Claudio: 902 books

Book cover of Impara a gestire un team vincente
by Claudio Belotti
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 28, 2014

Imparare a lavorare con un team, si può. Si può anche imparare a dirigerlo e a relazionarsi al meglio con tutti i componenti. Il risultato sarà straordinario!!! Claudio Belotti, il famoso coach, ci stupisce ancora una volta con le sue "tecniche di allenamento", frutto di studio e di esperienza...
Book cover of Italien vegetarisch
by Claudio Del Principe
Language: German
Release Date: November 3, 2014

Dieses Kochbuch ist eine Einladung an eine reich gedeckte italienische Tafel. Mit herzhaften traditionellen Gerichten aus allen Regionen wie Parmigiana, Ribollita, Pancotto, Minestrone, Carciofi alla romana, Gnocchi di patate, Pasta e fagioli sowie vielen klassischen Lieblingen und verborgenen Schätzen....
Book cover of Ein Sommer wie damals

Ein Sommer wie damals

Italien. Unvergessliche Rezepte, Musik und Amore

by Claudio Del Principe
Language: German
Release Date: March 23, 2016

Italien: Eine Liebeserklärung an den ersten Urlaub. An Mare, Spiaggia und das späte Gelato auf der belebten Piazza. An opernhafte Kulissen. An die Leich-tigkeit des Seins. An Caffè und Cappuccino, die süchtig machen. -Überhaupt an das Essen! Für viele so etwas wie der erste kulinarische Kuss. Einen,...
Book cover of Io sono il mare
by Claudio Di Manao
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 6, 2017

E se il Mare si rivolgesse agli umani per chiedere aiuto? Quali armi avrebbe oltre al dare spettqcolo con le sue creature? Thomas Canyon viene incaricato dal Mare in persona a portare sott’acqua più gente possibile. Gli si rivela come Bahira, fascinosa figura femminile. Le barriere coralline spariranno...
Book cover of El Desafío del Marketing para Empresas Industriales
by Claudio Saavedra
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 3, 2016

•Nuevos conceptos y prácticas para los aspectos más relevantes del marketing y ventas industriales•Presentación al marketing industrial desde un contexto técnico, objetivo y global•Más de 200 figuras y gráficos que complementan un lenguaje fluido y entretenido•Protocolos de implementación...
Language: French
Release Date: January 25, 2014

D’après les économistes, la richesse se forme peu à peu par l’occupation des territoires nouveaux, par le défrichement du sol, par l’invention scientifique, par l’épargne des producteurs, qui, au lieu de consommer tous les produits dont ils ont la disposition, en emploient une partie...
Book cover of Ausbilden nach 4K (E-Book)

Ausbilden nach 4K (E-Book)

Ein Bildungsschritt in die Zukunft | Mit einem Vorwort von Rita Süssmuth

by Prof. Dr. Claudio Caduff, Prof. Dr. Manfred Pfiffner, Saskia Sterel
Language: German
Release Date: September 1, 2018

Dieses E-Book enthält komplexe Grafiken und Tabellen, welche nur auf E-Readern gut lesbar sind, auf denen sich Bilder vergrössern lassen. Kritisches Denken und Problemlösen, Kommunikation, Kooperation, Kreativität und Innovation - diese 4K sind die Kompetenzen, die ein Mensch im 21. Jahrhundert...
Book cover of Prüfen an höheren Fachschulen (E-Book)

Prüfen an höheren Fachschulen (E-Book)

Didaktische Hausapotheke Band 10

by Dr. Daniela Plüss, Christa Augsburger, Prof. Dr. Claudio Caduff
Language: German
Release Date: August 1, 2018

Dieses E-Book enthält komplexe Grafiken und Tabellen, welche nur auf E-Readern gut lesbar sind, auf denen sich Bilder vergrössern lassen. Gute Lehre soll in gute Prüfungen münden, das gilt auch an höheren Fachschulen. Qualifikationsverfahren richten sich « auf die Gesamtheit der für...
Book cover of Translucid #5
by Claudio Sanchez, Chondra Echert
Language: English
Release Date: August 20, 2014

When did The Navigator truly become the legend? See the child become the man when young Cornelius steps up and helps a friend in need. But what will this victory cost him? Find out as The Horse's masterstroke is revealed. Will this be checkmate for our hero?
Book cover of Translucid #4
by Claudio Sanchez, Chondra Echert
Language: English
Release Date: July 16, 2014

As we dive deeper into The Navigator's troubled past, things escalate between Cornelius and his father. While The Navigator is fighting off villains, Cornelius is battling his inner demons, which shape the hero he will become.
Book cover of The Amory Wars: Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV #10
by Claudio Sanchez, Chondra Echert, Emilio Lopez
Language: English
Release Date: February 7, 2018

The great battle outside Kalline is in full bloom, and Inferno and Mayo meet face-to-face on the battlefield.
Book cover of The Amory Wars: Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV #6
by Claudio Sanchez, Chondra Echert, Emilio Lopez
Language: English
Release Date: September 6, 2017

As Ten Speed infiltrates Ryder's mind, Erica's fear intensifies. Is his behavior indicative of something even darker than she suspected?
Book cover of The Amory Wars: Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV #7
by Claudio Sanchez, Chondra Echert, Emilio Lopez
Language: English
Release Date: October 4, 2017

The Narrows invite Inferno and his crew into the Citadel for a home-cooked meal, but will they be the guests or the main course?
Book cover of The Amory Wars: Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV #5
by Claudio Sanchez, Chondra Echert, Emilio Lopez
Language: English
Release Date: August 2, 2017

For The Writer, the wheels are in motion for his descent into darkness. Will he fight off the voices in his head or ride them into Hell?
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