Christine Martin: 37 books

Book cover of Ueberreuter Lesebuch Kinder- und Jugendbuch Herbst 2016
by Andrea Jacobi, Martin Widmark, Sarah Forbes
Language: German
Release Date: May 12, 2016

Beinhaltet Leseproben folgender Herbstnovitäten 2016 des Ueberreuter Kinder- und Jugendbuchprogramms: Andrea Jacobi, Kastanienallee 8 – Annas Geheimnis (ab 7) Martin Widmark, Detektivbüro LasseMaja: Das Feuerwehrgeheimnis (ab 8) Sarah Forbes, Elsa Zart und die Schule für Aufschneider und Hochstapler...
Book cover of Von Achtsamkeit bis Zuversicht

Von Achtsamkeit bis Zuversicht

ABC des guten Lebens

by Gerd B. Achenbach, Prof. Regina Ammicht Quinn, Gottfried Bachl
Language: German
Release Date: February 20, 2017

Was ist ein gutes Leben? Was macht mein Leben einfacher, ohne es einzuschränken? Was tut mir gut, aber gleichzeitig auch anderen? Es sind bestimmte Werte, die sich in einer Einstellung, aber auch im Verhalten, im Tun ausdrücken. Welche das sein könnten, zeigt dieses Buch mit Themen wie Achtsamkeit...
Book cover of The Internet and the 2016 Presidential Campaign
by Monica Ancu, Kayla J. Brown, Bethany A. Conway-Silva
Language: English
Release Date: August 22, 2017

Although many developments surrounding the Internet campaign are now considered to be standard fare, there were a number of new developments in 2016. Drawing on original research conducted by leading experts, The Internet and the 2016 Presidential Campaign attempts to cover these developments in a...
Book cover of Violence against Women
by Dawn Beichner, Spencer E. Cahill, Martin Daly
Language: English
Release Date: December 2, 2004

Research and advocacy aimed at understanding and ending violence against women had its beginning in the early 1970s, emerging as a central concern of the feminist movement. This work has expanded exponentially over the past three decades to influence practice and policy at the local, state, and federal...
Book cover of Große Predigten

Große Predigten

2000 Jahre Gottes Wort und christlicher Protest

by Florian Bock, Christine Gerber, Martin Illert
Language: German
Release Date: February 1, 2016

Die Predigt spielt im Christentum bereits seit seinen Ursprüngen eine besondere Rolle. In ihr wird seit jeher das Wort Gottes verkündet und sie ist ein zentrales Element in der Liturgie. In einer einzigartigen Auswahl legt dieser Band die wichtigsten Predigten aus 2000 Jahren Kirchengeschichte vor....
Book cover of The Blood Group Antigen FactsBook
by Marion E. Reid, Christine Lomas-Francis, Martin L. Olsson
Language: English
Release Date: November 7, 2012

The Blood Group Antigen FactsBook — winner of a 2013 Highly Commended BMA Medical Book Award for Internal Medicine — has been an essential resource in the hematology, transfusion and immunogenetics fields since its first publication in the late 1990s.The third edition of The Blood Group Antigen...
Book cover of Religious Perspectives on Business Ethics
by Patricia Werhane, Paul Camenisch, Ronald Duska
Language: English
Release Date: November 17, 2006

In the first anthology of its kind, Thomas O'Brien and Scott Paeth have gathered unique pieces from across religious perspectives to illustrate the growing influence and contribution of religion to the field of business ethics. Events in the recent past make clear people in business urgently need...
Book cover of Achieving sustainable production of milk Volume 2

Achieving sustainable production of milk Volume 2

Safety, quality and sustainability

by Sabine Cardoen, Wendie Claeys, Claire Verraes
Language: English
Release Date: June 6, 2017

Summarises current research on pathogenic risks affecting milk and ways they can be controlled on the farm;  Reviews ways of measuring and reducing the environmental impact of dairy farming such as better grassland management;  Assesses the wider role of dairy farming and how it can be improved in the developing world
Book cover of J. M. Barrie's Peter Pan In and Out of Time

J. M. Barrie's Peter Pan In and Out of Time

A Children's Classic at 100

by Karen Coats, Paul Fox, Irene Hsaio
Language: English
Release Date: April 27, 2006

Celebrating 100 years of Peter Pan, this fourth volume in the Centennial Studies series explores the cultural contents of Barrie's creation and the continuing impact of Peter Pan on children's literature and popular culture today, especially focusing on the fluctuations of time and narrative strategies....
Book cover of Introduction to Housing
by Jorge Atiles, Mira Ahn, Akin S. Akinyemi
Language: English
Release Date: June 1, 2018

This foundational text for understanding housing, housing design, homeownership, housing policy, special topics in housing, and housing in a global context has been comprehensively revised to reflect the changed housing situation in the United States during and after the Great Recession and its subsequent...
Book cover of Absinth


Geschichten im Rausch der Grünen Fee

by Sandra Bollenbacher, Markus Cremer, Martin Rüsch
Language: German
Release Date: January 25, 2018

Absinth – Das Getränk der Künstler Gleichsam unverzichtbare Inspirationsquelle und verlockende Falle. Diese Anthologie entführt Sie ins Reich der Grünen Fee, durch einen Strudel von Farben und Gefühlen an den Rand des Wahnsinns und über die eigene Weltanschauung hinaus. In 12 Geschichten lernen...
Book cover of Protein Prenylation, Part B
by Christine Hrycyna, Martin Bergo, Fuyuhiko Tamanoi
Language: English
Release Date: November 8, 2011

This volume of The Enzymes features high-caliber thematic articles on the topic of glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchoring of proteins. Contributions from leading authorities Informs and updates on all the latest developments in the field
Book cover of Protein Prenylation, Part A
by Christine Hrycyna, Martin Bergo, Fuyuhiko Tamanoi
Language: English
Release Date: July 10, 2011

This volume of The Enzymes features high-caliber thematic articles on the topic of glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchoring of proteins. Contributions from leading authorities Informs and updates on all the latest developments in the field
Book cover of Sinne


Short-Story Pocket-Book

by Kornelia Schmid, Irene Schwingenschlögl, Hermann Bauer
Language: German
Release Date: April 30, 2019

Der Mensch wird von seinen Sinnen geleitet. Alles, was wir aufnehmen fühlen, schmecken, riechen, sehen und hören wir. Doch oft bringen die Erinnerungen daran so manche Geschichte ans Tageslicht, wovon wir hier in diesem Büchlein deren einige erzählen. Wir wünschen viel Lesevergnügen im Reich...
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