Daoud: 31 books

Book cover of Sesame Street, Palestine
by Daoud Kuttah
Language: English
Release Date: March 24, 2018

**Big Birds are rare in Palestine. ** **Daoud Kuttab knows. The ups and downs of producing a world-famous children’s program quickly escalated into more than just teaching Elmo to speak Arabic like the new Palestinian characters, Kareem and Hanin. The executive producer of the Palestinian...
Book cover of Chroniques


Selected Columns, 2010-2016

by Kamel Daoud
Language: English
Release Date: October 16, 2018

This engaging collection of essays showcases the extraordinary passion, insight, and range of Kamel Daoud, bestselling author of The Meursault Investigation. Kamel Daoud has been a journalist for more than twenty years, writing the most-read column in Algeria, in Le Quotidien d'Oran, while...
Book cover of Zabor
by Kamel Daoud
Language: Dutch
Release Date: March 19, 2018

Kamel Daoud – Zabor In ‘Zabor’ van Kamel Daoud, auteur van de internationale bestseller ‘Moussa of de dood van een Arabier’, neemt de jonge Algerijnse Zabor, met een overleden moeder enerzijds en een vader die hem heeft verstoten anderzijds, zijn toevlucht tot het lezen van boeken. Franse...
Book cover of The Translator

The Translator

A Tribesman's Memoir of Darfur

by Daoud Hari
Language: English
Release Date: March 18, 2008

I am the translator who has taken journalists into dangerous Darfur. It is my intention now to take you there in this book, if you have the courage to come with me. The young life of Daoud Hari–his friends call him David–has been one of bravery and mesmerizing adventure. He is a living...
Book cover of The Penguin's Song
by Hassan Daoud
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 2014

Hassan Daoud is one of the Arabic language world's premier novelists, with a good media profile. He is the editor of the cultural supplement in Beirut's daily paper, and his work has appeared in the European and American press as well -- he was published in 2006 in the New York Times Magazine. Four...
Book cover of Moussa, of de dood van een Arabier
by Kamel Daoud
Language: Dutch
Release Date: October 6, 2015

Met Moussa of de dood van een Arabier heeft Kamel Daoud een stem gegeven aan ‘de Arabier’ uit de Franse klassieker De vreemdeling van Albert Camus. Haroen wordt al zijn hele leven gekweld door de zinloze moord op zijn broer door Meursault, de beruchte antiheld uit Camus’ roman. Haroen besluit...
Book cover of Zabor



by Kamel Daoud
Language: German
Release Date: March 7, 2019

Ein Geschichtenerzähler, der Leben verlängern kann. In seinem zweiten Roman erforscht Kamel Daoud, der für sein Debüt "Der Fall Meursault – eine Gegendarstellung" von Kritik und Publikum international gefeiert wurde, das menschliche Dasein mit den Methoden aus Tausendundeiner Nacht....
Book cover of Le mie indipendenze
by Kamel Daoud
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 23, 2017

Kamel Daoud è considerato una delle voci più importanti e indipendenti della cultura europea e mediorientale. Da quindici anni scrive per “Le Quotidien d’Oran”, tra i maggiori quotidiani algerini, collaborando inoltre con diversi media e giornali stranieri. Dal 2010 al 2016 ha firmato circa...
Book cover of The Meursault Investigation
by Kamel Daoud
Language: English
Release Date: June 2, 2015

**A New York Times Notable Book of 2015 “A tour-de-force reimagining of Camus’s The Stranger, from the point of view of the mute Arab victims.” —The New Yorker** ** ** He was the brother of “the Arab” killed by the infamous Meursault, the antihero of Camus’s classic novel....
Book cover of Islam: The True Faith, the Religion of Humanity: The Works of Hajji Shaykh Ahmed Faisal
by Daoud Ahmed Faisal, Muhammed al Ahari
Language: English
Release Date: March 13, 2013

Shaykh Daoud taught Islam from the Great Depression until the seventies as a religion that was the true light of the Civil Rights Movement. This father of American Islam paved the road for the Dar-ul-Islam, Jamil al-Amin, the Fuqara, Imam Isa and the Nuwabians, and Brooklyn's Masjid Farooq through...
Book cover of Color Atlas and Synopsis of Electrophysiology
by Emile Daoud, Steven Kalbfleisch
Language: English
Release Date: May 8, 2015

A text and atlas that will appeal to all cardiologists regardless of specialty Over the past decade, with the advent of modalities such as MR, CT, and nuclear medicine, cardiology has become one of the most visual of all specialties, and this is the first text to address that reality. Color...
Book cover of No Road to Paradise
by Hassan Daoud
Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 2017

In a small Lebanese village a disillusioned imam, diagnosed with terminal cancer, must face his demons. Having consented to an arranged marriage, he has found himself in a loveless union and lusts after another. To please his family, he took up the robe and turban of his forefathers but the expected...
Book cover of Hannibal
by Zakya DAOUD
Language: French
Release Date: October 4, 2012

Un géant de l'Antiquité, ayant manqué de peu de dominer la Rome naissante. Né en 247 av. J.-C à Carthage, près de l'actuelle Tunis, Hannibal, élevé dans la haine de Rome par son père Hamilcar Barca, consacra sa vie à la combattre. C'est qui déclenche la deuxième guerre punique qui...
Book cover of El traductor
by Daoud Hari
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 28, 2010

Testimonio de un hombre del desierto en Darfur Una aventura conmovedora que ha cautivado al mundo, narrada en primera persona por un hombre que, con un coraje inusitado, ha sobrevivido al brutal genocidio de Darfur. Daoud Hari creció en un pequeño pueblo de Sudán. Cuando su aldea fue atacada...
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