Carlo M : 26 books

Book cover of Dem Leben Jesu auf der Spur
by Carlo M. Martini
Language: German
Release Date: January 17, 2017

Was bedeutet das Leben Jesu heute für meinen Alltag? Wie können wir heute auf seinen Spuren wandeln? Und warum nennt man das Heilige Land auch das »fünfte Evangelium«? Diese und andere Fragen haben den berühmten Jesuiten und Bibelkenner Kardinal Carlo Maria Martini sein Leben lang beschäftigt....
Book cover of The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity
by Carlo M., Cipolla
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 3, 2011

The stupid are all around us: they are in every place, in every class, ready to cause damage to others and naturally (they are stupid, are they not?) to themselves. The stupid form the most dangerous category of human beings. Woe betide those who underestimate them. The historian Carlo M. Cipolla...
Book cover of Toward the Light

Toward the Light

Cardinal Carlo Martini on Advent and Christmas

by Cardinal Carlo M. Martini
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

The reflections in this volume are taken from the numerous sermons and lectures that Cardinal Martini, as Archbishop of Milan, dedicated to Christmas.
Book cover of Disciples of the Risen Christ

Disciples of the Risen Christ

Cardinal Carlo Martini on Lent and Easter

by Cardinal Carlo M. Martini
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

A book of reflections by Cardinal Martini on the celebrations of Easter that is an ideal aid for spiritual meditation.
Book cover of Il pestifero e contagioso morbo

Il pestifero e contagioso morbo

Combattere la peste nell'Italia del Seicento

by Carlo M., Cipolla
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 1, 2012

"Gli ammalati nel lazzaretto sempre vanno crescendo et non vi è più luogho ove metterli poiché stanno quattro o cinque per letto. Ci è bisogno di cerotti et olii et lo hospidale dice non ne haver più"
Book cover of Night Conversations with Cardinal Martini: The Relevance of the Church for Tomorrow
by Cardinal Carlo M. Martini and Georg Sporschill
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

In a series of conversations two Jesuits—one who was the head of the largest diocese in the world and other other who worked among prisoners and the disadvantaged—ask what faith can mean for life, what future young people have in the church, and what must be changed so that Christianity itself has a future.
Book cover of Before the Industrial Revolution

Before the Industrial Revolution

European Society and Economy 1000-1700

by Carlo M. Cipolla
Language: English
Release Date: August 2, 2004

First published in 1993. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Book cover of Il fiorino e il quattrino

Il fiorino e il quattrino

La politica monetaria a Firenze nel 1300

by Carlo M., Cipolla
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 31, 2013

«Alla fine del Duecento Firenze era non solo un grande centro culturale, commerciale e manifatturiero, ma anche la principale piazza finanziaria del tempo. Con gli inizi del nuovo secolo però il "miracolo" si esaurì. Gli anni più neri furono quelli corsi fra il 1339 e il 1349. Ci fu il dissesto della...
Book cover of Pepper, Wine (and Wool)

Pepper, Wine (and Wool)

As the Dynamic Factors of the Social and Economic Development of the Middle Ages

by Carlo M., Cipolla
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 18, 2012

"Pepper is a potent aphrodisiac... As the consumption of pepper increased, Western men felt exuberant, and having around so many beautiful ladies locked up in their chastity belts, they quickly developed an acute interest in iron work and almost everybody turned to the production of keys"
Book cover of An Introduction to Relativistic Processes and the Standard Model of Electroweak Interactions
by Carlo M. Becchi, Giovanni Ridolfi
Language: English
Release Date: May 19, 2014

This book offers a self-contained introduction to the theory of electroweak interactions based on the semi-classical approach to relativistic quantum field theory, with thorough discussion of key aspects of the field. The basic tools for the calculation of cross sections and decay rates in the context...
Book cover of Disegnare idee immagini n° 55 / 2017

Disegnare idee immagini n° 55 / 2017

Rivista semestrale del Dipartimento di Storia, Disegno e Restauro dell'Architettura Sapienza Università di Roma

by Maria Letizia Accorsi, Lisa Accurti, Carlo Bianchini
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 13, 2018

Editoriale di Mario Docci, Carlo Bianchini La qualità della ricerca nelle Scuole di Architettura italiane Editorial by Mario Docci, Carlo Bianchini The quality of research in Italian Schools of Architecture Paolo Zermani Perché disegno Why do I draw Francisco Martínez Mindeguía Spazio, scenografia,...
Book cover of Origini - XL

Origini - XL

Preistoria e protostoria delle civiltà antiche - Prehistory and protohistory of ancient civilizations

by Eva Andersson Strand, Giovanna Bagnasco Gianni, Daniela Bordoni
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 11, 2018

Book cover of Sistemi agrourbani

Sistemi agrourbani

La città in estensione nella piana del Sarno

by Marino Borrelli, Andrea Buondonno, Emanuele Carreri
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 3, 2016

Il paesaggio della piana del Sarno, tra il Vesuvio e i monti Lattari, è fatto di parti densamente edificate, come Pompei e Scafati, e di campagne produttive variamente urbanizzate. La sua rigenerazione si fonda su un’idea di città verde discontinua, inclusiva delle zone agricole, che rilegge la...
Book cover of Alimentazione, la sfida del nuovo millennio
by Jean Balié, Ilaria Caprioglio, M.P. Tiziana Cattaneo
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 28, 2015

Il cibo, la terra, l’acqua, l’ambiente in cui viviamo, la crescita demografica, rappresentano sfide ineludibili alle quali le istituzioni multilaterali e i governi sono tenuti a dare una risposta. Fame, povertà, sprechi alimentari, accaparramento delle terre, cambiamenti climatici, scarsità...
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