Claudio: 902 books

Book cover of Canadiana


Viaje al país de las segundas oportunidades

by Juan Claudio de Ramón
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 4, 2018

Unas preciosas crónicas de viaje, en forma de memoria personal, sobre uno de los países más prósperos de occidente: Canadá. El segundo país más grande del mundo es también uno de los más desconocidos fuera de sus fronteras. ¿Cómo un vasto territorio, escasamente poblado, visitado...
Book cover of Itaca e oltre
by Claudio Magris
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 2, 2012

In questa raccolta di saggi brevi, Claudio Magris insegue e analizza le due grandi, antitetiche direzioni del viaggio – essenziale, culturale e politico – contemporaneo: il ritorno e la fuga, la conquista e la dispersione dell’identità, la continuità e la metamorfosi dell’individuo. Attraverso...
Book cover of Manual de oralidad forense
by Claudio Oscar Giannone
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 29, 2018

Claudio O. Giannone. Argentino, nacido en la Ciudad de Avellaneda, Pcia. De Buenos Aires. Abogado independiente. Egresado de la Universidad Nacional de Lomas de Zamora (1994). Procesalista Civil. Postgrado en Derecho Procesal Administrativo y Constitucional. Ha participado en carácter de organizador,...
Book cover of Comoedo comici comoedia
by Claudio Valerio Gaetani
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 29, 2016

Comoedo comici comoedia, fuera del teatro realista pro contemporáneo, elige el pensamiento humano como parte del quehacer actoral, el texto, altamente germinado de ideas y pensamientos aparentemente desordenados, produce un serie de sensaciones lingüísticas recurriendo a la memoria emotiva del...
Book cover of Come un killer al buio
by Claudio Ferro
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 28, 2014

“Bellissima. Non era mai riuscito a decifrare quel qualcosa di lei che l’aveva colpito dal primo momento in cui l’aveva vista, ma soltanto ora si accorgeva che la sua donna era anche bellissima.”   CLAUDIO FERRO nasce nel 1961 e trascorre tutta la sua giovinezza a Catania...
Book cover of Fading Flames Vol. I - Eredità Perdute
by Claudio Lepre
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 7, 2015

In un mondo distante e in un tempo ancora più distante, un vasto impero si trova sull'orlo del collasso a causa della spietata avidità e l'incrollabile egoismo dei suoi recenti sovrani. La tensione è palpabile in ogni angolo delle estese e rigogliose terre dei cinque regni uniti sotto la bandera...
Book cover of Der Mann, der Weltmeisterin wurde

Der Mann, der Weltmeisterin wurde

Meine zwei Leben. Aufgezeichnet von Claudio Honsal

by Erik Schinegger, Claudio Honsal
Language: German
Release Date: February 14, 2018

Vom Sieg auf der Ski-Piste – und im wahren Leben 1966 gewinnt Erika Schinegger bei der Ski-WM in Portillo die Goldmedaille in der Abfahrt. Ein Jahr später erfährt sie das Unglaubliche: Sie ist von Geburt an ein Mann. Heute blickt Erik Schinegger auf zwei ereignisreiche Leben zurück. Authentisch...
Book cover of Elogio alla Notte

Elogio alla Notte

Inno a occhi socchiusi

by Claudio Marucchi
Language: English
Release Date: March 1, 2017

Che ruolo ha nella nostra coscienza la notte e ciò che compete al notturno? In un tempo in cui si assiste a una “tirannia del diurno”, a un’ansia di purificazione, di igiene psicologica e di luce a tutti i costi, Claudio Marucchi scrive un libro che ha l’intenzione di rimettere l’ombra...
Book cover of Le capital, la speculation et la finance au XIXe siecle
by Claudio Jannet
Language: French
Release Date: June 28, 2014

EXTRAIT: DE LA FORMATION DES CLASSES RICHES ET DES PRÉTENDUES INJUSTICES HISTORIQUES La loi économique de l’inégalité des richesses et son caractère naturel. Comment l’inégalité des richesses n’empêche pas le nombre des hommes de s’accroître et n’empire point...
Book cover of It's Not the How or the What but the Who

It's Not the How or the What but the Who

Succeed by Surrounding Yourself with the Best

by Claudio Fernández-Aráoz
Language: English
Release Date: May 13, 2014

Succeed by mastering the art of the who Why surround yourself with the best? Because it matters-in all aspects of life. In fact, in professional environments, getting people right-what global leadership authority Claudio Fernández-Aráoz calls “the art of great ‘who’ decisions”-marks...
Book cover of The Opera Fanatic

The Opera Fanatic

Ethnography of an Obsession

by Claudio E. Benzecry
Language: English
Release Date: June 15, 2011

Though some dismiss opera as old-fashioned, it shows no sign of disappearing from the world’s stage. So why do audiences continue to flock to it? Given its association with wealth, one might imagine that opera tickets function as a status symbol. But while a desire to hobnob with the upper crust...
Book cover of West of the Revolution: An Uncommon History of 1776
by Claudio Saunt
Language: English
Release Date: June 16, 2014

This panoramic account of 1776 chronicles the other revolutions unfolding that year across North America, far beyond the British colonies. In this unique history of 1776, Claudio Saunt looks beyond the familiar story of the thirteen colonies to explore the many other revolutions roiling the...
Book cover of Journeying
by Claudio Magris
Language: English
Release Date: March 20, 2018

A writer for whom the journey has always mattered reinvents the very form itself in this inviting collection of in-the-moment impressions of his journeys A writer of enormous erudition and wide-ranging travels, Claudio Magris selects for this volume writings penned during trips and wanderings...
Book cover of Breve historia del cine clásico alemán
by Claudio Kaim
Language: English
Release Date: December 26, 2012

Durante las primeras décadas del siglo XX, la industria cinematográfica alemana produjo algunas de las cintas más innovadoras, creativas y provocadoras de la historia. Aún hoy son vistas como ejemplos de la sofisticación que el cine puede ofrecernos como forma de...
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