Caravale: 7 books

Book cover of Beyond the Inquisition

Beyond the Inquisition

Ambrogio Catarino Politi and the Origins of the Counter-Reformation

by Giorgio Caravale
Language: English
Release Date: April 30, 2017

In Beyond the Inquisition, originally published in an Italian edition in 2007, Giorgio Caravale offers a fresh perspective on sixteenth-century Italian religious history and the religious crisis that swept across Europe during that period. Through an intellectual biography of Ambrogio Catarino Politi...
Book cover of Storia del diritto nell'Europa moderna e contemporanea
by Mario Caravale
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 18, 2012

Una sintesi rigorosa e di ampio respiro che ricostruisce in modo efficace la storia degli ordinamenti giuridici europei.«Occasione preziosa, se appena se ne scorrono le pagine, o soltanto l'indice, il libro di Caravale: dove la storia del diritto trova un'intrinseca unità, e raccoglie sviluppo delle...
Book cover of Censorship and Heresy in Revolutionary England and Counter-Reformation Rome
by Giorgio Caravale
Language: English
Release Date: September 19, 2017

This book explores the secrets of the extraordinary editorial success of Jacobus Acontius' Satan's Stratagems, an important book that intrigued readers and outraged religious authorities across Europe. Despite condemnation by the Catholic Church, the work, first published in Basel in 1565, was a...
Book cover of Il profeta disarmato

Il profeta disarmato

L'eresia di Francesco Pucci nell'Europa del Cinquecento

by Giorgio, Caravale
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 1, 2011

Quale fu l'eredità della cosiddetta Riforma italiana? Quale il contributo dell'umanesimo italiano agli sviluppi europei dell'irenismo e della tolleranza religiosa? Il libro ricostruisce con l'aiuto di documenti inediti la vicenda biografica e intellettuale di Francesco Pucci (1543-1597). Educato nella...
Book cover of Equilibrium and Economic Theory
by Giovanni Alfredo Caravale
Language: English
Release Date: September 11, 2002

This book considers the treatment of equilibrium by several of the most important schools of thought in economics, including: * neoclassical economics, * the neo-Ricardian economics, * Post-Keynesian economics - both those who follow Joan Robinson in denying any interpretative role to equilibrium...
Book cover of Forbidden Prayer

Forbidden Prayer

Church Censorship and Devotional Literature in Renaissance Italy

by Giorgio Caravale
Language: English
Release Date: April 22, 2016

This book delineates the attempt, carried out by the Congregations of the Inquisition and the Index during the sixteenth and early seventeenth century, to purge various devotional texts in the Italian vernacular of heterodox beliefs and superstitious elements, while imposing a rigid uniformity in...
Book cover of Ricardo and the Theory of Value Distribution and Growth
by Giovanni A. Caravale, Domenico A. Tosato
Language: English
Release Date: April 15, 2013

The book presents a rigorous reconstruction of Ricardo's contribution to economic theory and a unifying interpretation of the key issues of Ricardo's research. Part One deals primarily with the problems of value and distribution Part Two deals specifically with the issues of distribution and growth. *...
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