Danial: 14 books

Book cover of Invest Diva’s Guide to Making Money in Forex: How to Profit in the World’s Largest Market
by Kiana Danial
Language: English
Release Date: July 5, 2013

Q: Ladies, Do YOU Have What It Takes To Become A Forex Diva? A: Yes, You Do. With this incredible new step-by-step guide, investing pro and TV personality Kiana Danial shows you exactly how to understand and take advantage of foreign currency trading. Years ago, the author discovered that...
Book cover of Crockpot: Olla De Barro: Libro de cocina Crockpot: recetas con Crockpot y cocina con Crockpot de la mano de Danial Kevinson
by Danial Kevinson
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 15, 2016

¡El ELEGIDO, el único libro de Crockpot que necesitas! ¿Quieres que tu cocina se parezca a la de tu madre o tu abuela? ¿Quieres que tus comidas rebosen de sabor, aroma y sean la perfecta combinación de aspecto y gusto? Además, ¿quieres desayunar un plato exquisito, caliente y casero sin...
Book cover of Crockpot Cookbook: Crockpot Recipes And Crockpot Cooking
by Danial Kevinson
Language: English
Release Date: July 26, 2016

Do you want to cook like your mother or grandmother? Do you want your meals to be rich in flavor and aroma and be a perfect combination of visual and olfactory effects? Furthermore, do you want to eat a warm, tasty and homemade breakfast or brunch prepared without much effort and without spending...
Book cover of An Irish Nor'easter
by Tim Danial Anderson
Language: English
Release Date: October 22, 2013

A divorced man decides to take a risky chance at solving his money problems during a storm in Ireland. All he has to do is make it to the boathouse, but the waves have other ideas.
Book cover of My June
by Danial Neil
Language: English
Release Date: August 15, 2014

In this hauntingly beautiful novel with its palette of blues and greys, Danial Neil explores the world of Reuben Dale after the sudden death from a stroke of his beloved wife, June. Neil takes us inside suffering to show us the thoughts and feelings of the one left behind. Lost without the woman he...
Book cover of SEO Blog
by Danial
Language: English
Release Date: May 13, 2014

Get the latest news, updates and articles on search engine optimization, social media and Google updates by Puneet Sharma.
Book cover of Fußballgames. 100 Seiten

Fußballgames. 100 Seiten

Reclam 100 Seiten

by Markus Böhm, Danial Montazeri
Language: German
Release Date: March 19, 2019

"Seit es Fußballvideospiele gibt, bringen sie Menschen zusammen – aber auch gegeneinander auf, in Form oft epischer Schlachten voller Traumtore und Brutalo-Fouls." Die Spiele-Hits FIFA und Pro Evolution Soccer verkaufen sich jährlich millionenfach. Vor den Bildschirmen wird lautstark...
Book cover of Crockpot, Crockpot, Crockpot: Rezepten und Kochkunst (Rezepte: Slow Cooker)
by Danial Kevinson
Language: German
Release Date: September 8, 2017

Willst du dein eigen Buch so als deine Mutter oder Oma? Willst du deine Gerichte Schmack und Dunftvoll zu sein, also ein Mischung von visuell und olfaktorisch Erfahrungen? Ferner, willst du heiß, leckere und hausgemacht Frühstück oder Brunch essen, nicht zu viele Anstrengungen und ohne undendliche...
Book cover of Film and Values
by Abdul-Rehman Malik, Michel Kocher, Botros Danial
Language: English
Release Date: November 15, 2017

This book is the result of the 1st International Seminar of Film and Values organized by the Directorate of Religious Affairs, SIGNIS (World Catholic Association for Communication) and Blanquerna Observatory on Media, Religion and Culture, in Barcelona the 23rd November 2016. The cinema, through its...
Book cover of Flight of the Dragonfly
by Danial Neil
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Book cover of The Rise and Fall of a Parish in the Wilderness:

The Rise and Fall of a Parish in the Wilderness:

The Story of Our Lady of La Salette

by Danial Walker
Language: English
Release Date: April 11, 2014

The Rise and Fall of a Parish in the Wildnerness: The Story of Our Lady of La Salette, is about the rise of a parish in an unlikely location. Spans the late 1830's to the present. It ends with the community acquiring the historic church in 2012. Includes information on some of the founding families...
Book cover of How to Become a Hose-tubing Backer

