Christian Michael: 156 books

Book cover of Visualizing Modern China

Visualizing Modern China

Image, History, and Memory, 1750–Present

by Jeremy Brown, Michael G. Chang, James A. Cook
Language: English
Release Date: September 26, 2014

This book is a teaching textbook for both lower and upper level courses on modern Chinese history and/or modern visual culture. With fourteen chapters of well-illustrated original scholarship and a supplemental website providing resources for hundreds of images, the book introduces key themes of modern...
Book cover of Perry Rhodan Neo Paket 9: Kampfzone Erde

Perry Rhodan Neo Paket 9: Kampfzone Erde

Perry Rhodan Neo Romane 85 bis 96

by Oliver Plaschka, Rüdiger Schäfer, Michelle Stern
Language: German
Release Date: May 21, 2015

Ende des Jahres 2037 halten die Arkoniden immer noch die Erde besetzt. Ein Ende der Herrschaft des Großen Imperiums ist nicht abzusehen, obwohl der Widerstand dagegen langsam wächst. Doch die Menschen sind technisch zu rückständig, als dass sie einen entscheidenden Schlag landen könnten. Dann...
Book cover of Perry Rhodan Neo Paket 5: Das große Imperium

Perry Rhodan Neo Paket 5: Das große Imperium

Perry Rhodan Neo Romane 37 bis 48

by Christian Montillon, Michelle Stern, Michael Marcus Thurner
Language: German
Release Date: July 17, 2012

Im Frühjahr 2037: Bei ihren ersten Versuchen, in das Sternenmeer der Milchstraße vorzustoßen, trafen Perry Rhodan und seine Gefährten auf unterschiedlichste Wesen. Manche wurden zu Freunden, etwa die riesenhaften Naats, andere blieben fremdartig oder gar feindselig. Rhodan ist allerdings klar,...
Book cover of Perry Rhodan Neo Paket 2: Expedition Wega

Perry Rhodan Neo Paket 2: Expedition Wega

Perry Rhodan Neo Romane 9 bis 16

by Frank Borsch, Christian Montillon, Michael Marcus Thurner
Language: German
Release Date: March 6, 2013

Sommer 2036: Mitten in der Wüste Gobi, fern von den Zentren der Zivilisation, entsteht Terrania - Perry Rhodans Zukunftstraum, der Millionen von Menschen fasziniert. Roboter der außerirdischen Arkoniden erbauen eine Stadt, die einmal das Zentrum einer geeinten Menschheit werden soll. Doch alles...
Book cover of Perry Rhodan Neo Paket 1: Vision Terrania

Perry Rhodan Neo Paket 1: Vision Terrania

Perry Rhodan Neo Romane 1 bis 8

by Frank Borsch, Christian Montillon, Leo Lukas
Language: German
Release Date: March 6, 2013

Das Jahr 2036: Die Menschheit steckt in der Krise. Überbevölkerung, Klimawandel und Terrorismus lassen die Kriegsgefahr weltweit steigen. In dieser Lage wird der amerikanische Astronaut Perry Rhodan mit drei Kameraden zum Mond geschickt - dort scheint etwas Unheimliches vorzugehen. Mit einer uralten...
Book cover of metamorphosen 11 - Außenrum

metamorphosen 11 - Außenrum

Magazin für Literatur und Kultur

by Tobias Roth, Kerstin Grether, Hannes Bajohr
Language: German
Release Date: October 14, 2015

Seit 2013 erscheinen die "metamorphosen" vierteljährlich in Berlin. Im jungen "Magazin für Literatur und Kultur" stehen unveröffentlichte, neue Lyrik und Prosa neben Essays, Rezensionen, Porträts und ausführlichen Interviews. Hier und jetzt, mit der elften Ausgabe, wird ein...
Book cover of Derechos y políticas públicas

Derechos y políticas públicas

Desafíos políticos e institucionales en México

by María del Pilar Berrios Navarro, Carlos Ricardo Aguilar Astorga, José Javier de la Rosa Rodríguez
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 15, 2017

Las políticas públicas con enfoque de derechos humanos son las acciones del Estado orientadas a la prevención, protección y garantía de todos y cada uno de los derechos, que de manera explícita se diseñan e implementan para cumplir con obligaciones nacionales e internacionales del Estado en...
Book cover of A Critical Companion to James Cameron
by Adam Barkman, Alissa Burger, Antonio Sanna
Language: English
Release Date: October 26, 2018

This book offers a comprehensive, academic and detailed study of the works of James Cameron, whose films include successful productions such as the first two Terminator films (1984-91), Aliens (1986), Titanic (1997), and Avatar (2009), but also lesser known films such as Piranha 2: The Spawning (1981),...
Book cover of Passing the Plate

Passing the Plate

Why American Christians Don't Give Away More Money

by Christian Smith, Michael O Emerson, Patricia Snell
Language: English
Release Date: September 29, 2008

Passing the Plate shows that few American Christians donate generously to religious and charitable causes. This eye-opening book explores the reasons behind such ungenerous giving, the potential world-changing benefits of greater financial giving, and what can be done to improve matters. By illuminating...
Book cover of Viscosimetry of Polymers and Polyelectrolytes
by Werner-Michael Kulicke, Christian Clasen
Language: English
Release Date: June 29, 2013

This laboratory handbook offers clear guidelines and tips for the practical everyday application of viscosimetry, as well as supplying a comprehensive companion for the interpretation of viscosimetric data from simple to complex polymer solutions.
Book cover of The Dark Eye: Starless Sky

The Dark Eye: Starless Sky

The Dark Eye Short Story Anthology

by Eevie Demirtel, Marco Findeisen, Mike Krzywik-Groß
Language: English
Release Date: May 4, 2017

The Dark Eye Short Story Anthology When stars fall from the sky, the peoples of Aventuria see visions of impending doom. The signs are clear to everyone, from simple farmers to clergy and even crowned heads of state. Whether these visions will prove true, or even possible, none can say. The Walls of...
Book cover of Engaged Neutrality

Engaged Neutrality

An Evolved Approach to the Cold War

by Heinz Gärtner, Michael Gehler, Laurent Goetschel
Language: English
Release Date: February 8, 2017

The notion that neutrality is a phenomenon only relevant to the Cold War is false in many ways. The Cold War was about building blocks, neutrality about staying out of them. From 1975 until the end of the Cold War, neutral states offered mediation and good offices and fought against the stagnation...
Book cover of German Sports, Doping, and Politics

German Sports, Doping, and Politics

A History of Performance Enhancement

by Michael Krüger, Christian Becker, Stefan Nielsen
Language: English
Release Date: April 9, 2015

Doping has developed from a relatively ethical or moral phenomenon of sport to a very real problem, dealing with blatantly unfair and clearly forbidden means and substances. Obviously, the Cold War—especially in Germany—was one of the main reasons why doping became a central problem of current...
Book cover of Defining Magic

Defining Magic

A Reader

by Bernd-Christian Otto, Michael Stausberg
Language: English
Release Date: September 11, 2014

Magic has been an important term in Western history and continues to be an essential topic in the modern academic study of religion, anthropology, sociology, and cultural history. Defining Magic is the first volume to assemble key texts that aim at determining the nature of magic, establish its boundaries...
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