Boyer: 273 books

Book cover of Overcome with Paschal Joy

Overcome with Paschal Joy

Chanting through Lent and Easter—Daily Reflections with Familiar Hymns

by Mark G. Boyer
Language: English
Release Date: June 30, 2016

The Lent-Easter seasons cover one-fourth of the year, or 25 percent of the liturgical year. One of the many things we do as Roman Catholics is sing Lenten and Easter hymns. During Lent, we express our sorrow for sin as we pray, fast, and give alms. During Easter, we shout Alleluias at the end of many...
Book cover of A Spirituality of Ageing
by Mark G. Boyer
Language: English
Release Date: June 20, 2014

Sometime around the age of fifty--or as early as forty and as late as sixty--most of us come to terms with our age. We recognize that we have lived out at least half of the time allotted to us, and that the second half may be shorter than the first! Coming to terms with our age is a process, one that...
Book cover of All Things Mary

All Things Mary

Honoring the Mother of God—An Anthology of Marian Reflections

by Mark G. Boyer
Language: English
Release Date: December 17, 2018

All Things Mary provides reflections on all Scripture texts associated with celebrations in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary during the liturgical year, in addition to biblical texts presented in the Collection of Masses of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It honors the Mother of God as the exemplar of the...
Book cover of Names for Jesus

Names for Jesus

Reflections for Advent and Christmas

by Mark G. Boyer
Language: English
Release Date: September 11, 2017

There are multiple names given to Jesus in the Bible. Fifty of them are presented in this book, Names for Jesus. In the ancient world, a name had a meaning; in this book's entries one can discover the meaning of a name for Jesus, which often indicates one of his functions as understood by a biblical...
Book cover of Praying Your Way through Luke's Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles
by Mark G. Boyer
Language: English
Release Date: September 24, 2015

Prayer, the raising of the heart to God, is the heart of the Christian life. For the author of Luke's Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles, prayer is the habit of being in the presence of God. One of the primary ways Jesus is characterized in Luke's Gospel is that of a pray-er. Likewise in the Acts...
Book cover of Weekday Saints

Weekday Saints

Reflections on Their Scriptures

by Mark G. Boyer
Language: English
Release Date: October 21, 2014

The Roman Catholic Church issued its first, modern, one-volume Lectionary--a book of biblical texts assigned for every day of the year--in 1970 in response to the Second Vatican Council's call for a greater fare of Scripture during Mass. By the time the Lectionary was revised and published between...
Book cover of Human Wholeness

Human Wholeness

A Spirituality of Relationship

by Mark G. Boyer, Matthew S. Ver Miller
Language: English
Release Date: March 4, 2015

Imagine a rope braided out of seven strands of twine, forming a circle so that even the ends of the rope are woven together. That is an image of human wholeness. This book proposes seven aspects to human wholeness: intellectual, psychological, emotional, physical, sexual, spiritual, and aesthetic....
Book cover of Fruit of the Vine

Fruit of the Vine

A Biblical Spirituality of Wine

by Mark G. Boyer
Language: English
Release Date: May 23, 2017

Fruit of the Vine: A Biblical Spirituality of Wine is designed to help the reader grow in spirituality through reflecting on biblical vineyard stores, wine making, and wine as a metaphor for life. A spirituality of wine--categorized as a spirit--connects the spirit in wine to the universal spirit...
Book cover of A Simple Systematic Mariology
by Mark G. Boyer
Language: English
Release Date: May 11, 2015

Mary, the mother of Jesus, is known in the Catholic Church as Our Lady of Grace, Our Lady of Fatima, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Our Lady of Sorrows, Our Lady of Guadalupe, Our Lady of Lourdes, Our Lady of the Rosary, Our Mother of Perpetual Help, and more. Her various titles describe her various functions...
Book cover of Christ Our Passover Has Been Sacrificed

Christ Our Passover Has Been Sacrificed

A Guide through Paschal Mystery Spirituality: Mystical Theology in The Roman Missal

by Mark G. Boyer
Language: English
Release Date: January 3, 2018

Christ Our Passover Has Been Sacrificed examines the paschal mystery as it is presented throughout the liturgical year in The Roman Missal. After offering an in-depth definition of the paschal mystery the author guides the reader through Lent, Holy Week, Easter, Pentecost, and more, mining the riches...
Book cover of From Contemplation to Action

From Contemplation to Action

The Spiritual Process of Divine Discernment Using Elijah and Elisha as Models

by Mark G. Boyer
Language: English
Release Date: September 10, 2018

Contemplation is a spiritual process involving long, thoughtful, steady, serious, and attentive consideration or observation in order to achieve closer unity with God and to discover and understand God's will for the contemplative. Contemplation gives rise to activity, and activity, in turn, gives...
Book cover of Ben Gourion
by Pierre Haski, Michel Boyer, Henry Dougier
Language: French
Release Date: January 1, 1998

Plonsk. Au nord-ouest de Varsovie, en Pologne sous domination tsariste, une petite ville avec son shtetl typique et ses rabbins ultra-conservateurs. Octobre 1886. Naissance de David Gryn. Un père anticonformiste, qui est sioniste avant même Theodor Herzl et parle hébreu plutôt que yiddish. Orphelin...
Book cover of Centre-du-Québec à moto
by Hélène Boyer, Odile Mongeau
Language: French
Release Date: February 18, 2019

Le chapitre Centre-du-Québec à moto, rédigé par deux motocyclistes aguerries, propose quelques itinéraires pour un voyage à moto dans le Centre-du-Québec. Ce chapitre vous fait emprunter tantôt de sympathiques routes secondaires, tantôt de pittoresques chemins de campagne. On y présente...
Book cover of The Secret Diary of a Motel Maintenance Man
by Donald Boyer
Language: English
Release Date: September 22, 2009

Almost every day theres excitement going from one place to another. Theres been so many things happening here that I really dont know where to begin. If you look at the place as a jam packed full container of messed up people that cant get along with themselves, let alone anyone else, you would see...
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