Claudio: 902 books

Book cover of Immaginare il futuro
by Claudio Cordella
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 3, 2016

SAGGIO (276 pagine) - SAGGI - Un invito a riflettere sui preconcetti relativi alla fantascienza, per poterla rileggere con occhi nuovi. È un'idea comune che la science-fiction (sci-fi, SF), la fantascienza insomma, si occupi del futuro dell'umanità. Basta fare un veloce excursus tra alcuni...
Book cover of Performance Project
by Bruno Skvorc, Zoran Antolovic, Claudio Ribeiro
Language: English
Release Date: August 29, 2018

Performance simply matters. Technology may allow us to "go bigger", but maybe not necessarily be better when it comes to performance. Now is the time to utilize the amazing tools that are available for making websites faster, and to learn how to improve user experience and satisfaction. This...
Book cover of Modern CSS
by Craig Buckler, Ilya Bodrov-Krukowski, Claudio Ribeiro
Language: English
Release Date: October 22, 2018

CSS has grown from a language for formatting documents into a robust language for designing web applications. Its syntax is easy to learn, making CSS a great entry point for those new to programming. Indeed, it's often the second language that developers learn, right behind HTML. As CSS's feature...
Book cover of Learn Angular: Your First Week
by Ilya Bodrov-Krukowski, Manjunath M, Byron Houwens
Language: English
Release Date: June 15, 2018

Angular is not just a framework, but rather a platform that empowers developers to build applications for the web, mobile, and the desktop. This book contains a collection of articles that provide a rapid introduction to Angular, getting you up and running with no fuss. It contains: Angular...
Book cover of Un libro divertido para todos los Papás
by Claudio de Castro
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 14, 2016

Los que lo han leído lo describen como: “Un libro casi Mágico y lleno de emociones que ha deleitado y cautivado a varias generaciones de familias”.Este maravilloso libro es un canto a la vida y a nuestra familia. A los esposos, los hijos, abuelos, las tías, los nietos…* * *Riiiiiiing!!!—...
Book cover of And Then She Laughed

And Then She Laughed

Counseling Women

by Sylvia Estrada Claudio
Language: English
Release Date: January 5, 2016

More than a clinical book, And Then She Laughed is an attempt to reach out to those who may be grappling with problems related to violence against women, but have no access to a good counselor. Claudio covers the most common cases she has handled in her years as a counselor for abused women, which...
Book cover of The Sun Today
by Claudio Vita-Finzi
Language: English
Release Date: January 21, 2019

There are several billion stars in the Milky Way galaxy. One of them is the middle-aged G2V yellow dwarf that rules our lives. The Sun Today discusses the Sun’s appearance and composition, its internal workings, and the various kinds of radiation it emits, and it puts forward a novel explanation...
Book cover of Internaturalità


Atti del Convegno internazionale di studi

by AA.VV., Claudio Cravero
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 25, 2014

La pubblicazione raccoglie gli atti e i saggi del convegno internazionale che ha accompagnato l’inaugurazione della mostra Internaturalità, svoltosi presso la Casa del Teatro Ragazzi di Torino l’8 maggio 2013. Il convegno ha analizzato una serie di sguardi (estetici, etici, antropologici e artistici)...
Book cover of Alla scoperta della Pole Dance
by Scaglioni Claudio, Zanetti Francesca
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 22, 2017

"Immaginate che un bel giorno vostra figlia, dieci anni, vi dica: - Papà, mi sono stancata della danza classica, voglio fare la Pole Dance! - . Panico. Ma cosa ne sa lei della Pole Dance?? Ma cosa ne so io?"  ... Prende spunto da qui il viaggio di un papà alla scoperta della Pole Dance....
Book cover of Luce e tenebra del Medioevo
by Claudio Leonardi, Francesco Santi
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 8, 2014

In questa raccolta di brevi letture Claudio Leonardi, insigne medievista, pone il Medioevo al centro di una profonda riflessione in rapporto con l’attualità. A tratti in maniera provocatoria, ma sempre preciso nei dati storici e letterari discussi, Leonardi propone categorie storiografiche che...
Book cover of VERSOPESCARA2027


Vision e summer school

by Marco Alessandrini, Filippo Angelucci, Massimo Angrilli
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 29, 2016

Collana STUDI E RICERCHE DI ARCHITETTURA del Dipartimento di Architettura Università degli Studi G. d’ Annunzio, Chieti-Pescara, diretta da Paolo Fusero Questo libro raccoglie i risultati scientifici di un importante Protocollo di intesa firmato dal Dipartimento di Architettura dell’Università...
Book cover of Cena con Delito: Poder Oculto, Muerte en la Secta
by Claudio Valerio Gaetani
Language: English
Release Date: May 31, 2016

Tara Jones-Windsor, esposa del controvertida líder de la secta “Hijos del sol naciente”, así como infame activista de la misma, fue asesinada brutalmente la semana precedente, existen muchas cosas extrañasí, sea en su muerte sea entre los amigos más cercanos, personajes, cada uno con características...
Book cover of Who Killed Count Dracula?
by Claudio Valerio Gaetani
Language: English
Release Date: February 22, 2016

Monologue in one act, in which the character is facing its own destiny in divergent, tragic, educational, experimental mode with a strong and full of expectations message, this monologue came as part of the large Guatemalan theatrical productions, a fluid and functional text in some not very easy to digest but with a spectacular and modern end times.
Book cover of L'icona murale di Santa Sabina all'Aventino
by Romina Cianciaruso, Lidia Del Duca, Claudio Falcucci
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 3, 2016

L'interesse che il ritrovamento della grande icona murale avrebbe suscitato meritava una pubblicazione agile,ma completa per presentare l'opera ritrovata e per dare conto del suo restauro. La pittura altomedioevale a Roma acquista un ulteriore segmento della linea ideale di ricomposizione di una civiltà...
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