Damaris: 53 books

Book cover of Southern Girl Meets Vegetarian Boy

Southern Girl Meets Vegetarian Boy

Down Home Classics for Vegetarians (and the Meat Eaters Who Love Them)

by Damaris Phillips
Language: English
Release Date: October 17, 2017

Damaris Phillips is a southern chef in love with an ethical vegetarian. In Phillips's household, greens were made with pork, and it wasn’t Sunday without fried chicken. So she had to transform the way she cooks. In Southern Girl Meets Vegetarian Boy, Phillips shares 100 recipes that embody the modern...
Book cover of The Fluid Boundaries of Suffrage and Jim Crow

The Fluid Boundaries of Suffrage and Jim Crow

Staking Claims in the American Heartland

by DaMaris B. Hill, James West, Denise Low-Weso
Language: English
Release Date: June 3, 2016

The Fluid Boundaries of Suffrage and Jim Crow: Staking Claims in the American Heartland engages in an important conversation about race relations in the twentieth century and significantly extends the historical narrative of the Civil Rights Movement. The essays in this collection examine instances...
Book cover of Thou Shalt Not Marry A Foreigner
by Damaris Garzon
Language: English
Release Date: December 20, 2014

Canada has long been considered a multicultural, welcoming, and tolerant society. But recently, academics, journalists, and policy analysts have called into question several aspects of the country's current immigration policy. One of the most controversial and lesser-known aspects of said policy is...
Book cover of Seid stark, Frauen!

Seid stark, Frauen!

Fünf Schicksale, die unter die Haut gehen

by Damaris Kofmehl
Language: German
Release Date: February 25, 2019

Fünf Frauen. Fünf Lebensentwürfe. Fünf Schicksale, wie sie unterschiedlicher kaum sein könnten: Sybille wächst in der ehemaligen DDR auf und will nur eines: endlich herauskommen. Zusammen mit ihrem Ehemann und ihrem fünfjährigen Sohn lässt sie sich auf das gefährlichste Abenteuer ihres Lebens...
Book cover of Verschollen in der Südsee
by Damaris Kofmehl
Language: German
Release Date: February 4, 2015

Proviant: 29 Kokosnüsse. Für 3 Menschen und 51 Tage. Ausgemergelt kauern die drei Freunde in einem kleinen Motorboot, als sie am 24. November 2010 schließlich gefunden werden - 1300 Kilometer entfernt vom Startpunkt ihrer Reise. Auf ihrer Heimatinsel Tokelau hatte man sie bereits für tot erklärt....
Book cover of Bad Cop – Ein Polizist auf der Flucht
by Damaris Kofmehl
Language: German
Release Date: August 1, 2016

Robert ist ein Bad Cop und korrupt bis ins Mark. Er arbeitet als junger Polizist in New Orleans und missbraucht seine Dienstmarke für seine eigenen Zwecke. Als eines seiner Opfer ihn ans Messer liefert und ihm dreißig Jahre Gefängnis bevorstehen, kriegt Robert Panik. Er flieht, entschlossen, bis...
Book cover of Desborde de amor
by Damaris Cordero
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 2, 2013

La autora describe de manera informal, en ocasiones humorística y detallada historias de mujeres que amaron con pasión en tiempos bíblicos. Entrelaza la narración con vivencias personales, haciendo la lectura relevante y pertinente a la mujer de hoy. Al final de cada historia, la autora invita a...
Book cover of Poems for Love Letters

Poems for Love Letters

And Other Collected Poems

by Damaris Bray Sayce
Language: English
Release Date: September 30, 2000

Poems for Love Letters and Other Collected Poems is a collection of three separate books of poetry: Poems for Love Letters, Images and Visions, and Prayer and Praise. These three books express the authors feelings about everyday events experienced by men and women as they go through life dealing with...
Book cover of The Between Time

The Between Time

Savoring the Sacred Moments of Everyday Life

by Damaris Zehner
Language: English
Release Date: March 11, 2016

Christian life is a between time: between the original creation and the unveiling of a new heaven and a new earth. These poignant, hopeful, and sometimes heartbreaking essays are like snapshots of the universal human condition as we make sense of this time and await our salvation. Writing on everything...
Book cover of Occasional Thoughts In Reference To A Vertuous Or Christian Life
by Damaris, Lady Masham
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Book cover of Branded Entertainment

Branded Entertainment

Dealmaking Strategies & Techniques for Industry Professionals

by Damaris J. Valero
Language: English
Release Date: October 10, 2014

Our media options have increased and evolved more in the last decade then over the last century. This evolution affects all aspects of our lives and, more specifically, has forever altered how consumers interact with the brands vying for their attention on all types of media outlets. In today’s world,...
Book cover of Black Lace
by Julia Damaris
Language: English
Release Date: January 19, 2012

As a shy, timid black girl on Minneapolis North side, Julia liked to write stories and plays. As a teenager, she became depressed. She began writing poetry as a young adult. By the age of 30, she was diagnosed with mental illness. Through her many hours of seclusion, she wrote many poems. These are...
Book cover of Mama Used to Always Say
by Damaris Dobbs
Language: English
Release Date: May 29, 2014

This book is the collection of wise sayings and advice that our Mama used to raise her children in the fifties and sixties in rural Oklahoma. If you have ever wished you could sit down with your grandmother or great-grandmother and just have a wonderful visit, this book is the next best thing. It...
Book cover of George MacDonald's use of symbolism in the short story 'The Golden Key'
by Damaris Englert
Language: English
Release Date: June 8, 2010

Essay from the year 2009 in the subject English - Literature, Works, grade: 1,7, , course: Proseminar 'Scottish supernatural and mystery stories', language: English, abstract: The image of a loving God George MacDonald's popular short story 'The Golden Key' seems to be a story for children, but examining...
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