Daphne: 403 books

Book cover of Local Economic Development in the 21st Century: Quality of Life and Sustainability
by Daphne T Greenwood, Richard P F Holt
Language: English
Release Date: December 18, 2014

Provides a comprehensive look at local economic development and public policy, placing special emphasis on quality of life and sustainability. It draws extensively on case studies, and includes both mainstream and alternative perspectives in dealing with economic growth and development issues. The...
Book cover of Freedom of Speech in Russia

Freedom of Speech in Russia

Politics and Media from Gorbachev to Putin

by Daphne Skillen
Language: English
Release Date: November 25, 2016

This book traces the life of free speech in Russia from the final years of the Soviet Union to the present. It shows how long-cherished hopes for an open society in which people would speak freely and tell truth to power fared under Gorbachev’s glasnost; how free speech was a real, if fractured,...
Book cover of How to Start a Administration Supervision and Operation of Reserve/auxiliary Forces of The Defence E

How to Start a Administration Supervision and Operation of Reserve/auxiliary Forces of The Defence E

How to Start a Administration Supervision and Operation of Reserve/auxiliary Forces of The Defence E

by Daphne Ledford
Language: English
Release Date: November 11, 2015

This publication will teach you the basics of how to start a Administration Supervision and Operation of Reserve/auxiliary Forces of The Defence Establishment Business. With step by step guides and instructions, you will not only have a better understanding, but gain valuable knowledge of how to start...
Book cover of Life Overcomer
by Daphne Leigh
Language: English
Release Date: November 23, 2013

How do you go about facing challenges in your life? I have been there. I was born with challenges, and I have found a way, through faith in God and the support of my family and friends, to succeed. I am hoping my story will be an encouragement to those facing difficulties who need to find answers. Through faith, friends, and family, all things are possible.
Book cover of La baia del francese
by Daphne Du Maurier
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 20, 2018

Nell’Inghilterra del XVII secolo Lady Dona St. Columb è una giovane e irrequieta donna che cova dentro di sé il desiderio di ribellarsi all’alta società a cui appartiene, al marito che non la comprende e a un ruolo, quello di moglie e madre, che sente inadeguato. Assecondando il proprio desiderio...
Book cover of La casa sull'estuario
by Daphne Du Maurier
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 19, 2017

Dick Young è un giovane inglese con un modesto e banale impiego in una casa editrice londinese e un'ambiziosa moglie americana che lo vorrebbe a New York, a lavorare nella fiorente impresa editoriale di suo fratello. Un giorno Dick viene invitato a cena dall'amico storico dei tempi di Cambridge,...
Book cover of Seriously Now, Enough Already
by Daphne Leigh
Language: English
Release Date: January 3, 2017

If there is anything I want the public to take away from my writings, it is the understanding that we serve a mighty, faithful God. Seriously Now, Enough Already documents the challenges that followed me through the last fifteen years of my life and how God was there with me through it all. It is...
Book cover of e-Negotiations


Networking and Cross-Cultural Business Transactions

by Nicholas Harkiolakis, Daphne Halkias
Language: English
Release Date: April 29, 2016

Practical negotiating skills, including those needed for cross-cultural negotiations have long been taught in classrooms, along with some of the theory that underpins them. Most of this has been based on the notion that negotiation will be interpersonal and face-to-face. In recent years, though, globalization,...
Book cover of Le tourbillon du passé
by Daphne Clair
Language: French
Release Date: March 1, 2010

Dès qu’elle descend du bus qui l’a conduite à Auckland, Rachel aperçoit Bryn Donovan dans la foule venue attendre les voyageurs. Bouleversée, elle se demande aussitôt si elle n’a pas fait une grave erreur en revenant à Donovan Falls, la propriété où son père travaillait autrefois comme...
Book cover of Une accusation si troublante
by Daphne Clair
Language: French
Release Date: August 1, 2010

Pour Amber Odell, il n’y a aucun doute : elle n’a jamais eu d’aventure avec le bel inconnu qui vient de frapper à sa porte et qui la toise d’un air furieux. Comment aurait-elle pu oublier un homme comme lui ? Pourtant, il affirme la reconnaître et va jusqu’à lui décrire en détail la...
Book cover of The Tales Arc

The Tales Arc

Volume 1

by Florianne Daphne Laurentine
Language: English
Release Date: March 14, 2014

The Tales Arc is a series about a brave hero, his hopeless underlings, more than one monster class, a silly yet diabolical overlord bent solely on world domination, and items. Clueless monsters, sticky situations, running around in circles in order to get some random battles to start, and boring endless...
Book cover of Zwischen Herz und Verstnd
Language: German
Release Date: November 1, 2009

Dieses Kribbeln im Bauch, das man nie vergisst ... Amber erlebt es, als es eines Tages klingelt und unerwartet ein sehr attraktiver Mann vor ihrer Tür steht. Dunkle Haare, dunkle Augen - unwiderstehlich. Allerdings verwechselt er sie mit ihrer Schwester, die er schon lange verzweifelt sucht. Und...
Book cover of Lass mich dein Herz erobern
by Daphne Clair
Language: German
Release Date: June 1, 2011

Der Unternehmer Gabriel Hudson ist entschlossen, die kühle Rhiannon Lewis zu erobern. Doch obwohl er alle Register zieht und der schönen Künstlerin sogar einen Auftrag anbietet, um sie zu beeindrucken, kommt er nicht weiter. Mal ein Essen, mal ein Spaziergang - aber hinter ihre Fassade schauen...
Book cover of Wie eine Rose im Morgentau
Language: German
Release Date: September 6, 2009

Süß duften die wilden Rosen Neuseelands, als Rachel auf dem legendären Wohltätigkeitsball der Donovans mit Bryn tanzt. Seit sie die Geschichte seiner Dynastie aufschreibt, wohnt sie wieder auf dem weitläufigen Anwesen. Genau wie früher, als sie, die Tochter des Hausangestellten, unsterblich...
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