Charmaine: 130 books

Book cover of My First Book of Southern African Insects
by Charmaine Uys
Language: English
Release Date: November 8, 2012

Children are fascinated by ‘bugs’, which are found everywhere, and can be used to introduce young people to the natural world. This book presents 58 of the most common, intriguing species in full-colour illustrations; concise text and simple graphics convey the insect’s size, when it is active...
Book cover of Danneggiata
by Charmaine Pauls
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 28, 2018

Quando Gabriel ha abbattuto la porta, si è impossessato del mio corpo e della mia vita. Mai con la forza, ma sempre con un’astuta manipolazione. Mi ha privata della mia indipendenza, delle mie difese e dei miei indumenti, trasformandomi in una dipendente. È lui la mia dipendenza. Un tempo,...
Book cover of L'Inflessibile
by Charmaine Pauls
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 31, 2018

“Perversamente sexy, cruda e ricca di dettagli, la storia di Valentina & Gabriel è uno dei migliori dark romance che abbia mai letto! Valentina e Gabriel sono magici insieme, la loro chimica è fuori dal comune e vulcanica.” – Anna Zaires, autrice bestseller del New York Times & Internazionale Sono...
Book cover of La Duologie Du Requin De La Pègre
by Charmaine Pauls
Language: French
Release Date: February 26, 2019

Les deux tomes de la duologie best-seller dans le monde entier, désormais disponibles en un seul coffret à prix réduit. Plus de 800 pages de romance dark, fascinante et haletante ! « Je l’ai vue, je l’ai désirée. Je l’ai prise. Oui, c’est aussi simple que ça. » Quand...
Book cover of Great Ways to Learn Anatomy and Physiology
by Charmaine McKissock
Language: English
Release Date: November 20, 2014

This highly visual text is the perfect companion for anyone studying anatomy and physiology. Offering innovative techniques to help students with their learning, this user-friendly, accessible study skills text is the perfect accompaniment to any course or textbook. Complex processes are brought to...
Book cover of She Didn't Say No
by Charmaine Gordon
Language: English
Release Date: January 23, 2014

Nineteen year old Grace Meredith didn’t say no to the Big Man On Campus, Scott Dwyer. And then her life changed... Grace makes her way to a new town and with the kindness of strangers, establishes a business called The Pet Emporium where she grooms , what else? Dogs and cats. Years...
Book cover of Indigenous Homelessness

Indigenous Homelessness

Perspectives from Canada, Australia, and New Zealand

by Paul Andrew, Tim Aubry, Yale Belanger
Language: English
Release Date: October 28, 2016

Being homeless in one’s homeland is a colonial legacy for many Indigenous people in settler societies. The construction of Commonwealth nation-states from colonial settler societies depended on the dispossession of Indigenous peoples from their lands. The legacy of that dispossession and related...
Book cover of Reconstructing Charlie
by Charmaine Gordon
Language: English
Release Date: January 23, 2011

Charlie Costigan has a secret. Home life gone from bad to the worst when she protects her mother from another vicious attack by her drunken father. Midnight. Clothes thrown into an old suitcase, she races for the bus with a letter to an unknown aunt and uncle. "This is my daughter. Embrace...
Book cover of The Healing Art of Spirit

The Healing Art of Spirit

Love & Loss, Life & the Afterlife

by Charmaine Wilson
Language: English
Release Date: November 30, 2018

The Healing Art of Spirit is a compassionate guide for those seeking solace after the loss of a loved one. When the world as you knew it ends, and everyone around you continues on, how will you find your new normal? Be guided to: – Navigate the darkest days with self-compassion – Reframe loss...
Book cover of Children, Youth and Adults with Asperger Syndrome

Children, Youth and Adults with Asperger Syndrome

Integrating Multiple Perspectives

by Rosina G. Schnurr, M. Mary Konstantareas, Barbara Muskat
Language: English
Release Date: November 15, 2004

This book offers a comprehensive overview of clinical, research and personal perspectives on Asperger Syndrome, including contributions from parents and experts in the fields of psychology, social work, psychiatry, genetics, sexology and vocational counselling. It includes first-hand accounts...
Book cover of Home for the Holidays
by Charmaine Gordon
Language: English
Release Date: October 29, 2016

Eight year old twin sisters were placed in a private religious school in Utah years ago. Ten years later, they reach out to the kind aunt and uncle who raised their older sister and brother. An escape plan is made and their truly wicked mother is forced to face what she did by throwing away her children in exchange for her own freedom.
Book cover of The Catch
by Charmaine Gordon
Language: English
Release Date: March 14, 2013

Tom Donnelly, once known as The Catch – every woman’s dream guy, has fallen down every rung of the ladder he once worked so hard to climb. On New Year’s Day, he realizes just how far he’s fallen, and makes a list of resolutions to change his life. He vows to regain the trust lost from his...
Book cover of Undead Kev
by Charmaine Clancy
Language: English
Release Date: June 18, 2014

The undead adventure continues! Zane and Kev, best mates foresver. Side by side, they've been through crayon chewing (Kev), nose picking (Kev), and losing their trunks in the public pool (yep, that was Kev too). They even faced the zombie apocalypse together... until Kev got bit. Can...
Book cover of 52 Reasons to Hope (And Hold on to Your Faith)
by Charmaine Miller
Language: English
Release Date: June 4, 2015

52 Reasons to Hope (and Hold on to Your Faith) shares fifty-two golden nuggets of inspiration that encourage you to turn all of your problems over to God. They will infuse you with hope, and inspire you to believe that there is Light in any darkness. You dont need to worry about the challenges...
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