Conrad Joseph: 705 books

Book cover of Lord Jim
by Francesco Binni, Giovanni Baldi, Joseph Conrad
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 15, 2012

Jim è forse il personaggio più popolare di Conrad; la sua figura, segnata dal mistero, tormentata dal rimorso di un'azione indegna e ansiosa di riscatto, è prossima al nostro sentire di moderni per l'umana debolezza che dimostra nel momento della verità. L'idealismo romantico, i sogni impossibili...
Book cover of La follia di Almayer
by Joseph Conrad
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 1, 2011

Per i suoi esordi di romanziere Conrad scelse di mettere a frutto la breve esperienza diretta dell’Asia sudorientale e di conquistare nuovi territori alla narrativa inglese. Primo dei tre romanzi che vanno a comporre la cosiddetta “trilogia malesiana” – insieme con Un reietto delle isole e Il...
Book cover of I racconti dell'inquietudine
by Joseph Conrad
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 18, 2012

Per liberarsi dalla fastidiosa etichetta di scrittore d'avventura, Conrad sosteneva di mirare a un elemento ancora più inquieto e pericoloso del mare: l'implacabile oceano della vita umana. Sono infatti l'inquietudine, la pericolosità e la mutevolezza a legare questi cinque racconti, per altro di ispirazione molto diversa tra loro.
Book cover of Lord Jim
by Joseph Conrad
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 23, 2015

‘Lord Jim’ è un magistrale esempio di racconto nel racconto dove Conrad mette in evidenza come nelle nostre vite c’è sempre un momento determinante, una linea da attraversare: si può cadere nell’abisso o conquistare la felicità. Jim, imbarcato sul Patna, perde l'onore fuggendo su una scialuppa...
Book cover of La locanda delle streghe
by Paolo Brera, Ion Luca Caragiale, Joseph Conrad
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 19, 2016

Una locanda è anche un luogo sinistro. Il viaggiatore arriva da lontano, non conosce nessuno, ci resta per poco. E quando dorme, ignaro di tutto, chi può sapere quali insidie non si possano materializzare? Già nell’antichità classica gli osti, i caupones, erano sospettati di orrendi misfatti:...
Book cover of Within The Tides
by Joseph Conrad
Language: English
Release Date: March 31, 2009

In this collection of stories Conrad appears at the peak of his artistic creativity. The dimensions which are touched by his deeply sensitive mind and the broad canvases that he presents and portrays through his work are truly gripping. The multifarious issues of life are dwelled upon with deep alacrity. Engrossing!
Book cover of The Shadow Line
by Joseph Conrad
Language: English
Release Date: October 24, 2013

A novella often seen as a critique or discussion of World War I, and, as with Conrad's other great works, is based at sea.
Book cover of Falk
by Joseph Conrad
Language: English
Release Date: June 9, 2014

A tale of Love, survival of the fittest and dignified savagery! Literally: Man eats man to survive. Not quite the quintessential Conrad tale but extremely entertaining, nonetheless!
Book cover of The Shadow-Line
by Joseph Conrad
Language: English
Release Date: September 27, 1990

A young and inexperienced sea captain finds that his first command leaves him with a ship stranded in tropical seas and a crew smitten with fever. As he wrestles with his conscience and with the increasing sense of isolation that he experiences, the captain crosses the ‘shadow-line’ between youth...
Book cover of Chance
by Joseph Conrad
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Józef Teodor Konrad Korzeniowski (3rd December 1857 3rd August 1924) was a Polish author regarded as one of the greatest novelists in English, although he did not speak the language fluently until he was in his twenties when he settled in England and was subsequently granted British nationality. ...
Book cover of Secret Sharer
by Joseph Conrad
Language: English
Release Date: June 9, 2014

A young untested ship captain finds a man named Leggatt clinging to the side of his ship. The Captain makes the unusual decision to hide Leggatt in his quarters. What is he thinking? Conrad will tell us. - The Secret Sharer was first published in the August and September 1910 issues of Harper’s Magazine
Book cover of Gabrielle oder Die Rückkehr
by Joseph Conrad
Language: German
Release Date: April 1, 2010

Conrads großes Ehedrama ist die bürgerliche Version von "Heart of Darkness". Jetzt wegen der Verfilmung mit Isabelle Huppert in einer Neuübersetzung von Sophie Zeitz. Ich wollte die Wahrheit über das bestialische Bürgertum enthüllen", sagt Conrad über die Geschichte des überaus ehrbaren Alvan...
Book cover of Das Ende vom Lied
by Joseph Conrad
Language: German
Release Date: July 21, 2012

In seinem unnachahmlichen Stil erzählt Conrad die Geschichte des alten Kapitän Whalley, der noch einmal ein Kommando annimmt um seine verarmte Tochter unterstützen zu können. Als aber der Maschinist und Eigner des Schiffes erkennt, dass Whalley fast blind ist, möchte er diesen Umstand zu einem Versicherungsbetrug nutzen ...
Book cover of Jeunesse- Le Coeur des ténèbres
by Joseph Conrad
Language: French
Release Date: May 11, 2018

Le recueil se compose de deux récits, qui partagent deux traits communs. L'un est une même technique de narration : un narrateur non identifié rapporte les dires d'un autres narrateur, on a un récit dans le récit. L'autre est que le narrateur identifié est le même : un vieux marin, nommé Charles...
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