Christine: 4859 books

Book cover of Soldiering on – Finding My Homes

Soldiering on – Finding My Homes

Memoir of an Army Brat

by Christine Kriha Kastner
Language: English
Release Date: April 27, 2011

Some military brats rode camels in Arabia . . . others leaped from parachute training towers . . . but this little army brat rode backwards in the rear jump-seat of the family station wagon all the way across America . . . without a seatbelt! Christine Kriha Kastner grew up the only way she knewon...
Book cover of Calvinists and Catholics during Holland's Golden Age
by Christine Kooi
Language: English
Release Date: April 30, 2012

This book examines the social, political and religious relationships between Calvinists and Catholics during Holland's Golden Age. Although Holland, the largest province of the Dutch Republic, was officially Calvinist, its population was one of the most religiously heterogeneous in early modern Europe....
Book cover of L'amant qu'elle attendait - Le rêve d'Ericka
by Christine Rimmer, Leanne Banks
Language: French
Release Date: December 1, 2015

L’amant qu’elle attendait, Christine Rimmer Malgré la joie qu’elle ressent à l’idée d’assister au mariage de sa cousine, Aurora Bravo-Calabretti ne peut s’empêcher de redouter son séjour au Colorado. Car elle va devoir côtoyer Walker McKellan, un ami de famille, l’homme...
Book cover of L'inaccessible rêve - Mensonges et séduction
by Leanne Banks, Christine Rimmer
Language: French
Release Date: September 1, 2014

L’inaccessible rêve, Leanne Banks A peine arrivée de New-York pour aider les bénévoles après les inondations qui se sont abattues sur Rust Fall Creek, Lissa comprend qu’elle va avoir du mal à se faire accepter. En effet, partout elle ne rencontre que méfiance quant à ses capacités...
Book cover of Le bébé de l'amour

Le bébé de l'amour

Un cadeau inespéré - Un précieux secret - Le bébé de ses rêves

by Christine Rimmer, Lucy Monroe, Samantha Connolly
Language: French
Release Date: January 1, 2015

Un cadeau inespéré, Christine Rimmer Un bébé, elle attend un bébé... Crystal est folle de joie lorsqu’elle apprend la nouvelle. Elle en a tant rêvé, elle l’a tant désiré ! Pourtant, son bonheur se teinte d’inquiétude. Comment annoncer sa grossesse à Tanner, le beau et très secret...
Book cover of Requiem für eine Elster
by Fee-Christine Aks
Language: German
Release Date: December 10, 2016

Eigentlich haben Lotta und Moritz nur vor, eine romantische Urlaubswoche in der Stadt der Liebe zu verbringen. Doch kaum in Paris angekommen, überschlagen sich die Ereignisse: ein berühmtes Gemälde ist verschwunden und dann wird im Fluss Seine auch noch eine Leiche angespült. Lotta wird hineingezogen...
Book cover of The Road to Karinya

The Road to Karinya

Red Dust Series, #2

by Christine Gardner
Language: English
Release Date: September 23, 2018

Prue King is nineteen and lives on Karinya Station, one of seven girls. She and her friend Sally decide to go on the adventure of a live time—a road trip, right around Australia. Neither Prue nor Sally is in any hurry to settle down, unlike some girls their age. They want to see the country and...
Book cover of 物理才是最好的人生指南:讓宇宙定律為你效勞


Physics for Rock Stars: Making the Laws of the Universe Work for You

by 克莉絲汀.麥金利, Christine McKinley
Language: Chinese
Release Date: December 31, 2014

★全國最受歡迎科普網站 泛科學 選書!台中女中物理科老師熱情推薦! ** 誠品網書科普類Top1,博客來科普類暢銷Top2** 在這個不確定的年代,靠山山倒,靠人人跑,還是靠物理最好! 物理是宇宙運行的劇本,它不只是數字和方程式的堆疊, 也展示了讓人生更美好所應遵循的法則。 了解這些定律,即使生活再怎麼難以掌握, 也能讓我們擁有堅實的立足點,不致迷失方向。 喔,對了,甚至有可能拯救我們的性命。 ■...
Book cover of Seahorse Scrolls
by Christine Varad
Language: English
Release Date: October 12, 2013

The buzz around Harleigh Bay and Cafferty Cove is that letters and rare antiquities were found among the burned out boards of Fairfield Hall that date to a time thousands of years before the pyramids were built and before the beginnings of all known biblical history. Could the scrolls really be written...
Book cover of Zum Fenster hinaus

Zum Fenster hinaus

Eine Nachkriegskindheit

by Christine Haidegger
Language: German
Release Date: March 11, 2016

Irene, ein elfjähriges Mädchen, wächst in der postfaschistischen Zeit der 40er Jahre auf. Der Vater ist im Krieg verschollen. Die liebevolle, fürsorgliche Mutter wünscht sich, dass ihre Tochter es einmal besser hat, arbeitet hart und schickt das begabte Mädchen durch enormen Einsatz und Selbstverzicht...
Book cover of A journal of self discovery
by Christine Williams
Language: English
Release Date: October 10, 2015

Author Christine Williams describes what happens over a period of several months as she undergoes treatment for back pain by a Zen Thai Shiatsu bodywork masseur in an ‘Age of Aquarius’ revelation.
Book cover of Grizzly 
by Christine Andreae
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

English professor, poet, and pro­fessional house sitter Lee Squires is swamped in a sea of student composi­tions when she receives a call for help from childhood friends in Montana. Happy to leave her students and Wash­ington, D.C., Lee travels out to the Eastern Front of the Rockies to spend her...
Book cover of The Wings of a Broken Bird.
by Christine Wood
Language: English
Release Date: March 18, 2017

Sara loses the love of her life, and is raising their child without him, and years later she still needs him, she still longs to feel his body against hers, she misses him and her heart breaks daily and her eyes are constantly red and wet, years later she wants someone to tell her truthfully what...
Book cover of Boundaries


A Love Story

by Christine Z. Mason
Language: English
Release Date: April 3, 2017

In the summer of 1980, 16-year-old Kaia Matheson travels from her home in Berkeley to a small island off of Cape Cod for a family vacation. Kaia hopes to confront her mother Jean about abandoning her in California, allegedly to pursue a high-powered career in Manhattan. However, Jean remains aloof...
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