Corinne: 473 books

Book cover of Afrika, meine Passion
by Corinne Hofmann
Language: German
Release Date: July 1, 2015

Nach ihrer letzten Lesung will Corinne Hofmann die "weiße Massai" endgültig hinter sich lassen und sich eine Auszeit gönnen. Sie bereist ferne Länder und findet doch immer wieder vertraute Anklänge an Afrika. So bricht sie erneut auf in ihre zweite Heimat, wandert zunächst durch die...
Book cover of Arriving



by Corinne Jeffery
Language: English
Release Date: February 15, 2018

Arriving, book one of Corinne Jeffery’s Understanding Ursula trilogy, vividly recreates the pioneer world of the Canadian prairies with a multitude of memorable characters. You’ll lose yourself between the pages as you watch them struggle to survive and flourish, always at the mercy of Mother...
Book cover of Les Voix du Corps Anthologie
by Corinne Tisserand-Simon
Language: French
Release Date: December 13, 2014

Cette anthologie réunit trois textes autour du corps et de la voix.Le premier, Poétique du Petit Corps, est né d’une réflexion à propos d’un travail d’atelier théâtral sur le corps. Ne pouvant traduire mes impressions qu’en termes d'image face au corps de l’autre, lorsque le...
Book cover of The Morning Later Esordi
by Corinne Noca Borla
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 18, 2016

Pensieri, parole, ricordi, considerazioni…tutto ciò che mi passa per la testa e che può ricreare un’emozione: ridere, sorridere, commuoversi, arrabbiarsi. The Morning Later Esordi è la raccolta dei primi scritti tratti dall'omonimo blog che affronta diversi temi, quotidiani e non della nostra vita. Immedesimarsi e riflettere su ciò che ci accade, con semplicità e senza giudicare.
Book cover of Bringing the Sacred Down to Earth

Bringing the Sacred Down to Earth

Adventures in Comparative Religion

by Corinne G. Dempsey
Language: English
Release Date: December 12, 2011

In Bringing the Sacred Down to Earth, Corinne Dempsey offers a comparative study of Hindu and Christian, Indian and Euro/American earthbound religious expressions. She argues that official religious, political, and epistemological systems tend to deny sacred access and expression to the general populace,...
Book cover of Why Strategy Matters
by Flick Michaela Corinne, David Saul
Language: English
Release Date: December 18, 2013

What are the core principles of strategic thinking historically? And how do these translate into modern times? These are the questions addressed by the contributors in this Convoco mini-edition. Saul David's article examines the ideas of the father of modern strategy, Carl von Clausewitz. His discussion...
Book cover of Japon : L'empire de l'harmonie

Japon : L'empire de l'harmonie

L'Âme des Peuples

by Corinne Atlan, L'Âme des peuples
Language: French
Release Date: March 24, 2016

Parce que pour connaître les peuples, il faut d'abord les comprendre Les Japonais vivent au présent. Le temps glisse sur l’Archipel, emportant avec lui les joies comme les malheurs. Le tsunami de mars 2011, à l’origine du pire accident nucléaire de l’histoire, reste une plaie ouverte,...
Book cover of Thriving: 1920–1939
by Corinne Jeffery
Language: English
Release Date: June 18, 2018

Thriving, book two of Corinne Jeffery’s Understanding Ursula series, continues the story of the challenges of the intriguing and contentious Werners, a family of German Lutheran homesteaders on the Saskatchewan prairie. Become reacquainted with their dynamic lives as they try to keep pace with the...
Book cover of Les Orchidées de Staline
by Corinne De Vailly, Normand Lester
Language: French
Release Date: December 29, 2016

À Montréal, des corps mutilés de jeunes femmes sont découverts à quelques mois d’intervalle, toutes sans utérus. Est-ce l’œuvre d’un tueur en série ou d’une secte satanique ? Les investigations du sergent-détective Pierre Dumont le mèneront à la rencontre de Jeremy Powell,...
Book cover of Safeguarding Children and Young People
by Stella Coleman, Corinne May-Chahal
Language: English
Release Date: June 17, 2013

What does the novice practitioner or the experienced practitioner moving into child care work from another sector need to know to practice effectively? What skills do they need to call on? In this valuable addition to The Social Work Skills Series, Stella Coleman and Corinne May-Chahal bring together...
Book cover of Transports et infrastructures

Transports et infrastructures

Développement, désenclavement, puissance

by Samuel Carcanague, Emmanuel Hache, Omar da Fonseca
Language: French
Release Date: September 27, 2017

Transports et infrastructures : développement, désenclavement, puissance Quelles dynamiques régissent les flux de transports internationaux et quels peuvent en être les développements futurs ? Quels sont les enjeux propres aux différents modes de transport et à la construction des...
Book cover of When Jesus Touches Your Life

When Jesus Touches Your Life

You Will Never Be the Same

by Corinne Hostenne
Language: English
Release Date: July 11, 2016

After receiving news that her brother Delroy had gone crazy, Corinne Hostenne decided to pray and fast for him. During this time she had an encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ and since that pivotal day her life has never been the same. In this book of heartfelt prayers and poems, Ms. Hostenne pours...
Book cover of We Own Tonight

We Own Tonight

Second Chance/Rockstar

by Corinne Michaels
Language: English
Release Date: September 7, 2017

From New York Times Bestseller, Corinne Michaels, comes a sexy new STANDALONE romance novel. I’m not a one-night stand kind of woman. I’m especially not the woman who has a few drinks at a concert and ends up in bed with my childhood celebrity crush, Eli Walsh. However, that’s...
Book cover of En mai 68, j'ai fait ma révolution sexuelle
by Corinne
Language: French
Release Date: May 19, 2016

En mai 68, à Clermont-Ferrand, une étudiante fauchée se laisse emporter par le mouvement de libération sexuelle qui brise les tabous de l'époque. Pour pouvoir s'acheter une robe qu'elle convoite, elle accepte de poser nue pour un professeur des Beaux-Arts à la réputation sulfureuse. Ces séances...
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