C H H C : 1286 books

Book cover of The Common Symptom Guide, Sixth Edition
by Harold Sox, Elizabeth Scott Wasson, B. Timothy Walsh
Language: English
Release Date: June 1, 2009

Instantly diagnose 100 of the most commonly seen symptoms in adults and children! "This is a book of lists to help inexperienced healthcare providers hone their skill at progressing from symptoms to a differential diagnosis to treatment decisions. This is a necessary step in a student's...
Book cover of Atlas of Pathological Computer Tomography

Atlas of Pathological Computer Tomography

Volume 3: Computer Tomography of Neck, Chest, Spine and Limbs

by M. Osteaux, D. Baleriaux, L. Jeanmart
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

The purpose of this book is to provide the radiologist with information which is "as practical as possible" for the everyday use of computerized tomography (CT) in the field of cervical, thoracic, and musculoskeletal pathology. The approach is simple. For each region the following information...
Book cover of Neuroactivation and Neuroimaging with SPET
by Mark S. George, Howard A. Ring, Peter J. Ell
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

Recent explorations in the neurosciences have been progressing towards an understanding of the relationship between brain struc­ ture and brain function. Having passed through an era which may be described as one of a localisationist philosophy, in which discrete brain areas were seen to subserve...
Book cover of Carcinogenesis
by P. Höhn, E. Kunze, K. Nomura
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

Concepts on the Causal Genesis of Human Intestinal Tumors The action of chemical substances has a significant role in the genesis of human tumors. It is assumed that most human tumors are induced by exogenous chemical noxae (Schmahl, 1970;Heidelberger, 1975; and others). In the course of intensive efforts...
Book cover of Advances in Mechanical Behaviour, Plasticity and Damage
by D. Miannay, P. Costa, D. François
Language: English
Release Date: November 3, 2000

Since its inception in 1991, EUROMAT has been held each year on behalf of the Federation of European Materials Societies (FEMS), and alternates between general and topical prospectives. This year's theme, Advances in Mechanical Behaviour, Plasticity and Damage, was proposed by the Societe Francaise...
Book cover of Seven Deadly Sins: Simply Delectable Stories

Seven Deadly Sins: Simply Delectable Stories

The Deadly Sevens Book Club Series, #1

by Kelly C. Brown, V. J. Hurst, L. W. Koehler
Language: English
Release Date: December 14, 2015

Lust, Greed, Gluttony… You can find all seven of the Deadly Sins in this eclectic collaboration. Whether you like modern humor, lusty historical fiction, sci-fi, or deep, emotional poetry, you will find it all and more in the pages of Seven Deadly Sins: Simply Delectable Stories. But…there’s...
Book cover of Prépabac Tout-en-un Tle ES

Prépabac Tout-en-un Tle ES

tout pour réviser le Bac ES

by Daniel Mendola, Richard Bréhéret, Michel Abadie
Language: French
Release Date: July 5, 2017

En un seul ouvrage, toutes les matières pour le Bac ES  : SES, histoire-géo, maths, philosophie, anglais, espagnol. • Dans chaque matière  : – un cours structuré et illustré, – des quiz pour faire un bilan rapide, – des sujets de type bac, suivis de leur corrigé. •...
Book cover of Distance Learning

Distance Learning

On the Design of an Open University

by J.F. Moonen, C.M. Chang, H.F.M Crombag
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

History The present book is a translation and in part an adaptation of a study the authors conducted for the Dutch Ministry of Education. Several years ago, the Dutch authorities decided to found an Open University, a system of distance learning especially suited to students only able or willing to...
Book cover of Almost Free Modules

Almost Free Modules

Set-theoretic Methods

by P.C. Eklof, A.H. Mekler
Language: English
Release Date: April 29, 2002

This book provides a comprehensive exposition of the use of set-theoretic methods in abelian group theory, module theory, and homological algebra, including applications to Whitehead's Problem, the structure of Ext and the existence of almost-free modules over non-perfect rings. This second edition...
Book cover of Hatier Concours CRPE 2017 - Epreuve orale d'admission - Sciences et technologie
by Cécile Laruelle-Detroussel, Hélène Lesot, Micheline Cellier
Language: French
Release Date: August 31, 2016

Cet ouvrage s’adresse aux étudiants qui préparent l’épreuve d’admission du CRPE. ♦ Un outil indispensable pour réussir l’épreuve de Sciences et technologie du CRPE ♦ Un ouvrage de référence avec : • le point sur l’enseignement des sciences et de la technologie à l’école...
Book cover of Communicator - 8e éd.

Communicator - 8e éd.

Toute la communication à l'ère digitale !

by Assaël Adary, Céline Mas, Marie-Hélène Westphalen
Language: French
Release Date: June 6, 2018

Repérez les auteurs à connaître, comprenez les techniques à mettre en oeuvre, découvrez les tendances à la pointe. Ce livre complet et pratique vous fournit les outils des meilleurs professionnels du secteur. Cette 8e édition évolue encore pour vous proposer des contenus inédits : • les...
Book cover of Droit processuel. Droits fondamentaux du procès
by Serge Guinchard, Véronique Magnier, Hélène Ruiz-Fabri
Language: French
Release Date: February 1, 2017

Le droit processuel a changé. Depuis l'époque où l'enseignement de cette discipline se limitait à la comparaison des procédures administrative, civile et pénale, un double mouvement de mondialisation et d'attraction du droit du procès à la garantie des droits fondamentaux a fait apparaître un nouveau droit processuel, entendu désormais comme le droit commun du procès.
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