Charles Mann: 16 books

Book cover of 1493 for Young People

1493 for Young People

From Columbus's Voyage to Globalization

by Charles Mann, Rebecca Stefoff
Language: English
Release Date: January 26, 2016

1493 for Young People by Charles C. Mann tells the gripping story of globalization through travel, trade, colonization, and migration from its beginnings in the fifteenth century to the present. How did the lowly potato plant feed the poor across Europe and then cause the deaths of millions? How did...
Book cover of De Tovenaar en de Profeet

De Tovenaar en de Profeet

Twee grondleggers en hun concurrerende ideeën over een leefbare toekomst op onze planeet

by Charles Mann
Language: Dutch
Release Date: September 25, 2018

Over veertig jaar zal de wereldbevolking de tien miljard bereiken. Dit gegeven legt volgens Mann twee radicaal verschillende type mensen bloot – de profeten en de tovenaars. De profeten zijn de volgelingen van William Vogt, een van de grondleggers van de milieubeweging. Hij geloofde dat we meer...
Book cover of 1493
by Charles C. Mann
Language: Dutch
Release Date: February 20, 2013

Hoe de wereld zich ontwikkelde na de ontdekking van Amerika De reizen van Columbus vormden het begin van een bijzondere uitwisseling van flora en fauna tussen Eurazië en Noord- en Zuid-Amerika. Zo vonden onder meer tomaten, aardappelen, maïs, zilver en rubber hun weg naar Eurazië, en omgekeerd...
Book cover of 1491


de ontdekking van precolumbiaans Amerika

by Charles C. Mann
Language: Dutch
Release Date: July 3, 2012

1491 verandert voorgoed ons beeld van de geschiedenis van de amerika's In 1491 woonden er misschien wel meer mensen in Amerika dan in Europa. Grote steden als Tenochtitlán hadden stromend water en bezaten prachtige botanische tuinen. In Mexico verbouwden precolum biaanse Indianen maïs volgens zeer...
Book cover of 1493


Uncovering the New World Columbus Created

by Charles C. Mann
Language: English
Release Date: August 9, 2011

From the author of *1491—*the best-selling study of the pre-Columbian Americas—a deeply engaging new history of the most momentous biological event since the death of the dinosaurs. More than 200 million years ago, geological forces split apart the continents. Isolated from each other,...
Book cover of The Wizard and the Prophet

The Wizard and the Prophet

Two Remarkable Scientists and Their Dueling Visions to Shape Tomorrow's World

by Charles C. Mann
Language: English
Release Date: January 23, 2018

From the best-selling, award-winning author of 1491 and 1493--an incisive portrait of the two little-known twentieth-century scientists, Norman Borlaug and William Vogt, whose diametrically opposed views shaped our ideas about the environment, laying the groundwork for how people in the twenty-first...
Book cover of Amerika vor Kolumbus

Amerika vor Kolumbus

Die Geschichte eines unentdeckten Kontinents

by Charles C. Mann
Language: German
Release Date: October 21, 2016

Charles C. Mann schreibt die Geschichte des vorkolumbischen Amerikas. Er macht deutlich, dass die indianischen Kulturen oftmals weiter entwickelt waren als die europäische. Ihre Boote waren schneller und wendiger als die der Europäer, ihre Städte größer als das damalige Paris. Kolumbus' Ankunft...
Book cover of 1491 (Second Edition)

1491 (Second Edition)

New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus

by Charles C. Mann
Language: English
Release Date: October 10, 2006

In this groundbreaking work of science, history, and archaeology, Charles C. Mann radically alters our understanding of the Americas before the arrival of Columbus in 1492. Contrary to what so many Americans learn in school, the pre-Columbian Indians were not sparsely settled in a pristine...
Book cover of Judges: Volume One
by George Mann, Charles J Eskew
Language: English
Release Date: February 21, 2019

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 2033 A.D. In a time of widespread poverty, inequality and political unrest, Special Prosecutor Eustace Fargo’s controversial new justice laws have come into effect. Protests and violence meet the first Judges as they hit the street to enforce the Law; the cure, it’s clear,...
Book cover of Kolumbus' Erbe

Kolumbus' Erbe

Wie Menschen, Tiere, Pflanzen die Ozeane überquerten und die Welt von heute schufen

by Charles C. Mann
Language: German
Release Date: September 20, 2013

"Das beste Sachbuch des Jahres." TIME Die Entdeckung Amerikas war für das Leben auf unserem Planeten das folgenreichste Ereignis seit dem Aussterben der Dinosaurier. Denn: Millionen Jahre waren die Hemisphären weitgehend voneinander isoliert gewesen. Mit Kolumbus traten sie in einen Austausch....
Book cover of Mann's Surgery of the Foot and Ankle E-Book
by Michael J. Coughlin, MD, Charles L. Saltzman
Language: English
Release Date: September 6, 2013

Let a "who's who" of foot and ankle surgeons take your skills to the next level! Drs. Coughlin, Saltzman, and Anderson bring you state-of-the-art, comprehensive coverage of the full range of foot and ankle disorders. Expect the best from this revised  "classic" work refreshed for...
Book cover of Santa's Christmas Library: 400+ Christmas Novels, Stories, Poems, Carols & Legends (Illustrated Edition)

Santa's Christmas Library: 400+ Christmas Novels, Stories, Poems, Carols & Legends (Illustrated Edition)

The Gift of the Magi, A Christmas Carol, Silent Night, The Three Kings, Little Lord Fauntleroy, Life and Adventures of Santa Claus, The Heavenly Christmas Tree, Little Women, The Tale of Peter Rabbit…

by O. Henry, Mark Twain, Beatrix Potter
Language: English
Release Date: November 28, 2018

This holiday, we are offering to you our own Christmas box - filled up to the top with the best Christmas novels, classics to read during holidays, magical Christmas tales, legends, most famous carols and the unique poetry of the giants of literature dedicated to this one and only holiday: The Gift...
Book cover of At Large

At Large

The Strange Case of the World's Biggest Internet Invasion

by Charles C. Mann, David H. Freedman
Language: English
Release Date: June 3, 1998

Hailed as "a chilling portrait" by The Boston Globe and "a crafty thriller" by Newsweek, this astonishing story of an obsessive hacker promises to change the way you look at the Internet forever. At Large chronicles the massive manhunt that united hard-nosed FBI agents, computer nerds, and uptight...
Book cover of The Least He Could Do And Eleven Other Stories
by Lynn Mann, Nandy Ekle, George P. Farrell
Language: English
Release Date: August 1, 2013

Edited by Harvey Stanbrough. This is an eclectic collection of twelve short stories that combine to form a pleasing if occasionally troubling mixture. Here you will find professional and amateur detectives, strung-out criminals and a kindly neighborhood grandmother, a moonlighting real estate agent,...
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