D Stewart: 55 books

Book cover of Just Us Kids - Frozen
by D Stewart
Language: English
Release Date: September 18, 2017

Abigail Tripp dreams of adventures. Losing herself in the pages of books about far off places is the closest she’s ever gotten. That is until a birthday gift from her grandparents includes tickets to Alaska. She’s planned every detail and read every book she could to get ready for the journey....
Book cover of Reel Character Education

Reel Character Education

A Cinematic Approach to Character Development

by William B. Russell III, Ph.D., Stewart Waters
Language: English
Release Date: October 1, 2010

Values, attitudes, and beliefs have been depicted in movies since the beginning of the film industry. Educators will find this book to be a valuable resource for helping explore character education with film. This book includes an overview of the history of character education, a discussion of how to...
Book cover of Baby & Me

Baby & Me

The Essential Guide to Pregnancy and Newborn Care

by Deborah D. Stewart
Language: English
Release Date: August 1, 2006

Offering solid guidance for mothers and mothers-to-be whose reading skills are limited and who may have limited access to adequate health care, this guide focuses on basics like prenatal care, lifestyle choices, nutritional advice, and baby’s first few months. This updated edition includes new chapters...
Book cover of Final Draft

Final Draft

Elements of Surprise

by F.D. Stewart
Language: English
Release Date: November 16, 2017

Tragedy has struck, leaving a family in an uproar over the death of a loved one who failed to observe the law. They broke the one code of silence that was held against their will causing a war against a family who was left in the dark about an unknown secret that unravels into elements of surprises they never knew existed.  
Book cover of The Wolf Inside
by Tyler W. D. Stewart
Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 2016

For years, Celeste and her father have taken shelter high in the treacherous mountains. They've been struggling to survive alone since their family succumbed to the same sickness that conquered the world. But Celeste is hungry and restless, eager for a return to civilization. She dreams of what...
Book cover of Modern Biocatalysis

Modern Biocatalysis

Advances Towards Synthetic Biological Systems

by Anne Zaparucha, Yasuhisa Asano, Jean-Pierre Mahy
Language: English
Release Date: May 31, 2018

The synergy between synthetic biology and biocatalysis is emerging as an important trend for future sustainable processes. This book reviews all modern and novel techniques successfully implemented in biocatalysis, in an effort to provide better performing enzymatic systems and novel biosynthetic...
Book cover of The Wizard's Estate Let the Games Begin
by F.D. Stewart
Language: English
Release Date: January 20, 2016

 A group of college friends will soon discover, that getting everything they've ever wanted means losing everything they’ve ever loved. Join them, as they battle in a war for their identities, where they soon discover, it’s not a game, it's their life.
Book cover of Heart’s Kiss: Issue 15, June-July 2019: Featuring Anna J. Stewart
by Anna J. Stewart, Tonya D. Price, Johanna Rothman
Language: English
Release Date: May 30, 2019

A Magazine Celebrating Romance: Love romance? Love discovering the best new writers with bite-sized stories? Or maybe you prefer to treat yourself by escaping into a sure-to-please favorite author's world now and again, but don't have the time to read a full-length novel. Heart's Kiss magazine...
Book cover of Diabolical Plots Year Five
by David Steffen, Matt Dovey, D.A. Xiaolin Spires
Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 2019

This anthology collects 26 original stories that will run in the fifth year of Diabolical Plots, an online magazine of science fiction and fantasy. A metrics-driven approach for utopia, a fantastical YouTube challenge, a Lovecraftian Millennial thinkpiece, correspondence with a professor at a magical...
Book cover of 50 Essential Classic Adventure Short Stories You Have To Read Before You Die, Vol.1: Jack London, Robert Ervin Howard, E.Nesbit, Max Brand... (Golden Deer Classics)
by Jack London, Golden Deer Classics, A.M. Chisholm
Language: English
Release Date: May 6, 2019

Contents: A.M. CHISHOLM A Thousand a Plate A.M. WILLIAMSON The Eccentricity of Fleetwood ACHMED ABDULLAH The Home-Coming ARTHUR TRAIN The Escape of Wilkins ARTHUR TRAIN The Governor-General's Trunk BUCK CONNOR Get Your Man CHARLES BEADLE John O'Damn CHARLES E. VAN LOAN Water Stuff E.NESBIT The Dwellers...
Book cover of The V Book

The V Book

A Doctor's Guide to Complete Vulvovaginal Health

by Elizabeth G. Stewart, M.D., Paula Spencer
Language: English
Release Date: December 10, 2008

The Groundbreaking Guide Every Woman Needs With The V Book, women will learn everything they need to know about the basics of vulvovaginal—or “V”–health, an essential yet often overlooked area of women’s health. Dr. Elizabeth G. Stewart, the nation’s foremost expert in vulvovaginal...
Book cover of 如何過你想要的生活?華頓商學院最受歡迎的人生整合課


Leading the Life You Want: Skills for Integrating Work and Life

by 史都華.佛里曼, Stewart D. Friedman
Language: Chinese
Release Date: February 1, 2018

擁有人生整合力,工作、生活不再卡關! ◆華頓商學院和Coursera最受歡迎的人生整合課 ◆《富比世》年度重點好書 ◆《金融時報》《快速企業》《出版人週刊》共同推薦 ◆源自福特汽車領導力培訓課程,人人都可以實踐 生活和工作並非你死我活的拉鋸戰, 華頓商學院實證有效的「人生整合力」, 讓你過你想要的生活! 我們在工作和生活之間感到分身乏術,無力兼顧職場和家庭,但卻不知道要從哪裡開始改變…… 作者研究臉書營運長雪柔.桑德伯格、美國前第一夫人蜜雪兒.歐巴馬、密蘇里州長暨前海豹部隊隊員格雷滕斯、貝恩管理顧問公司前執行長蒂爾尼、美國女足名將茱莉.佛迪,以及搖滾歌手史普林斯汀等人,發現他們既有成就,又能活出自我!而這一切的秘訣就在:他們成功整合了工作、生活、社交、身心靈等四大領域,甚至能相互增強彼此的效果,讓生活愈來愈協調。 身為華頓商學院首位實務取向的教授,佛里曼在福特汽車公司開辦培訓課程,每年有2,500名員工參與,並以此內容在華頓商學院授課,後並集結成書。書中提供實作指南,包含不同觀念的練習等等。每個人都能夠實踐這些技巧,改變原本散亂和停滯不前的生活,讓人生更豐富,也更有韌性。 各界熱烈好評: ◎作者的新書清楚易懂,是追求工作與生活平衡的重要敲門磚。——《出版人週刊》 ◎本書藉由精采動人的人物傳記,描述各項關鍵能力,教你活出有意義又幸福的人生。——比爾暨梅琳達蓋茲基金會共同創辦人...
Book cover of E-Z American Sign Language
by Elizabeth Stewart, Lisa M. Dimling, Ph.D.
Language: English
Release Date: September 1, 2011

This heavily illustrated, self-teaching guide to ASL--American Sign Language--is useful both for the deaf and for those men and women who teach or work among deaf people. E-Z American Sign Language presents ASL's 10 key grammatical rules and emphasizes the use of "facial grammar" as an important...
Book cover of Does God Make the Man?

Does God Make the Man?

Media, Religion, and the Crisis of Masculinity

by Stewart M. Hoover, Curtis D. Coats
Language: English
Release Date: October 2, 2015

Many believe that religion plays a positive role in men’s identity development, with religion promoting good behavior, and morality. In contrast, we often assume that the media is a negative influence for men, teaching them to be rough and violent, and to ignore their emotions. In Does God Make...
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