Chiara: 410 books

Book cover of Iran, 1979

Iran, 1979

La Rivoluzione, la Repubblica islamica, la guerra con l’Iraq

by Antonello Sacchetti, Chiara Mezzalama
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 6, 2018

La storia dell’Iran non comincia certo nel 1979, ma la rivoluzione, con il suo prezzo altissimo di sangue e di verità, con le lacerazioni insanabili e con le ferite solo in parte ricomposte, è ormai una parte fondamentale, imprescindibile della storia e dell’identità del Paese. Non può e non...
Book cover of Propulsioni d'improbabilità
by Giorgio Majer Gatti, Italo Bonera, Anna Feruglio Dal Dan
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 31, 2017

Poi alzò gli occhi e li vide. Fu esattamente con queste parole, alzai gli occhi e li vidi, che poco meno di un anno dopo avrebbe raccontato quel momento che avrebbe cambiato alla radice ogni paradigma, modificato tutti i suoi punti di vista, annullato la sua vita come l’aveva conosciuta fino a...
Book cover of The Vatican Heresy

The Vatican Heresy

Bernini and the Building of the Hermetic Temple of the Sun

by Robert Bauval, Chiara Hohenzollern
Language: English
Release Date: March 1, 2014

Reveals how the largest Sun Temple in the world, built according to Hermetic principles, is located at one of Christianity’s holiest sites: the Vatican • Shows how famous Renaissance philosophers and scientists called for a Hermetic reformation of Christianity by building a magical Temple...
Book cover of Non Toccarmi
by Chiara Cilli
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 1, 2019

Ho perso una battaglia, e ho pagato il prezzo più alto. Ho eseguito gli ordini, e ho ucciso l’unico amico che abbia mai avuto. Ho fatto una promessa, ma è così difficile mantenerla. Ho una missione da portare a termine, ma tutto in me mi supplica di non farlo. Lei mi sta trascinando...
Book cover of Rays
by Chiara Lubich Bill Hartnett
Language: English
Release Date: November 15, 2010

Each of us has a ray that burst forth from the Fathers heart when he spoke our name with the word Love. If we follow this ray which is his will for us what he lovingly desired and continues in each moment to desire for us we will become what we are in the mind of God from all eternity. Its a matter of...
Book cover of Since When Is Fran Drescher Jewish?

Since When Is Fran Drescher Jewish?

Dubbing Stereotypes in The Nanny, The Simpsons, and The Sopranos

by Chiara Francesca Ferrari
Language: English
Release Date: January 15, 2011

"Since when is Fran Drescher Jewish?" This was Chiara Francesca Ferrari's reaction when she learned that Drescher's character on the television sitcom The Nanny was meant to be a portrayal of a stereotypical Jewish-American princess. Ferrari had only seen the Italian version of the show, in which...
Book cover of Soffocami
by Chiara Cilli
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 31, 2015

Avevo tutto ciò che ho sempre sognato. Non ho mai avuto la vita che sognavo. Avevo lavorato sodo per arrivare dov'ero. Violenza, soprusi e crudeltà mi avevano segnato per dieci anni. Ero pronta a portare l'azienda di famiglia ai vertici del successo. Ero pronto a saziare la mia vendetta...
Book cover of Exclusionary Practices

Exclusionary Practices

The Economics of Monopolisation and Abuse of Dominance

by Chiara Fumagalli, Massimo Motta, Claudio Calcagno
Language: English
Release Date: January 11, 2018

The most controversial area in competition policy is that of exclusionary practices, where actions are taken by dominant firms to deter competitors from challenging their market positions. Economists have been struggling to explain such conduct and to guide policy-makers in designing sensible enforcement...
Book cover of Global Financial Crisis

Global Financial Crisis

Global Impact and Solutions

by Paolo Savona, Chiara Oldani
Language: English
Release Date: April 22, 2016

Out of the debate over the effectiveness of the policy responses to the 2008 global financial crisis as well as over the innovativeness of global governance comes this collection by leading academics and practitioners who explore the dynamics of economic crisis and impact. Edited by Paolo Savona,...
Book cover of Imagining Europe

Imagining Europe

Myth, Memory, and Identity

by Professor Chiara Bottici, Professor Benoît Challand
Language: English
Release Date: July 29, 2013

In Imagining Europe, Chiara Bottici and Benoît Challand explore the formation of modern European identity. Europe has not always been there, although we have been imagining it for quite some time. Even after the birth of a polity called the European Union, the meaning of Europe remained a very much...
Book cover of Imaginal Politics

Imaginal Politics

Images Beyond Imagination and the Imaginary

by Chiara Bottici
Language: English
Release Date: May 13, 2014

Between the radical, creative capacity of our imagination and the social imaginary we are immersed in is an intermediate space philosophers have termed the imaginal, populated by images or (re)presentations that are presences in themselves. Offering a new, systematic understanding of the imaginal...
Book cover of The Rhetoric of Violence and Sacrifice in Fascist Italy
by Chiara Ferrari
Language: English
Release Date: January 31, 2014

The Italian fascists under Benito Mussolini appropriated many aspects of the country’s Catholic religious heritage to exploit the mystique and power of the sacred. One concept that the regime deployed as a core strategy was that of “sacrifice.” In this book, Chiara Ferrari interrogates how the...
Book cover of Ricerche di Architettura

Ricerche di Architettura

Nuove Prospettive per l'architettura nella Sardegna del XXI secolo

by Alfonso Annunziata, Carlo Aymerich, Martina Basciu
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 3, 2016

Il volume raccoglie gli atti della Giornata di Studi svolta a conclusione del primo anno della ricerca biennale condotta dai giovani ricercatori nell'ambito del "Programma Operativo FSE SARDEGNA 2007-2013, Legge Regionale 7 agosto 2007, n. 7, Promozione della ricerca scientifica e dell'innovazione...
Book cover of The Principles of Astronomology

The Principles of Astronomology

The ancient planetary science is returning as an answer to existential unease

by Chiara Capone
Language: English
Release Date: December 22, 2017

This essay, in addition to clarifying the principles on which the planetary science of tomorrow, the so called Astronomo-logy, is based, illustrates the transformation that is taking place in the cosmos and simultaneously in our consciousness growing in expansion, thanks to the so-called "planetary...
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