Carr: 1514 books

Book cover of Die venezianische Tochter: Die Töchter Englands - Band 6
by Philippa Carr
Language: German
Release Date: June 6, 2017

Eine mutige Frau stellt sich den Schatten der Vergangenheit: Der Schicksalsroman 'Die venezianische Tochter' von Philippa Carr als eBook bei dotbooks. Intrigen, Leidenschaft und Ränkespiele ... Im Jahre 1678 versetzt ein bösartiges Gerücht ganz England in Aufruhr. Aber gibt es wirklich eine papistische...
Book cover of Wiedersehen in Cornwall: Die Töchter Englands - Band 19
by Philippa Carr
Language: German
Release Date: November 2, 2017

Die Liebe, die Frauen und der Krieg: der Schicksalsroman 'Wiedersehen in Cornwall' von Bestsellerautorin Philippa Carr jetzt als eBook bei dotbooks. Wer gibt dir Halt, wenn die Welt um dich herum zusammenbricht? England, 1939: Mit der Kriegserklärung an Deutschland ist die Hoffnung auf eine friedliche...
Book cover of Zeit des Schweigens: Die Töchter Englands - Band 17
by Philippa Carr
Language: German
Release Date: February 1, 2018

Wenn Geheimnisse zur Gefahr werden: der historische Schicksalsroman 'Zeit des Schweigens' von Bestsellerautorin Philippa Carr jetzt als eBook bei dotbooks. Das 20. Jahrhundert beginnt gefährlich ... Die Cousinen Lucinda und Annabelinda sind behütet in London aufgewachsen - nun sollen sie in Belgien...
Book cover of Der springende Löwe: Die Töchter Englands - Band 2
by Philippa Carr
Language: German
Release Date: May 30, 2017

Gefährliche Zeiten und unerwartetes Glück: Der historische Schicksalsroman 'Der springende Löwe' von Philippa Carr jetzt als eBook bei dotbooks. Zwischen Machtanspruch und Liebe ... Als Elisabeth I. den Thron besteigt, ziehen dunkle Wolken über England auf: Wird es wirklich zum Krieg mit Spanien...
Book cover of Ein hauchdünnes Band: Die Töchter Englands - Band 18
by Philippa Carr
Language: German
Release Date: November 2, 2017

Wie gut kennst du die Menschen, die du liebst? Der Schicksalsroman 'Ein hauchdünnes Band' von Bestsellerautorin Philippa Carr als eBook bei dotbooks. England, 1936 - die Welt steht am Abgrund, ohne es zu ahnen ... Dorabella und Violetta Denver sind Zwillinge und doch höchst unterschiedlich: Während...
Book cover of Sarabande: Die Töchter Englands - Band 4
by Philippa Carr
Language: German
Release Date: December 1, 2017

Zwillingsschwestern in gefährlichen Zeiten: 'Sarabande', ein historischer Schicksalsroman von Philippa Carr, jetzt als eBook bei dotbooks. Während sich Mitte des 17. Jahrhunderts die Situation zwischen Charles I. und seinem Parlament immer mehr zuspitzt, wachsen auf dem idyllischen Landsitz der...
Book cover of The Night of the Gun

The Night of the Gun

A reporter investigates the darkest story of his life. His own.

by David Carr
Language: English
Release Date: August 5, 2008

From David Carr (1956–2015), the “undeniably brilliant and dogged journalist” (Entertainment Weekly) and author of the instant New York Times bestseller that the Chicago Sun-Times called “a compelling tale of drug abuse, despair, and, finally, hope.” Do we remember only the stories...
Book cover of My Life as a Russian Novel
by Emmanuel Carrère
Language: English
Release Date: August 3, 2010

An unsparingly truthful account of love, betrayal, and the traps we set for ourselves, by France's master of psychological suspense In work after work, the critically acclaimed author Emmanuel Carrère has trained his unblinking gaze on the lives of others as they fight a losing battle with...
Book cover of Limonov
by Emmanuel Carrère
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 10, 2012

Limonov non è un personaggio inventato. Esiste davvero: «è stato teppista in Ucraina, idolo dell'underground sovietico, barbone e poi domestico di un miliardario a Manhattan, scrittore alla moda a Parigi, soldato sperduto nei Balcani; e adesso, nell'immenso bordello del dopo comunismo, vecchio...
Book cover of Il Regno
by Emmanuel Carrère
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 26, 2015

«In un certo periodo della mia vita sono stato cristiano» scrive Emmanuel Carrère nella quarta di copertina dell'edizione francese del Regno. «Lo sono stato per tre anni. Non lo sono più». Due decenni dopo, tuttavia, prova il bisogno di «tornarci su», di ripercorrere i sentieri del Nuovo Testamento:...
Book cover of When Comes The Joy
by Charlene Carr
Language: English
Release Date: September 2, 2014

Jennifer’s not perfect. Not even close. But she may just capture your heart. At 27, Jennifer’s out of work, her mom just died, and despite stellar qualifications, every job interview ends in rejection. Haunted by the teasing, taunts, and fat jokes that defined her childhood, Jennifer...
Book cover of Robyn Carr Restoration Box Set
by Robyn Carr
Language: English
Release Date: November 18, 2014

Three restoration novels in one set from best-selling author Robyn Carr. Fans of VIRGIN RIVER are going to love these historical romances written with Robyn's trademark zest for life. In the BELLEROSE BARGAIN, the heiress to the Bellerose estate has gone missing and what a waste of a dowry it is!...
Book cover of Quit Smoking Boot Camp

Quit Smoking Boot Camp

The Fast-Track to Quitting Smoking Again ... For Good

by Allen Carr
Language: English
Release Date: June 5, 2018

Short of time? Or have you stopped smoking and found it difficult or even impossible to stay stopped? If your answer to these questions is yes, then this is the book for you (even if you've tried and failed using Allen Carr's method in the past). Quit Smoking Boot Camp is a revolutionary and...
Book cover of The Panic of 1907

The Panic of 1907

Lessons Learned from the Market's Perfect Storm

by Robert F. Bruner, Sean D. Carr
Language: English
Release Date: October 14, 2008

"Before reading The Panic of 1907, the year 1907 seemed like a long time ago and a different world. The authors, however, bring this story alive in a fast-moving book, and the reader sees how events of that time are very relevant for today's financial world. In spite of all of our advances, including...
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