How to Become a Hose-tubing Backer

How to Become a Hose-tubing Backer

by Danial Shumate
Language: English
Release Date: November 11, 2015

This publication will teach you the basics of how to become a Hose-tubing Backer. With step by step guides and instructions, you will not only have a better understanding, but gain valuable knowledge of how to become a Hose-tubing Backer
Book cover of Cryptocurrency Investing For Dummies
by Kiana Danial
Language: English
Release Date: February 18, 2019

The ultimate guide to the world of cryptocurrencies! While the cryptocurrency market is known for its volatility—and this volatility is often linked to the ever-changing regulatory environment of the industry—the entire cryptocurrency market is expected to reach a total value of $1 trillion...
Book cover of 非理性效應:投資的失敗,來自你的本能
by 丹尼爾‧克羅斯比 Danial Crosby
Language: Chinese
Release Date: July 25, 2019

一群貪得無厭、急躁和沮喪的人們,以非理性的行為創造了市場。 不了解人類,就不可能了解市場! ★暢銷書《行為投資金律》作者另一鉅作! ★2019年「公理商業圖書獎」(Axiom Business Book Awards)金獎作品! 你知道嗎? ‧你的大腦其實是一個脾氣古怪又任性的老頭! ‧猴子、烏龜甚至是一塊石頭,都可能比你還擅長金融投資! ‧有尿有保庇,做重大投資決定前最好還是去上個廁所吧! ‧在市場裡,「太愛自己」不但不會讓你有艷遇,還很有可能讓你花大錢喔! ‧你窮極一生所追尋的財富和金錢,其實一點價值都沒有! …… 在黨同伐異的社會中,股票市場卻是一個例外的存在。我們天生就想融入環境,力求適應,但投資要求你特立獨行;我們天生會想保護自我,但要在投資市場上成功就要能夠顛覆自我;我們天生被設定為能提問:「為什麼?」,但在市場上,你更要學會提問:「為什麼不?」 ▌成為一位行為投資人,就要把你過去學會的都消除乾淨,你越是少動、就能獲得更多;你越不去凸顯自己的特別,你才會越是特別!▌ 《紐約時報》暢銷書作家丹尼爾.克羅斯比在《非理性效應》中,從社會學、神經科學和心理學等角度出發,再以寓言式的敘事筆觸,來探討投資人行為。財富不只是財務、金融,它也跟心理層面大有關係。 本書即是針對金融財務提供最豐富也最全面的心理學涵義,同時也是增加財富、增長知識的 最佳讀本。你將從書中接收到行為投資的最新資訊,並對於自己的投資行為進行全面檢驗,你也將發現,自己前所未有地貼近市場,前所未有地了解自己,前所未有地了解人類是怎樣的動物! 〈猴子與投資人的差別〉 「這個世界其實就是一隻大烏龜背著一個大盤子,」老太婆繼續說:「烏龜就站在另一隻烏龜上頭,一隻站著一隻,一直站上去!」 〈行為投資人的情緒管理〉 古希臘的民間故事說,希臘伊薩卡國王奧德修斯想到一個避開危險女妖誘惑的方法:他把自己綁在桅杆上,然後叫水手用蜂蠟塞住耳朵 〈行為投資法以規則為基礎〉 畢卡索在寫生時,有粉絲很驚喜地走過來請大師為她畫畫,大師很快就畫好簡單肖像給她,然後說:「五千美元。」這價錢驚呆了她,於是她提醒大師這只花了五分鐘!大師看著她的眼睛說:「不,夫人,這花了我一生。」 〈行為投資優先考慮風險〉 假如火雞只看歷史記錄的話,那牠完全不曉得自己有朝一日要大禍臨頭。因為飼主每天就是著帶水和飼料過來啊,根本沒想到他有一天會帶著斧頭過來! 名人非常理性推薦: Mr.Market市場先生/財經作家 王伯達/財經自媒體《王伯達觀點》 安納金/暢銷財經作家 陳志彥/副總裁的理財日誌版主 陳鳳馨/News98...
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