Chip Conley: 4 books

Book cover of Wisdom at Work

Wisdom at Work

The Making of a Modern Elder

by Chip Conley
Language: English
Release Date: September 18, 2018

Experience is making a comeback. Learn how to repurpose your wisdom. At age 52, after selling the company he founded and ran as CEO for 24 years, rebel boutique hotelier Chip Conley was looking at an open horizon in midlife. Then he received a call from the young founders of Airbnb, asking...
Book cover of Emotional Equations

Emotional Equations

Simple Truths for Creating Happiness + Success

by Chip Conley
Language: English
Release Date: January 10, 2012

“An invaluable operating manual,” says Tony Hsieh, Zappos CEO and author of Delivering Happiness. Using brilliantly simple logic that illuminates the universal truths in common emotional challenges, popular motivational speaker and bestselling author Chip Conleyhas written “a fresh, original...
Book cover of PEAK


How Great Companies Get Their Mojo from Maslow Revised and Updated

by Chip Conley
Language: English
Release Date: October 17, 2017

Proven principles for sustainable success, with new leadership insight PEAK is the popular, transformative guide to doing business better, written by a seasoned entrepreneur/CEO who has disrupted his favorite industry not once, but twice. Author Chip Conley, founder and former CEO of one of...
Book cover of 除了經驗,我們還剩下什麼?:讓資深工作者邁入職涯高原期時,仍然維持競爭力的職場智慧
by 奇普.康利(Chip Conley)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: October 16, 2018

★Amazon網路書店評等4.8顆星 ★Amazon網路書店中年生活分類榜前5名佳作 ★激勵大師賽門.西奈克、《紫牛》作者賽斯.高汀,一致盛讚 ——本書寫給在職涯下半場面臨瓶頸的你—— 在後浪推前浪的現實職場,時屆壯年甚至中年的你我, 或許已慢慢追趕不上當前最新的科技、最潮的流行, 薪資和職銜都停留在「職場高原」,不上不下。 這個時候,除了「經驗」,我們還能從哪裡勝出? ——你擁有跟年輕人不同的價值與智慧—— 當進入職涯下半場時,我們更需要看見連自己都沒看見的熟年價值。 儘管少年人有新鮮的肝、創意的腦,是熟稔科技工具的數位原住民, 許多資深工作者也培養出更有價值的職場智慧,足以在職場上保持競爭力,例如: 良好的判斷力、直白的洞察力、高EQ、全局思考視野、管理工作的能力……等。 ——讓熟年價值成為你的祕密武器—— 無論你正在千禧世代一個個往上爬的職場中掙扎求存, 或是考慮卸下資深身分,轉換跑道、另創人生新篇章, 本書將以眾多實例與4門自我提昇的課程,創造嶄新的職場價值, 引領你重拾「熟年實習生」的初衷,跨出你熟悉的舒適圈, 證明資深不等於過氣,你的競爭力絕對不只是經驗與年資! 【本書特色】 一、豐富激勵案例,搭配明確可行的自我提昇步驟,讓讀者有勇氣跨出舒適圈 本書作者曾任大集團業主,後被Airbnb聘為顧問,過程中除了有作者自我挑戰的故事,也收集到諸多工作者在職場上進化或轉換跑道的案例。讀者不只能從中獲取勇氣,也能藉以瞭解固守原地只會落入僵化處境,開始明白怎麼跳離那安逸卻沒有發展性的舒適圈。 二、工作,不只是趕上最新的科技與知識 有別其他同類書籍常強調轉業、創意、新技術,本書回歸初衷,指引讀者明白各自的工作經驗可以越陳越香並觸類旁通,為年輕人當政的職場帶來不一樣的視野、策略與文化,重點在於如何看待自己目前的位置,重新調整自己的心態,讓自己依然在職場上能夠發光發熱。 【專業推薦】 中央大學人資所副教授 林文政 獵頭的日常・職涯教練 Lynn...
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