Boris: 660 books

Book cover of The sources and aim of human progress

The sources and aim of human progress

A study in social psychology and social pathology

by Boris Sidis
Language: English
Release Date: December 27, 2018

Famous pioneer in many fields of psychology and psychiatry, Boris Sidis is known to have applied his knowledge of psychology by fathering the child prodigy William James Sidis, who at age 11 became the youngest person to enroll at Harvard University. Two decades after publishing his theory of the...
Book cover of The Churchill Factor

The Churchill Factor

How One Man Made History

by Boris Johnson
Language: English
Release Date: November 13, 2014

From London’s inimitable mayor, Boris Johnson, the story of how Churchill’s eccentric genius shaped not only his world but our own. On the fiftieth anniversary of Churchill’s death, Boris Johnson celebrates the singular brilliance of one of the most important leaders of the twentieth...
Book cover of New Non-opioid Analgesics
by Boris V. Krylov, Boris V. Krylov, Boris V. Krylov
Language: English
Release Date: June 12, 2017

The monograph is a summary of methods used to study pain receptors and the results obtained in some experiments designed to study the effect of non-opioid analgesics. The molecular mechanisms of nociceptive information control in primary sensory nociceptive neurons are described based on investigations...
Book cover of Poesía completa
by Boris Vian, Jean Boullet, Juan Antonio Tello
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 1, 2014

La escritura poética de Boris Vian (1920-1959) se extiende a lo largo de dos décadas, de los primeros años cuarenta hasta finales de los cincuenta. Tan solo dos colecciones 'Barnum's Digest' y 'Cantinelas en jalea' aparecen en vida del escritor. Los 'Cien sonetos' que empieza a crear tal vez a...
Book cover of Vidas reinventadas
by Boris Fishman
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: June 1, 2015

Aclamado pela crítica, o romance de estreia de Boris Fishman conta a história de Slava Gelman, jornalista frustrado e aspirante a escritor que vive em Nova York. Descendente de judeus russos, Slava nunca se interessou pelo passado de sua família, até encontrar um formulário recebido por sua avó,...
Book cover of Say Hello to Jupiter

Say Hello to Jupiter

The Memoirs of Bb Boris

by Boris Bouquerel
Language: English
Release Date: October 9, 2003

Ever wondered what our great-great-grandchildren will think of us as they survey the wreckage? Will they realize that their broken inheritance was no accident, but a scheduled apocalypse we had seen coming a long way off, in great scientific detail and full Dolby Technicolor Sensurround? As...
Book cover of Ancient Irrigation Systems of the Aral Sea Area

Ancient Irrigation Systems of the Aral Sea Area

Ancient Irrigation Systems of the Aral Sea Area

by Boris V. Adrianov, Simone Mantellini
Language: English
Release Date: December 31, 2013

Ancient Irrigation Systems in the Aral Sea Area, is the English translation of Boris Vasilevich Andrianov's work, Drevnie orositelnye sistemy priaralya , concerning the study of ancient irrigation systems and the settlement pattern in the historical region of Khorezm, south of the Aral Sea (Uzbekistan)....
Book cover of Gebissen



by Boris Koch
Language: German
Release Date: March 4, 2010

Vampire in Berlin! Es heißt, da ist ein Junge, der einst von einem dunklen Wesen gebissen wurde. Seltsame Veränderungen sind ihm damals widerfahren, die er jedoch verbergen konnte. Jahre später, gerade als er die Liebe seines Lebens trifft, holt ihn seine Vergangenheit ein. Denn sie sind...
Book cover of Ordre mondial. Désordre moral

Ordre mondial. Désordre moral

Essai sur les contradictions humaines

by Boris Alexandre Spasov
Language: French
Release Date: February 1, 2017

Une fine analyse des rapports humains.« Cet essai Ordre mondial-Désordre moral nous parle essentiellement des contradictions humaines ; la guerre et la paix y sont traitées avec le bien et le mal en parallèle, pour aboutir à l’interrogation : la non-guerre est-elle pour autant la paix ? Une analyse...
Book cover of Le Crépuscule des vieux

Le Crépuscule des vieux

Les chroniques de Tahiti Pacifique 2017

by Boris Alexandre Spasov
Language: French
Release Date: January 2, 2018

Des articles instructifs et passionnés sur la Polynésie française, réunis en un seul ouvrage. Boris-Alexandre Spasov se définit comme un humaniste, ce que ses articles tendent à prouver. Son paradigme, il nous le fait vivre et découvrir dans les écrits qu’il consacre à la Polynésie...
Book cover of Meine Schwester - das Leben

Meine Schwester - das Leben

Werkausgabe Band 1. Gedichte, Erzählungen, Briefe

by Boris Pasternak
Language: German
Release Date: February 19, 2015

Das unbekannte Werk im Schatten von ›Doktor Shiwago‹ - zum 125. Geburtstag von Boris Pasternak am 10.02.2015Als 1958 ›Doktor Shiwago‹ mit dem Nobelpreis ausgezeichnet wurde, fehlte einer: sein Schöpfer. Boris Pasternak wurde von den russischen Behörden die Ausreise verwehrt, sein Autor blieb...
Book cover of Vrije moraal
by Boris van der Ham
Language: Dutch
Release Date: January 24, 2013

Nederland staat bekend als vrijplaats voor `seks, drugs en rock-n-roll. Hoe kregen we dat wilde imago? En is dat imago terecht? In De vrije moraal duikt politicus Boris van der Ham in de onthullende, schokkende en geestige geschiedenis van seks, drank en drugs. De afgelopen 150 jaar werd in de media...
Book cover of Une autre histoire de Londres
by Boris JOHNSON
Language: French
Release Date: March 7, 2013

L'histoire extraordinaire d'une cité extraordinaire par un auteur extraordinaire. Boris Johnson est fou amoureux de sa ville. L'excentrique et très érudit maire de Londres nous communique son enthousiasme pour la capitale anglaise, retraçant son histoire depuis ses origines marécageuses...
Book cover of L'attrapeur de libellules
Language: French
Release Date: October 31, 2013

Boris Akounine, maître incontesté de la littérature russe contemporaine et traducteur du japonais, signe une œuvre foisonnante et complexe entre la Russie impériale et le Japon de l'ère Meiji. Mai 1905. Tandis que la flotte russe vient d'essuyer une cinglante défaite à Tsushima face...
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