Carlo Fabbri: 4 books

Book cover of Chianti. Art, history, traditions
by Carlo Fabbri
Language: English
Release Date: August 9, 2017

Walking along small paths in the midst of the woodes in search of nature or of a few precious olive trees and vines, the noble parents of the "king of vines", discovering history in the medieval castles and walled villages or in the ancient spirituality of the soberly-beautiful parish churches,...
Book cover of Chianti. Arte, storia, tradizioni
by Carlo Fabbri
Language: Italian
Release Date: August 9, 2017

Passeggiare sulle stradelle fra i boschi alla scoperta della natura o di qualche seminascosto gioiello d'arte, osservare dalle alture le verdi "onde di terra" trapunte di preziosi olivi e di viti, nobili genitrici del "re dei vini", scoprire la storia nei castelli e nei borghi...
Book cover of Sound as Popular Culture

Sound as Popular Culture

A Research Companion

by Peter Wicke, Diedrich Diederichsen, Thomas Hecken
Language: English
Release Date: March 11, 2016

Scholars consider sound and its concepts, taking as their premise the idea that popular culture can be analyzed in an innovative way through sound. The wide-ranging texts in this book take as their premise the idea that sound is a subject through which popular culture can be analyzed in an...
Book cover of Il Casanova di Fellini

Il Casanova di Fellini

ieri e oggi 1976-2016

by Pietro Citati, Flavio De Bernardinis, Carlo Della Corte
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 14, 2018

Il Casanova di Fellini ieri e oggi 1976-2016, con molti documenti inediti anche di Fellini – lettere, disegni, foto, testi da archivi e collezioni private – celebra quarant'anni dell'opera dove il regista affronta le sue ombre più profonde. Il film ispirato ai Mémoires dello scrittore veneto,...
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