Claudio: 902 books

Book cover of Como volver a encontrar tu felicidad
by Claudio Belotti
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 16, 2014

“También la ciencia nos ayuda a encontrar la felicidad. Sea que tu veas el vaso mitad lleno o mitad vacío. Acá está la receta para vivir bien. Gracias a los estudios de las más prestigiosas universidades, Claudio Belotti te ayudará a sonreír más. Reír no es señal de ligereza, sino mas...
Book cover of Mas motivado en cada situacion
by Claudio Belotti
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 21, 2014

La pasión y la motivación son la verdadera clave de su éxito. Si tienes pasión, entonces puede comunicar pasión y aumentar la probabilidad de resultados exitosos. Aprende, gracias a los consejos de su entrenador, Claudio Belotti, definir sus objetivos y encontrar la motivación para conseguir...
Book cover of La scienza della mente e del computer
by Raffaella Folgieri, Claudio Lucchiari
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 11, 2014

Le scienze cognitive includono varie discipline che trovano nello studio della mente un terreno comune da cross-fertilizzare. Fra queste la psicologia, le neuroscienze, l’intelligenza Artificiale, la linguistica, la filosofia, la robotica, l’antropologia e l’economia hanno svolto un ruolo storico...
Book cover of Ich bin, was ich bin

Ich bin, was ich bin

Mein Leben. Aufgezeichnet von Claudio Honsal

by Uwe Kröger, Claudio Honsal
Language: German
Release Date: October 27, 2014

»Mutig war ich immer.« Uwe Kröger ist der Inbegriff des Musicaldarstellers: Er begeisterte als Originalbesetzung in 4 Weltpremieren: »Elisabeth«, »Mozart!«, »Rebecca«, »Der Besuch der alten Dame«, in 6 deutschsprachigen Erstaufführungen: »Miss Saigon«, »Sunset Boulevard«, »The Wild...
Book cover of Forse no Forse si. Schegge di vita
by Claudio Greco
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 24, 2012

Claudio Greco, artista calabrese, poliedrico e versatile, si racconta attraverso una narrazione a schegge. Le sue pagine sono brevi, essenziali, apparentemente esili come piccoli tasselli che si susseguono e si inseguono tra le onde della vita. Sta qui l’unicità e la complessità di questa scrittura...
Book cover of Vida em pensamento
by Claudio Costa
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: December 11, 2018

Esta autobiografia intelectual é uma versão expandida de um memorial aprovado em concurso. A atual versão é aqui publicada devido ao seu interesse didático. Questões fundamentais da filosofia contempo-rânea, como as do significado, da verdade, da definição de conhecimento, do ceticismo, da...
Book cover of Partecipare ad un corso di formazione. Come prepararsi, partecipare e mettere in pratica quanto appreso.
by Gianluca Gambirasio, Gianluca Gambirasio, Claudio Scalco
Language: Italian
Release Date: August 20, 2011

Riteniamo che per il successo di un corso di formazione servano: • formatori capaci di progettare e condurre corsi di formazione divertenti ed efficaci; • partecipanti motivati e ben predisposti all’apprendimento e alla messa in pratica di quanto appreso. Se il formatore è “scadente” il...
Book cover of Translucid #3
by Claudio Sanchez, Chondra Echert
Language: English
Release Date: June 18, 2014

The Navigator, New York City's only superhero, has been slipping. Could the secret be found in his childhood? Boy genius Cornelius is creating the holographic technology that allows him to become The Navigator. But what dark family secret drives him? From AMORY WARS and KEY OF Z authors Claudio Sanchez and Chondra Echert!
Book cover of Translucid #2
by Claudio Sanchez, Chondra Echert
Language: English
Release Date: May 21, 2014

Down the rabbit hole we go, straight into The Navigator's dark past. What happened to a young dreamer that made him the hero he is now? No one is more curious than his arch-nemesis, The Horse. In the vein of IRREDEEMABLE, this is Claudio Sanchez and Chondra Echert's dark take on the superhero's journey!
Book cover of The Amory Wars: Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV #2
by Claudio Sanchez, Chondra Echert, Emilio Lopez
Language: English
Release Date: May 3, 2017

Ambellina and Chase are convinced that Claudio is The Crowing, but how can one simply accept that his fate is to destroy all things?
Book cover of The Amory Wars: Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV #9
by Claudio Sanchez, Chondra Echert, Emilio Lopez
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2017

The final chapter begins as the Rebel Army begins their assault on Apity Prime, while Claudio and Ambellina find themselves face-to-face with Wilhelm Ryan.
Book cover of The Amory Wars: Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV #3
by Claudio Sanchez, Chondra Echert, Emilio Lopez
Language: English
Release Date: June 7, 2017

After a bruising altercation, Inferno dishes the dirt to Claudio about his parents, but will he listen?
Book cover of The Amory Wars: Second Stage Turbine Blade Ultimate
by Claudio Sanchez, Chondra Echert, Emilio Lopez
Language: English
Release Date: May 3, 2017

Collected in digital form for the first time! Over 350 pages of science fiction wonder from the genius of Coheed and Cambria creative force Claudio Sanchez. The story that has captured the attention of millions of fans worldwide is found here in one volume, overflowing with images of terror and wonder....
Book cover of Antipsichiatria Extragalattica
by Claudio Roncarati
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 13, 2015

Claudio Roncarati scrive per sconfiggere Medusa: Antipsichiatria Extragalattica ha la leggerezza del realismo magico, i sandali alati di uno stile eclettico ed ironico e lo scudo di una fervida immaginazione per riflettere lo sguardo pietrificante dell’oggettività. Il protagonista è un angelico...
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