N cH0SEN TO REC3IVE THIS m3SSAG3 You have been taught certain expectations, a statistical mean from which any deviation will be punished....
Book cover of For The Motherland! For Stalin!

For The Motherland! For Stalin!

A Red Army Officer's Memoir of the Eastern Front

by Boris Bogachev, Professor Geoffrey Roberts
Language: English
Release Date: June 1, 2017

Boris Bogachev's highly readable account of life as a young platoon commander during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45 makes for a fascinating read. The son of a Soviet military commissar, Bogachev volunteered to fight as soon as reached the age of seventeen. Life in the Red Army was harsh, with...
Book cover of De koning kun je niet spelen

De koning kun je niet spelen

toneelwetten voor kiezers en politici

by Boris van der Ham
Language: Dutch
Release Date: April 24, 2014

Wat is de overeenkomst tussen een politicus en een acteur? Welke toneel- en acteerwetten zijn handig voor kiezers om de politiek beter te begrijpen of te ontmaskeren? Voormalig acteur en politicus Boris van der Ham toont in De koning kun je niet spelen een originele kijk op macht, politiek en democratie....
Book cover of Das Leben ist kein Spiel
by Boris Becker, Christian Schommers
Language: German
Release Date: May 8, 2016

Boris Becker unplugged: Erstmals spricht der ehemalige Tennisstar über den Scheidungskrimi mit Barbara, die Zeugung seiner Tochter Anna, den Sorgerechtsstreit mit Angela Ermakowa, Firmenpleiten, Skandale, sein Leben nach dem Tennis … Was tut er heute? Wo sieht er sich in zehn Jahren? Und was sagen...
Book cover of Peixe-elétrico #04
by Beatriz Resende, Boris Groys, Deepa Kumar
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: February 5, 2016

Nesta edição de Peixe-elétrico: Dossiê Terror Três ensaios abrem a Peixe-elétrico #04 formando um complexo mosaico sobre um tema central deste início de século XXI: o terrorismo. Radicado na França, especialista na obra de Guy Debord, GABRIEL FERREIRA ZACARIAS aborda o chamado terrorismo...
Book cover of The Poetic Side of a Man's Mind
by Boris Franklin
Language: English
Release Date: December 30, 2009

Boris Franklin has been writing rap songs since he was 10 and is now putting his experience about his life into poetry. In 1990 Boris won a writing contest for his prize writing rap song on the importance of passing the High School Proficiency Test (HSPT) taking top honors district-wide. He continues...
Book cover of The Role of the Soviet Union in the Second World War
by Boris Sokolov
Language: English
Release Date: April 24, 2013

This book investigates several controversial issues regarding the role of the Soviet Union and the performance of the Soviet government and Red Army, to which the author provides some provocative answers. The primary question explored by the author, however, regards the effectiveness of both the Red...
Book cover of Cent sonnets
by Boris Vian
Language: French
Release Date: August 30, 2012

Sans doute composés entre 1939 et 1943, ces poèmes sont la première œuvre de Boris Vian. Il devait beaucoup plus tard les reprendre, corrigeant ou supprimant certaines pièces, preuve de l’importance qu’il leur attachait. Impertinence, humour, sens de la dérision et du pastiche: tels sont...
Book cover of Traité de civisme (nouvelle édition)
by Boris Vian
Language: French
Release Date: May 13, 2015

C’est en 1950 que Boris Vian conçut le projet du Traité de civisme, qu’il ne cessa de modifier et d’enrichir jusqu’à sa mort, faisant dire à son biographe que ce texte peut être considéré comme son « testament intellectuel » (Noël Arnaud, Les Vies parallèles de Boris Vian). Sous...
Book cover of Rue des Ravissantes

Rue des Ravissantes

et dix-sept autres scénarios

by Noël Arnaud, Boris Vian
Language: French
Release Date: July 20, 2012

L'intérêt de Boris Vian pour le cinéma a été précoce : dès l'Occupation, alors que le jeune écrivain n'a encore rien publié, il s'essaye à composer des scénarios. Sa rencontre avec le cinéaste Pierre Kast, en 1945, va déboucher sur de vrais projets... dont aucun n'aboutira. C'est...
Book cover of Cinéma Science-Fiction
by Noël Arnaud, Boris Vian
Language: French
Release Date: July 22, 2013

Durant l' après-guerre, la modernité est américaine. Du jazz au roman à suspense, du cinéma à la science-fiction, c' estd' outre-Atlantique que surgissent les nouveautés qui bousculent nos réflexes et nos habitudes. Le trompettiste de Saint-Germain-des-Prés, romancier de Les morts ont tous...
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